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Everything posted by dast

  1. Thanks for the feedback so far. @bezo One thing to understand is that most of the UV editing functionality is not available to plugins. I always wondered why so few UV related plugins existed for Cinema 4D. Once I started writing my own I soon understood the reason. As a result, all required features have to be designed and written from scratch. No way to simply re-use built-in features. At least not with the current R19 SDK. Who knows what R20 will bring us. @avideditor I usually want to introduce more than just a few changes per update. As such, the release of 2.5 update will need to wait after the necessary additions are all implemented. Then a beta cycle follows, which might last a while depending the issues encountered. The fewer extra features are added the sooner the update is released ... It all comes down to balance between the number of features to add and the time the customer wants to wait between updates. @Cerbera The distortion display mode was something I wanted to try. I still am wondering about the right distortion indication to use. The standard seems to be to visualize red polygons where the UV's are stretched, and blue where they are compressed. Logically I would expect the opposite (red for compression -> hotter, blue for expanded/stretched -> colder). I suppose it depends how you want to indicate the distortion: from point of view of UV -> Texture -> Mesh, or from point of view of Mesh -> Texture -> UV. Seems the standard is Mesh -> Texture -> UV: when a large mesh surface gets a small texture area, the mesh gets compressed into a small UV space (= red). Logically I would expect you're interested in the UV space being stretched out onto the mesh (=blue) Maybe I'll need to provide alternative distortion viewing options: logical distortion versus "think different" distortion, where the blue and red colors get swapped. With the introduction of the Texture Display Mode, I now can finally provide the "snap to pixel" feature I wanted to implement for a while. Haven't recorded a video showing that feature, but it's already implemented. Another item ticked off from the to do list. Next is figuring out if I can also provide the quantization in pixel units without cluttering the user interface too much. Using cursor keys to precisely move items (points/edges/polygons/islands) has also been implemented in this update.
  2. Working on the next update ...
  3. Here's a scene file I created more than 10 years ago (time flies) which I used to insert greenscreen keyed video footage into 3D environments. With the use of the userdata I could then move the keyed live action character into my 3D scene. I extensively used this setup for a short story I created. Camera_Resize_RefPlane.c4d
  4. Happy New Year, and congrats with the 50000 members.
  5. For a start your XGroup is set to disabled, hence the reason you don't get any motion. Uncheck the disable flag (right mouse click on the XGroup in the Xpresso editor). From then on your XPresso will at least be evaluated, which wasn't the case now. Secondly, your second input of the math:multiply is now set to 0. I still don't quite get why you would want to multiply. Instead, I would expect a Modulo function using the time it takes for your disc to perform a full revolution.
  6. Then I suppose there's something else going wrong. Please upload the scene file so we can investigate what the issue is.
  7. What is the result you get now? Do you have motion in the body or not? The unit of movement depends on your project settings. When your scene settings (scale) is set to 1 centimeter the values 15 and 50 will be seen as cm. Notice in your xpresso that you use 0 and 1 as range mapper input. This means that any input value between 0 and 1 will be interpolated from 15 to 50. I assume the problem is with your range mapper input. The time node outputs a value depending your project settings. When this is set to 30 FPS, then each frame is 1 / 30. Which means that after 30 frames you reach the max limit of the range mapper input (1).
  8. The official release of version 1.2 had been delayed but has now been finalized. New in version 1.2: - resizable thumbnails - filtering of assets - use edge selections or polygon selection to insert assets - insert asset multiple times at once - improved material handling on assets - merge point/edge/polygon selection tags by name - insert asset into scene at world's origin without host object or edge/polygon selection - removal of coinciding polygons - new "on surface" positioning option - added support for tags of type point/edge selection, XPresso, vertex map
  9. This is just a pointer in the right direction, not a complete solution. You can assign a Python tag to your instance and implement the checking there as follows: import c4d def main(): # 'op' is an internal defined variable # which represents the current "object", # in our case the Python tag if (op): # get the object hosting the Python tag hostObj = op.GetObject() # check if hostObj has a parent # and if it is a null parent = hostObj.GetUp() if parent and parent.IsInstanceOf(c4d.Onull): # do whatever is needed print "parent is null"
  10. Version 2.4 has been released to current customers. Here's a video demonstrating the new features added in this update:
  11. dast

    Cube on a dynamic rope

    Here is quick example: dynamicRope with cube.c4d I am using two nulls which I assign via your Xpresso node the position of the end point and the penultimate point, or as in your example the first and the second points. The end point I assign an Aim constraint tag (a look-at tag would work as well), an make it aim at the other null The end null is thus always pointing towards the previous one. I then made the cube child of that end point, and that's it. Note that you can "implement" the Aim constraint in the Xpresso node if you want to. "Simply" use some trigonometry functions, etc. ... but I'll leave that up to the reader.
  12. dast

