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Everything posted by deck

  1. I used to use the poly pen with snap to surface and clone onto that which gives you the ability to just paint clones wherever you like, tho I think theres a specific trick for that in newer C4d versions. Deck
  2. Thats a shame, they were really helpful recently when I was setting up the demo in R18 on a new PC. Wonder if that means they won't supply it or just won't support it. Ive not licensed it so far.
  3. your file doesn't translate exactly to my R18 but should be ok going forward I think. Seems to work ok, Ive just put a few keyframes on the strength slider of your plain effector. Deck Untitled 1-4.c4d
  4. Ah, my mistake. If you want everything to match exactly I think you have to match the subdivision of the loft to your spline more accurately. Once again the point count on your spline seems a bit of a hindrance 700 and 800 points. Ive simplified the two splines here to 39 points each and if you match the subdivs in the loft then you get a straight join. Then you can multiply the divisions by 2 or more, you have to reduce 1 subdivision each time you double it up, think its something to do with already having the end points. You could shuffle the points about to make it more even too, ie drop one from the steep part and add to the right a bit more Deck loftMe-simple sharp.c4d
  5. How about animating a delay effector into the scene with a high setting to stop everything, then jitter the animation in the timeline. Or maybe animate the speed of your noise shaders to zero. Not sure if you can do anything with the mograph cache ? Bit beyond my area of expertise to be honest. Deck
  6. Im back on R18 so would be a consistent bug. Deck
  7. Im not smart enough to know why that is but it does work with a regular cloner it seems, once you throw a cube in. Deck
  8. Hi Peter The loft is doing pretty much what it should in that its tracing the shape of your spline pretty much exactly. Normally I would suggest manually chamfering the corners of your spline, but your spline has around 800 points which are really close together and therefore you cant chamfer those. You may have an original spline with less points or you could choose to redraw this one as its only a few points and you could use the snapping tools to get it spot on. Assuming the complex spline is obligatory then I would say we need to reduce the points, I cant recall a command to reduce points in a spline tho I could be wrong, a kind of Un-subdivide for spline is what's required. So to get around that we can use a matrix object on your spline to get lesser points ( bit of tweaking to get them close on the corners ) then you can trace that with less points and use the tracer in your loft having set the tracer up as a Spline or similar. You could also do a current state to object on the tracer and edit that for greater accuracy. Deck Once set up you can add subdivisions in the loft to smooth it out as normal. So its the complexity of your spline that is the main issue here I think. Grabs below showing your spline the tracer and subsequent loft. Ive dropped the mos-lines but you could set that up again if required. loftMe-Simple spline.c4d
  9. I think you could also use a rail, just make a copy of the original spline and move it up, drop it in the rail option of the cloner. At least it works in ye olde R18. had to reverse the transform angle in the cloner. Deck cloner_spline_orientation-RAIL.c4d
  10. Your file doesn't translate to my R18 but if I rebuild the cloner and tags I get this version ( hopefully it translates forwards ) Ive bashed it with a cube but it settles enough to set an initial state too. Im not sure 100% friction is a good thing tho Im no expert, I would adjust the linear and angular damping to try and stop it moving but most of all I would up the steps per frame in the project settings, this setup works very well at 40-50 but is rubbish at 20. so if you up your steps your file will behave totally differently. moving mesh was also a bit crazy, this file is on auto with mo dynamics. Hope it helps, and works. have to rush off for some boring retouching unfortunately Deck pkrAllIn_0001.c4d
  11. Got the pulldown, pretty much same price in pounds. I was leaning towards the intel cpu after looking at too many cinebench tables and whatnot and a few other reviews. Also I thought that most stuff in cinema apart from rendering was single core so I wasn't really thinking about core count. It is a big price difference tho. Thanks again for the info, this has been a crash course on PC building / parts. Cheers Deck
  12. Hi Mash Thanks for the link, Im in the UK tho so would have to source them elsewhere. I was looking at the 4070 super but hadn't seen it in 16gig only the 12. Would that equate to a big speed increase, I will be doing mainly stills so no massive animations to deal with, tho I would like to render hires finals. Dont know much about the many and various CPUs, after reading a few reviews / tests I was thinking about an i7 14700kf, 20 core and doesn't seem much slower than the i9. Just got a link back from Maxon with the installer links, really quick response. happy days Thanks again, all very useful for a total PC noob. Deck
  13. Hi Guys Thanks again for the info, I will get onto Maxon and try and get the R18 going first then maybe go to 20 when I find one and get it transferred. I like the idea of pre 20 no hassle licence. Should have done this ages ago but never thought about going PC, not until looking at the price of a Mac studio and what you get for it. Just starting to look at PC parts, they all have so many flavours and versions, I guess its ok to mix up different manufacturers parts or is it better to stay with same for motherboard and processor for instance. Cheers Deck
