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Everything posted by deck

  1. Hi CBR Yes Ive read quite a few of the answers in the past, but had never realised the path and file name didn't appear in the appropriate fields and hence not even a hint of what particular image you might be looking for. Excuse my ignorance once again but when you say PBR I think your referring to what was the new reflectance channel in R18 at the time, so yes I have that. In truth Im sure I will be able to work it out but was hoping for a quick fix as its for one of my rare event cinema jobs where Im always a little out of both my depth and comfort zone. I hope they retain the appropriate mapping once I get them re linked. Deck
  2. Hi Cafe I dont buy too many models but Im using one from turbo squid as an OBJ. Ive downloaded the files and have the textures as we'll as an MTL file but the textures won't link. Normally I could it manually with texture manager but there is no path in the texture link field so I cant even do that. Ive tried putting all the files in same folder etc but nothing seems to work. Any tips for making these files talk to each other in R18. Ive googled and watched a few vids but they all seem to refer to relinking, I may be able to sort out this file manually but I have another coffee stall file with too many to do manually. Also tried an FBX download with similar problems. Cheers Deck
  3. You have a super dense mesh here, dont think that's gonna help in the rigging process , are those holes or something on the faces ? Im afraid its beyond my meagre rigging / pose morph skills. Deck
  4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoBjwvYhezMDBL6d-dLd_xw/videos This chap seems to have "collected" a few of them but not all from what I can see, I dont have a YouTube download option to snaffle them back again Deck
  5. Would have to agree with all of the above, Noseman, Clapham, Schmit. I took all my first steps with cinema here at the cafe with both Vertex pusher and also 3d kiwi, learned so much from those two alone. Also like beef doctor / digital meat. Whilst we are on the subject of great tutorials maybe I can ask Hrvoje if we might once again see his Character animation / C motion tutorials, I watched them once thinking I would go back and review but unfortunately I believe they had to be removed from YouTube. They were great and would be good to see again. Deck
  6. Not strictly 3D but you could do it as a VR object in the same way as you would photograph one. Im guessing there are free resources out there somewhere but to give you an idea what Im talking about if you've never heard of it you can checkout the garden gnome software here. Works quite well with renders as there is no retouching and you can add an alpha if required. I think there are proper 3D options out there ( not really my area of expertise ) so I wouldn't give up on that either. Deck https://ggnome.com/object2vr/
  7. I went to download my R18 installer having logged in successfully but that was an Error 404 page. Hopefully can find my installer somewhere. Deck
  8. deck


    its 11500 px by 6400 ish and I think saved on jpg no 12 Deck
  9. Cheers Dast Just found the email, I should take time to set it up properly. I never have found an ideal layout but figured I could get close with dials. Thanks again. Deck
  10. Hi Dast Im using Dials on my R18, should I upgrade my plugin or is the new version just for later versions of cinema. Cheers Deck
  11. still seems a bit wide open at the moment, but I think if I was doing it then I would build the building first and then use the effectors etc ( multiple effectors with animated moving falloff ) to remove all the parts at which point you could animate them back in with a bit more finesse than you used to remove them. You could use planes to set up the walls, using the width / height segments to layout any bricks / panel counts, then you can use those to clone onto in object mode, if you use a panel / brick the same size as the poly segments and hide the plane it gives you a quick way to move walls around couple of examples below, one moving in and one scaling up. Using a plain effector but with a random effector varying the clone weight. Deck Buildinblocks 01.c4d Buildinblocks 02.c4d
  12. Cheers Teknow, tho I think understanding the formulae effector is proper smarts, formulas just make my brain go blank, unfortunately thrown out of the maths class at 12 and into arithmetic ! Deck
  13. Yes, Cheers Noseman, seems to work mostly in R18 as well. apart from maybe when changing to offset mode and then it looses its curves, very small point tho and could be user error....... as a work around I can make editable and put in another copy of chamfergen at which point the offset works fine. The icon is brown in R18 Made a very nice looking race track shape out of my test spline. Deck
  14. Another option would be the trusty inheritance effector using a second set of clones "offstage" if you can call it that, tho you do have to keyframe the movement of the plain effector. Ive turned on the index numbers here so you can see what's going on. Also because it will move your clones position you need to run it through the re effector so you can turn off the X and Z position. Deck inheritence Y only.c4d
  15. deck

