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Everything posted by deck

  1. Awesome work Evan, and across so many genres too. How long does it take you to do one of those stadium shots, seems like a lifetime e of details in there. Deck
  2. I think I would love fields and quite a few other things in later versions. Having said that, not being able to upgrade has led me to investigating my R18 even more. The whole Cmotion and character toolset was like a chapter I had never discovered. Thanks for the file. Deck
  3. Hi Hrvoje Im looking into changing clone colours on collision ( which you have helped me with before in another post, but using fixed colours in effectors ) I was going to investigate your file 91_collision colour change but it doesn't appear to be working for me in R18, also there are no textures involved, i put one on the landscape object but that didn't work. Is this a file that doesn't work in R18 ? My goal is to change the clone colour to whatever might be on the surface under it. Deck Whilst Im here could you also tell me what the "CA" means in many of your file names. Finally, I recently watched your "Animation - mastering movement" tutorials on the cafe youtube channel, they were really fantastic, I had no idea of the flexibility of Cmotion and you explained it brilliantly. Then going on and using it to control mograph effectors was like opening up a whole new world of possibilities. The title doesn't do it justice, it should at least be "Animation - mastering movement and a Cmotion masterclass". I guess Cmotion is bread and butter for many C4D artists but it was a bit of a revelation for me. I highly recommend anyone watching it. So a big thanks for that as well as your free files here in the pit.
  4. I understand your view, i guess peace of mind is priceless. You have certainly undersold it, not something that happens too often in this modern world of ours. I would never have known about it if not for being a member here at the cafe. Thanks again Deck
  5. C4DS.....Thanks for the great offer I have just ordered your Dials plugin, Ive seen many of your posts about it but strangely have never worked out how to get it or found your website, or even new how much it was. Your website currently says 20 euros which I assumed was half price but when I got my invoice it was for just 10 euros, even at full price that would seem like great value to me. There must be a few people like me that didn't quite find out all the details and prices so maybe its worth putting the prices here in a post. Hoping after I get things set up I can cut down on all the layout switching I do. Many thanks Deck
  6. Very nice, I have topo envy, still hacking away at my holes :) Deck
  7. deck


    Ive seen a carpet roll up tutorial using the bend deformer, something similar here on the cafe too I think.........Cant imagine if that would work for a winch. maybe fake the winding part with a helix, and a sweep on a spline with dynamics for the pull out bit Deck
  8. Hi Mathew Thats a very generous offer, i just gave it a try with the rigging tutorial but it said the congrats code wasn't valid, any ideas. Deck
  9. Im not bothered about the name as I said previously but I do think some members such as Kiwi ( cafe founder I believe, could be wrong ) and many other members that give their time and knowledge so generously do deserve some recognition somehow, but you are all so modest that none of you want any recognition. Maybe if left to the members to bestow any accolades it may be easier for those recognised to accept such a title / award. So maybe we could have a yearly cafe award like a cafe bafta or something. No idea of how or what categories / titles may be, but might be a nice way for us mere mortals to be able to give the wizards a pat on the back. Just thinking out loud Deck
  10. frequenter sounds a bit weird, thats just a harder way to say "regular". if it was a real world cafe or bar the people that came in alot would be described by staff etc as "regulars". I never really thought bout it myself till this post and am not overly bothered but frequenter strikes me as odd. Sorry if that bothers anyone. Deck
  11. Adobe have C4D in AE as we know, and also illustrator. It seems a bit crazy that they don't have it in photoshop too, would be much better than the clumsy 3D thing that is there at the moment. I can't begin to get my head around that. Bit off topic but wanted to throw it in. Deck
  12. Very generous Hrvoje, i can't wait to dig in. Many thanks Deck
  13. If your on linked in, you can get 30 days trial of their premium service which comes with access to Lynda, similar to above. Deck Probably worth mentioning adobe TV here too, as well as all the complete documentation they have for everything.