  14. Hi Mash That all sounds really positive and what you say re bias towards the GPU makes sense. Im not much of a techy when it comes to PCs being a Mac guy since 96. I just dont see any value in the new Macs, especially for Cinema. It seems then the only hurdle might be getting R18 installers and updating those. When you say a cheap copy of 2026, what is cheap, I did wonder about a copy of R20 or similar. Once again, no idea about the used software market and also wasn't aware you could get a permanent licence, does that mean no upgrading. Inadequate it is indeed, I daren't turn my GI on and anything transparent would take an age but it did function enough for me to learn cinema and do some basic renders. My son has a decent gaming machine so get the occasional bit of network render too. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. Deck
  15. Hi Members Im looking to supercharge my R18 experience and capability, currently running on some lowly ancient macs, a 2015 laptop and 2009 mac pro. Needless to say its quite limiting and I would like to try and push things along to the next level in terms of render quality and speed. What I would like to do is try and run my R18 on a new PC with one of the popular renderers. The main contender is Octane as it appears on teh face of it to support C4D all the way back to 16. However Ive seen cotradictory information on the octane site, some grabs and links to that below. The other issue will be installing it on a new PC, Ive only ever been a mac user so I dont have the PC installers and then I guess the question would be if I could still update it to the latest version. I dont really want to push the button on a new PC until I can be sure its all possible, my son has a PC I could probably test it out on and try the octane trial. So in short my questions are….Do you think its possible to install a version of R18 on a PC and have it update itself and register the serial Number etc If the above is true, would it work with Octane. I cant really afford or justify the £55 pcm for the latest cinema plus a renderer but I could afford just the renderer for £20 ish pcm. My R18 doesnt seem to be on the current licence server, I havent contacted Maxon yet about getting my hands on installers, Im guessing R18 is way too old for them to care and that the update server proably isnt there either Hoping to build a PC for just 2k ish, modest by todays standards but should be lightyears ahead for me. Any insights greatfully received, is there anyone left running R18 and Octane 🙂 Cheers Deck The links below seem to contradict each other, both from the Octane site OctaneRender for CINEMA 4D Installation Guide (Windows) OctaneStudio+ 2024 Launches with Greyscalegorilla Plus, KitBash3D, MoI 3D and more!
  16. Hi Jacobite This would be my goto option for your memorial, they use hotspots to bring up other images but not sure if it will work for your names, presumably they will be quite small and close together so that could be an issue, only other thing to consider is whether to spin the object of move the camera around it. It may be that you can bring up a bigger image of the names and hotspot that. I only have a really old version of this so I cant say exactly what you can do with the current version. https://ggnome.com/object2vr/ Cheers Deck
  17. I went thru the process with the basket and checkout etc, which completed fine, but I didn't see a download link or receive an email with a link. Same was true of the last training. Deck
  18. As I understand it C4D defaults to SRGB when it renders and pshop tends to default to Adobe RGB 1998, so there may be a discrepancy there just between the RGB profiles. It depends how you have your profile handling set up in pshop, ie if your pshop default is SRGB you should be fine, but the other options are to ignore the profile or to convert it to the working space, so both of these would probably change the color. As for CMYK, thats a different ballgame and you just have to get used to the fact that some colour ranges just won't convert well to CMY and you have to make a compromise due to the limited nature of ink on paper Vs RGB on supersaturated screens. Having said that some printing processes use more than 4 colours nowadays in which case I would give my printer the RGB and let them make the conversion. Deck Rendering in 16bit may help with the CMY conversion, but really depends on subject.
  19. I think its tricky if you want to have the same set of colours in each box, if you want to randomise the 9 colours across all boxes then you could approach it with a slightly different set up, I dont have redshift and only R18 so there may be a node solution out there but in mograph I would do it like this, first separate the box out into its own duplicate cloner. Then instead of cloning the spheres into a box clone an object, I like to use a single poly plane. so instead of 81 spheres you have 81 polys created in the two cloners, now drop that cloner of planes into a connect object to make it one piece as far as mograph is concerned. Now you can clone your spheres onto the connect object and also effect all of them with a single random effector, Im using multi shader here to get the same 9 colors. Deck random col test.c4d
  20. Bit of an obvious point but have you got enough polys in your model to support that, had similar problems myself with diagonals and needed more polys even tho it was pretty dense. In R18 you have the mip, sat and alias sampling settings too, tho Im not sure they would differ between themselves that much. Deck
  21. Hi MDouglas I will say at the start that baking and animation are two things I rarely do, but I do tinker with mograph, albeit in my vintage R18. Not sure what you mean by posterise and I dont see any splines or emitters in your file and I dont have fields so that part won't work. So my only two suggestions are to try exporting to alembic, Ive had some success with that and read that it works well for animation but also to cache all your dynamics and also cache any mograph stuff with the mograph cache tag. My few thoughts. Deck
  22. Tried to browse on my phone at work ( as ya do ) but screen more than 70% covered with ads, quite funny if it wasn't also so annoying. Deck
  23. I got ads left right and bottom, and cookie messages. Deck And two on top !
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