    Ads on core4d

    I dont know that the owners are actively recruiting new members, I dont imagine thats a problem with 47000 at the moment. More join every week so I dont think they are scared away by a few ads that have drifted out of position, if that is the case then its their loss as far as Im concerned. D
  16. deck

    Ads on core4d

    Like 3D-Pangel this is the only place on the web where I leave a mark apart from linked in, and Ive learnt so much here over many years as well as being directed to other learning from here. As well as the administrators doing a great job there are people here that will take time out to really help you with any issues you might have, more often than not going above and beyond what would be considered a normal helping hand. There are people here that actually work for MAXON answering your questions as well as people that are just totally at the top of their game, very often taking time out from what must be well paid work. Im also guilty of taking things for granted and should be a contributor even if for only 2 euros a month, I dont really make any money from cinema anymore but I pay plenty of things that are many pounds a month on subscription, adobe, dropbox, lottery, phone etc etc, I cant even buy a cup of coffee for 2 euros so after reading this thread Im subscribing from today, more than worth it for all those hair pulling times when you know the cafe / core will sort you out. if you cant afford the two euros It only takes one click to log in, is that too much to ask for access to experts that may just save your ass one day when yer desperate. Ya cant please all the people all of the time ! Deck Heres a grab below which I guess is what people are talking about, they seem to disappear when the page becomes less than 770 pixels wide, and dont become clear of the main area until about 1700px wide, but as mentioned many times it all disappears when logged in.
  17. deck

    Ads on core4d

    A lot depends on how wide your browser is set up so I would imagine it looks different on tablet / phone etc. I have a big screen so can make it wide enough that ads appear on sides, they also dissappear when thin enough so I guess we all have a slightly different experience. I haven't got a problem with any ads, only takes a second to click them off if they are in the way, and like hikarbur said some of em are quite useful. Ive seen stuff that I never would have discovered otherwise and checked out a render farm for first time and got free processing etc. MHO Deck
  18. Hi Jed After my 3rd or 4th time of looking at the file and referring to your explanation I think Ive got it, the vibrate drives the movement on top cylinder, which encloses blu ball as well as spring dragging the bottom one around, I kept getting distracted when looking at the file as its a bit mesmerising to watch. Very cool, with some out of the box / cylinder thinking. Ive never really used springs or the vibrate tag except maybe once or twice following tutorials. Thanks for sharing Deck
  19. Thats cool Jed, Im far too thick for this kind of thing but im gonna guess at maybe reverse gravity on the top ball and attractors in each ball, or is that just crazy talk 🙂 Deck PS, dont spill the beans too soon I wouldn't wanna take the wonder away from the other members,
  20. I was learning about the switch node the other day and in one of the tutorials I watched a chap was using the switch to swap out hi and lores geometry via an instance in his set up. Not sure if you can adapt that technique to your needs but its quite simple to use, Im an xpresso beginner and managed it ok. Deck
  21. Hi kevin The black and white is set in the Multi shader inside the Luminant material I put on the sphere, this could be any two colours and it would switch between them, I think with the color shader you get more blending. The light on and off is just the visibility option in the second shader effector, so its either there or not depending on the noise colour, once it passes 50% threshold. It is a more tricky prospect than it first appears. Deck
  22. I tell a lie, it seems you cant offset or affect the material properties animation with an effector. Heres a version for you with a mograph multi shader driving the black and white of the sphere, and the light is simply visible or not in its own cloner, driven by two different shader effectors, the one for the light is on Visbilty mode. You have to keep the noise pattern the same obviously to keep clones in same place. Change the speed with animation speed in the noise parameters. I have some visible light on this one just so you can see what's going on. It is a simple on and off set up, so no transitions between the states. I would imagine there are a few more ways to go too. Deck light n material twinkle_0001.c4d
  23. If you animate the twinkle on just a single bulb, you can then just clone that and use the modify clone parameter in a random or shader effector with some noise and it it should twinkle away fine. Not sure about an exact 75% but if your noise pattern was roughly 75% black then your pretty much there. Deck edit, what's the relationship between light and sphere, if light inside sphere then it would presumably need some transparency.
  24. Could you use the surface deformer for that. Deck Grab here from the manual
  25. deck

    CBR Model Wires

    Hermond Im assuming you may know Cerbera re your comments, otherwise I would point you here. https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/gallery/album/2933-current-stuff/
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