    Cube on a dynamic rope

    A point does not have a rotation nor orientation. One solution is to introduce an additional point into the equation. Assume a spline, where you want the cube to follow the last point. The first point on a spline is at 0% while the last point on the spline is at 100%. Say you introduce an extra point at 99%. The vector from this point to the last point will give an orientation ... but only for 1 axis (let's say the Z-axis). You then still need to find a way to indicate what is its Y and X axis.
  13. Note that the Vegas Pro provided is version 14, and the "Edit" version. Vegas Pro 15 Edit is available at $149 on their website. The humblebundle thing might still be a legitimate version. Just wanted to mention it's not the latest and top trier version.
  14. As Cerbera I would also have though to simply copy the UVW tag from your original mesh to your rigged mesh. If point count and polygon count AND the polygon indeces are the same between the 2 meshes, the copying of the UVW tag should work. I downloaded your two meshes and had a look, and can tell that the polygon indeces are completely different between the two meshes. As such, I have no idea how you would want to map the UVs of one mesh to the other. How did you end up having these differences between the two meshes. Did you do some polygon reduction or other changes for the two meshes to "drift" apart in polygon and point indeces? I see Cerbera replied will writing my reply.
  15. A manual explaining the features is included with the plugin. As all available time is spent on implementing additional features for the plugin I still haven't been able to make any instructional videos. The videos provided in this thread are for demonstration purposes only, showing the features I am currently working on, or plan to release in a next update. As for the licensing, Cinema 4D can be installed on 2 computer if you have an MSA license only. In other cases installation is only allowed on a single machine. The purchase of Seamilar is for a single license, allowing you to install and run the plugin on a single computer only. If you would want to run it both on a PC and on a Mac you should indeed purchase the appropriate number of licenses (as is mentioned in the end-user-license-agreement). I know that many customers do use the single license on both operating systems, and while I personally have nothing against this, the license you purchase is registered to a single operating system, and thus support is only granted for said operating system. Hence the reason why you need to specify the operating system you're purchasing the plugin for.
  16. While I understand the reason for a demo version, I am sorry as this will not be possible in short term. Honestly, I would rather spend time on adding features to the plugin then taking away development time to work on a demo version.
  17. I have tried the plugin with R16.050 Studio and all seems to work fine, an as expected. What I did was: - create a cube select a face and apple "Set Selection". Did this for 3 separate faces resulting in 3 selection tags - created 3 materials, assigned them all to the cube, and dragged each selection tag into a separate material link. Performed the "SelectionToObject" and got a null object named Cube, with 3 child objects, each representing one of the selected faces with the appropriate material applied.
  18. I was right in the middle writing a response, but Igor beat me to it. So, yes, plugin will be soon available again from the store.
  19. dast

    python does not work

    I tried with a freshly installed R15.064 Created a default python script via the script manager, which does shows the message on execution. It's not a known bug, and I don't think there is a switch to be activated. Open the Script Log and Console. Does anything show up in these two when you create the script and exectute it? Maybe try to remove all plugins and restart Cinema 4D to make sure it isn't related to any of the installed plugins. That's all I can think of, right now.
  20. While I don't have a specific date when this or that feature will be available, but I am currently implementing most of your requests. https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/95805-seamilar-the-sequel Version 2.4 is mostly completed by now (still want to add a minor feature here and there). And when Igor finds the time, it will be added to the C4DCafe store again. I am not sure about the UV vertex position, but I assumed in R19 you could assign it a specific coordinate. Haven't used that feature yet, though. But if this isn't available yet in R19, then sooner or later I'll add it to Seamilar.
  21. Due to technical PayPal-account issues I have asked Igor to temporarily remove all my plugins from the store, until the account issues are resolved. While plugins cannot be purchased until things are settled, I am still working on next updates. Both for PolyGnome as for Seamilar. Current customers will thus get new versions when beta testing of added features is completed.
  22. dast


    I have been looking for a while to create a plugin that would allow me to display any kind of things. My first try at such plugin was PointShower, which was created on request of a forum member, who wanted to visualize object's points when the object was not selected. That was a tag plugin, and hence could be added to objects separately. I wanted to extend this functionality and therefore created this new ShowMe plugin, which was intended to display more than only points. But more importantly, I didn't want to have to always add a tag to an object in order to display the wanted information, and thus created this plugin as being part of the scene. However, I also realized that in some situation it would be handy to only display information for some objects only (be these active/selected or not). As such, I created a dual purpose plugin. Accessible to the whole scene, or for specific objects only (via the ShowMe tag). The tag gets precedence over the scene: settings defined on the global scene level are thus overwritten by the tag settings. As this is still a work in progress I only implemented the features I currently needed. More options will be added over the lifetime of the plugin, and as such will probably remain a work in progress. early wip demonstration video: Windows version only (for now), R17 and higher. ShowMe 03.zip
  23. dast

    My first short film

    Congrats. Nice looping story there. I started with a similar idea a few years ago, but never managed to get past the pre-production stage. After 4 years I put the whole thing on the shelve. Might get back to it someday.
  24. Don't feel bad. I had the same assumption when I started watching. But halfway through the video I realized that such a workflow/pipeline is not something a hobbyist (*) would be using. And after looking up the details of Katana at The Foundry's website ... especially the cost, I understood this video was as the title suggests: an introduction. No more, no less. I appreciate the intention, and understand it wasn't focused on the ongoing/near-future collaboration project at the Cafe. (*) I use "hobbyist" as a general term for non-professional usage, which I understood the whole idea of forum collaboration could be categorized under.
  25. Thanks for this introduction. I personally don't see me using this expensive piece of software, but it's nice to know what's out there.
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