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Everything posted by deck

  1. Could you use the surface deformer for that. Deck Grab here from the manual
  2. deck

    CBR Model Wires

    Hermond Im assuming you may know Cerbera re your comments, otherwise I would point you here. https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/gallery/album/2933-current-stuff/
  3. deck

    CBR Model Wires

    You must be pretty fast too as you seem to get so much done, awesome stuff. Deck
  4. This turns out to be an insurmountable problem, the Houdini site only has versions going back to 16, they said contact MAXON and after connecting with support they tell me its no longer possible, so its case closed on this one. Deck
  5. Hi Cafe I watched Digital meats tutorial on using Houdini assets and figured I would give it a try for a it more expansion to my R18 and some new toys to play with. So in the vid and elsewhere it states that its important to run the installer from within Cinema, my problem there is that it downloads something that is apparently outdated and not correct as its only 162 KB anyway and no surprise cinema says the DMG isn't correct. I thought I may need to do all the licence stuff first so I did that and in the process have installed the app and whatnot ( indie version ) on my HD and that all seems to work fine but I still don't have it in cinema and I cant point the installer at the correct dmg. My first encounter with Houdini and Im not sure Im ready to dive into the app but would like to experiment with the assets in Cinema. Any ideas / tricks to sort this one out. Latest Houdini download seems to be 18.0.566 and my cinema is asking for 15.5 Cheers Deck
  6. deck

    A modern kitchen

    The view from the windows doesn't quite fit for me in either perspective and / or focus. Also seems really bright and maybe somewhat backlit which tends to compete with what we can see coming in the skylight and from that side of the room. The extra brightness also seems to lighten the window surrounds more than they might be. In jpg below with darker version the hedge seems quite close to the house, but the focus doesn't quite fit with that, and certainly seems like sun coming thru trees. Top and bottom of brick wall seem to need a bit more shadow to match ceiling and floor, moreso on floor. My 10p worth, from a retouchers point of view rather than an architectural visualiser. Deck
  7. Im not sure best way to go with your current scene, I used the coffee table to set scale on this one at 1 meter, so it shouldn't be far from life-size. Obviously its set for a still so Im assuming the tripod is locked off. I don't think I put a floor in it, just the cube which was on the table. If its a video Im guessing you would put it together in Aftereffex or similar. You can try copy and paste either way or merge, but I think ultimately it will be a guide for you to line it and then hand off your rendered set to whoever strips them together, not really my area of expertise, but I see it as the video footage on a layer in AE with your set underneath that layer. Deck If they are similar scales they should be reasonably close together.
  8. Heres a quick test setup for you. I think the cube should be on the table and Ive put in an extrude object that could be your BG area. Worth checking it all tho as the camera cal can be a bit temperamental, especially with not an ideal input image. Deck You could probably just eyeball something like this easy enough KeithViccamcal02.c4d.zip
  9. Camera calibration is normally the way to go, you might just get it with the coffee table and lines on the floor, more vertices would be ideal. Deck
  10. deck