  14. Thanks Rick, thats really helpful. yes i paid up for my cinevercity after dropping my MSA as its a great resource and repository to cover almost any project that might come up. My memory is not quite up to all aspects of cinema so its comforting having the tutorials on call :) Cheers Deck
  15. Hi Rick Thanks for sorting that out, i had to read it a couple of times but i think i have it now, and you have cleared up the £2390 question. So if that is the case, do you know what the rough cost of going from R18 studio to R19 studio, and possibly what is cost of jumping two versions, i.e. if I was to wait until R20. Im just trying to gauge the value of the £490 offer compared to normal costs. Thanks for taking the time Rick, i don't know if you work for MAXON was its kind of a question for them tho i did scour the website for a clearer message. But i have watched many of your great tutorials on cinevercity, so thanks for those also. Deck
  16. Hi Cafe Im a bit confused over the advertised prices for the cinema upgrades advertised on the site this morning. I dropped my MSA last year due to finance rather than any issues with the software, so the £490 + vat upgrade price offers an opportunity to solve that, what has got my interest is the price crossed out, does it really normally cost £2390 to upgrade from 1 version previous ? So what is the full price for Studio R19, is it the £2800 marked up in this "perpetual licence " grab ? And also, how do you upgrade from R19 to R19 for £927 ? Can anyone clarify or just tell me where / how Im reading it wrong. Deck
  17. I like it, so they don't nessecarily have to be of a uniform size, i guess that depends what you are gonna do with em afterwards. Weather or not displacing etc. I do a lot of displacing :) Deck
  18. Thanks guys for the tips re quad cap fill, I've used the smooth method but always feels a bit organic at time when your after precision. Deck
  19. Brilliant, tho a bit fast for me too, and what is a "quad cap fill", used to close the bottom of the whiskey glass. I think its a circular patch made of quads, do you you just get a square plane and smooth it off with a brush for that or is there a trick to get a nice circle from a square ? Much appreciated, just visualising topology is tricky for me, let alone building it. Deck Are the gifs downloadable ?.........Sweet, when I download and open on my mac, they open in preview with a page for each frame, Fantastic. Thanks Cerbera
  20. Loving the mountains, i was having a play myself after watching the same tutorial, my image was pretty poor tho it pleased me a lot. Mine needed many things but I thought mostly it was a bit clean and needed a few rocks n boulders cloned about the place. Only just noticed your skiers, brilliant. Deck
  21. Thanks for sharing Cerbera, thought I would have a bit of fun and have downloaded the pyrocluster tut and data vis which is way out of my area of expertise, but a huge discount gives opportunity to look at something new. Think it was bout £20 for the two, bargain on the face of it. Also I wasn't aware of the site previously so its all good. Deck
  22. saw something the other day 9 may have been chris smith at nab, he did a rock thing where he placed two rocks in a cloner with massively different seed values on each and the n set the cloner to blend mode, thus blending the seed no as it where. Dunno if that will work for you Deck
  23. Ah, correction deformer, that was it, thanks Cerbera, thought I had been imagining it for a moment there. Thats works much better, and also seems happy to use multiple selections of the same type. Still goes out of whack when changing the sub div tho, but thats what I was after. Thanks Deck
  24. I watched an old tutorial about making selections on primitives for materials and later wondered if it would work with the bevel deformer. Seems to work quite well but i wonder about its usefulness as it all goes pear shaped as soon as you change the subdivision, tho you can change the size, but would have to redo selections whenever you change the sub div. This may be a common thing but Ive not seen it before so thought I would post a file here. The basic jist is to make a copy of your primitive, make editable, make and save a selection and then put in the selection field of your bevel deformer and lo n behold it works on your primitive, I can use the 3 different types of poly line and point but it doesn't seem to like more than one of each. I thought there was another to make selects on a primitive with one of the deformers ? Deck Selections on primitives 01.c4d
  25. this post asked a similar question, think Ive seen a few tutorials around the web too. Deck
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