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Everything posted by dast

  1. First thing is to see if Cinema4D found the plugin to launch. Does the console window (shift-F10) shows anything related to the Dials plugin. If successfully started, the plugin will show a welcome message in the console window: "Dials v1.44 - ready". When no message is listed: did you add the path to the plugin folder into your preferences?
  2. check the post above yours, and see also https://www.core4d.com/ipb/forums/topic/103649-scroll2object/?do=findComment&comment=737775
  3. Glad to hear you got it running. Thanks for reporting back.
  4. Working fine here. If you see "unsupported version" then you're unlucky to have a not supported Cinema4D version. Up to now this apparently only has been reported by people using cracked Cinema4D.
  5. Welcome! Enjoy the forum. Looking forward to your projects.
  6. Just tell them it's an online paintball game.
  7. R20 here as well. Stable and no need to login after having left C4D untouched for a week or two.
  8. I followed quite some tutorials over the years, but cannot really recall who was behind them. There's only one name I remember off the top of my head, and he's mainly responsible for getting me hooked into Cinema4D: 3DKiwi.
  9. The new "Store Selection" uses the same command ID as the old "Set Selection". My guess is that MAXON has simply renamed and reimplemented the old command with the new behaviour. I have provided here a script which mimics the old behaviour. Have not tested on S24 or above. Enjoy! Set Selection (legacy).zip
  10. The problem is related to the "def state():" part in the script. MAXON confirmed there is a bug in their Python script handling, this will be fixed in an upcoming update of Cinema4D. Most certainly R25 and above only, I am afraid. One workaround is to remove the whole "def state():" function from the script ... or not dock the script icon into your layout.
  11. Glad it worked out for you. However, the plugin contains documentation that describes how and where to install the plugin, depending the version of Cinema4D you are using. What was the reason that made you decide to install in both folders? Knowing why might help in provide better and more accurate documentation in the future.
  12. You could open the script log and check what command is performed when using the "Store Selection" with and without holding shift key. You can then create a script that checks for the shift key being pressed, and call one or the other by copying the line of code that the script log shows you. I don't have S24 or above, so cannot test this out for you. Following script tests the shift key: import c4d def main(): # check for shift-key being pressed result = c4d.BaseContainer() if c4d.gui.GetInputState(c4d.BFM_INPUT_KEYBOARD, c4d.KEY_SHIFT, result): if result.GetBool(c4d.BFM_INPUT_VALUE): print("shift was pressed") else: print("shift was not pressed") if __name__=='__main__': main()
  13. @BridgeThoseEdges Thank you for your kind donation. Much appreciated !!!
  14. (as mentioned in the details-tab) When a selection tag is active the native "Set Selection" command will store the selection in that active selection tag. The "Set New Selection" presented here will ALWAYS create a new selection tag before storing the selection. This prevents from accidentally overwriting your selected tag.
  15. you can find the latest version in the download section: https://www.core4d.com/ipb/files/file/44-points-to-circle/
  16. Keep us posted. I have been tackling similar things in the past, when AE was still a perpetual license. Most of this knowledge is now just distant memories. But your project is reviving the itch of doing a personal animated short story.
  17. Nice result. Looking forward how you will resolve the CG shadow issue. I found some discussion on reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/vfx/comments/6hz1ik/any_tips_on_blending_real_shadows_with_rendered/) with a few suggestions: "Try using a min operation. Take the shadow alpha and invert it so the shadow is black and the rest of the frame is white. Now sample the live action plate shadow value. Set the black value of the cg shadow to this plate value. Now combine the two with a min operation. This will take the minimum value between the two. "use the "darken" blending mode." "I use the luminance key on a copy of the original footage, push the key to remove the majority of the darker areas of the image, all the way till it removes the shadows. Use the remaining lighter areas of the image to drive where the shadows will be visible. You could always manually mask out the shadows but that will take much longer, but you will have much more control."
  18. Is it ? Last time I looked it seemed to be you keep your current version, and just don't get newer updates if you stop the yearly fee. If you keep being able to use the latest paid version, that doesn't sound as a subscription in my ears. There have been times past weeks I have been tempted to get into Houdini, but life is getting in the way. I will be looking out for Igor's tutorial set, it might just push me over the edge.
  19. Last time I checked Redshift licenses weren't transferable.
  20. New version 1.44 available in the download section. Latest version is compatible with R16 up to R25. Added some additional options, see comments in download section.
  21. Next to adding support for R25, and fixing bugs, I have also added some extra options to show a tool-tip when hovering over an item. I have also added some background behind the items in the main dial to provide for some contrast. All configurable with additional options. However, I have mainly focused on developing for R20 as this is the version I am mainly using. I know the color scheme in R21, and especially R25, are darker than R20. The default values I thus have provided might not match those newer versions. Feel free to set up your own background color and opacity, as well as the tool-tip background color, and text color, font size, ... etc.
  22. I also found the way to disable the badge notifications. I had edited my original post, but you probably replied before I had submitted my changes.
  23. I don't really care about the ranking, but could we please get rid of the badges? I am now constantly getting notifications for every post or reply I make that I have earned a new badge. Simply liking someone's post got me yet another badge. Have now already 8 badges. It's crazy. Please make it stop ... EDIT: Just found the way to shut up those notifications, in the Notification Settings.
  24. I guess this is a consequence of upgrading the forum software. I got all kinds of reward badges as well. As for the age there might be something possible, but I am afraid we can only do "81".
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