    A modern kitchen

    Im with CBR on the floor, defo a bit of depth of field up front but is the scale too big, those planks look like they might be a meter long. The blue material on cupboards looks maybe a bit flat, unless its matt paint style a bit of reflection might lift the edges and corners. You are getting down to the details tho, better than I could do myself so I feel a bit odd giving criticism. Deck
  11. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    I seem to be almost twice my limit of 48mb I think it was, this is gonna take some time, currently deleting stuff from 2016 ! At least you can select all and delete a whole page at a time but still gonna take a while I think. Deck
  12. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Ah I will give that a go, bit of a chore as I remember, deleting them one at a time. Deck
  13. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Im just having a problem trying to upload a screen grab in reply to a post, the section where you normally drag stuff in doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment, the bit that says "other media" at bottom of reply. Deck
  14. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Previously there always seemed to be something kind of bogging it down, not just recently but for as long as I can remember. I would often click a link and go and look at another website whilst it loaded, but its as slick as any other site now. Deck
  15. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    I can believe the 2 and 54 numbers, its a whole new experience at the moment, I always figured it was my internet / browser combo that made it so slow. So really great work on all that. Alas I do have one small issue which has been both funny and annoying on different occasions, and that is, if I click on "my activity streams" and then go to the bottom "content I posted in" it actually disappears just before I get there, which as I said is quite funny but gets a bit tired on the 4th or 5th attempt. Is it just me, I aint no spring chicken any more but didn't think I was that slow. Deck
  16. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Cafe is all bright and blue at the moment. It all seems to be redrawing nicely and generally behaving as you would expect. Deck
  17. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Mine still the same in terms of redraw, much same as Dasfrodo said Deck
  18. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    I get a similar thing with different parts taking a while to load, also if I change the window size it takes for ever to sort itself out, and I always get the ads behind the boxes like grab below, think it was same on previous version for that. I won't mention the latest comments section, which isn't / wasnt the same as either the "all activity section" or any other page that I can see, apologies if I have missed it. Deck Im on Catalina 10.15.6 in safari.
  19. I seem to remember the size issue is all down to illustrate storing its measurements as "points" which again from memory are 72 to the inch, and then inches to cm, so when you import you set the scale to ( 1 / 72 x 2.54 ) you can type that in but easier to just put in the result 0.035 and your splines should come in at same size. Just gave it a try and seems fine. Deck
  20. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Latest Comments, my latest rant ! What can I say, I still believe the cafe has suffered with the lack of latest comments section. This had already suffered when that section was cut down to just about 6 or 8 recent comments and now there is none. Im not just wishing for old times or against change but for me the comments went hand in hand with the questions and outlined the ongoing story of that particular issue, often with comments popping up days weeks or months later. You can also see who's contributing, or at least you could with the original system. If it is a matter of space, then for my money you could drop the plug in development panel which barely changes from day to day anyway, and how often does a person need to check on plug in development ? Maybe its just me being a non / semi pro user. Downloads and video panels don't change much either, I could live without both of those. Its nice to see peoples work tho so I would keep that. Currently the only way to keep up with things seems to be to view all activities which means trawling thru lots of other stuff. Cafe is all about the conversation and back and forth of the problems and subjects, but we are only really seeing one side of things at the mo. The Questions and latest comments together create something greater than the two parts and for me are the most important / interesting things here and yet one doesn't even have a home at all unless Ive missed it. Latest comments on another page would be better than nothing, posting times on those were useful too, as opposed to time of original post as it seemed to be recently. I think Ive got that off my chest for now. Deck As always I am appreciative of all the hard work you admin guys do, just having issues with this issue 🙂
  21. deck

    C4D Cafe || NEWS & UPDATES

    Are you dropping the "latest comments" section ? that kind of goes hand in hand with the questions for me. I would have that with even more comments than before. I do appreciate all the work tho, ya cant please all the people all the time. Deck
  22. Hi Bezo I did have a lot at that one, but I think it may be based on a deflector as when you look close they just seem to bounce along and eventually fall off the edge of the plain, so there is no actual constraint to surface it seems. Cheers Deck
  23. Hi Cafe I watched the tutorial below the other day, and it solved a problem I have long pondered, which is that of having objects on a surface and yet still reacting to dynamics and forces whilst being constrained to said surface. However at 11mins they were using xparticles follow surface widget. So is this follow surface option available in regular TP, I followed another tutorial which made it work on a sphere, but that was using a collider with particles held back from the centre and so didn't work on a more abstract object. So my goal is to make a TP Xpresso rig where I can just drop any object into the required fields and have things on the surface but also dynamically moving upon the surface. Hope Im making sense. Very much Xpresso beginner too. Cheers Deck XP at 11 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7YRlTPGknM&feature=youtu.be on sphere surface https://lesterbanks.com/2018/02/create-particle-flow-surface-cinema-4d/ file for sphere surface On surface 03.c4d
  24. deck

    Set New Selection

    Thanks for sharing, very generous, I feel your pain re the deselection process. look forward to using it. Deck
  25. Surprised nobody has mentioned the summer sale yet or have I missed the post. Deck https://www.MAXON.net/en/news/MAXON-news/article/coming-soon-our-30-off-blowout-summer-sale/
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