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Image to Map

This helper node will convert any image into Vertex Color or Vertex map. Node comes with convenient set of controls as shown

By default, node has the UV test grid image from content browser loaded

To install:
- Open Content browser
- From Create menu select 'Import Assets'
-  Locate the zip file and import
New category called 'CORE4D' will be made in browser with Image to Map node
Requirements: Cinema version 2024+ is required

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About Image to Map

This helper node will convert any image into Vertex Color or Vertex map. Node comes with convenient set of controls as shown





By default, node has the UV test grid image from content browser loaded





To install:


- Open Content browser
- From Create menu select 'Import Assets'
-  Locate the zip file and import


New category called 'CORE4D' will be made in browser with Image to Map node


Requirements: Cinema version 2024+ is required


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