This was just a Python exercise, but it might amuse someone. Basically, it's a hidden sphere bouncing around inside a circle and triggering notes. The notes and timing are random, so if you watch it long enough, it should play Coltrane's Giant Steps a la monkeys and typewriters. Possibly . . .
Works for me. You have to open render settings and drag 'my render settings' into the XP. The divides are div 2. If you set formula to radians you can omit the rad to deg node.
you might have to refresh the scene, jiggle the playhead etc, to force a re-calculation
@fxtree - the object's visibility sticks when you take it out of the null. Just making the null traffic lights red would achieve the same thing, but 'hidden' would not stick when the object is removed from the null.
@borg re: my last message about multiple assign ie assigning several values on one line
a, b, c, d = 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
this can be used to swap values eg
a, b = b, a
in this file I used that method to create the 'moving fairground lights' illusion (lights switched on/off in a pattern so they appear to move). I have 3 lights cloned around the object and the brightness pattern toggles
a, b, c = b, c, a
to give 'movement'
One of my on-going projects is python helicopters. In this file, start the timeline, then in the control panel adjust rotors, altitude, speed then steer. Might fly a bit slow if you haven't got a reasonable gfx card.
it's not designed for making movies - just for fun in the viewport.
Real and float are the same.
One thing to remember with numbers is the way Python 2.7 (cinema uses an old version) treats integers different to reals esp in division. Integer division gives an integer result eg
3 / 2 = 1.5 in Python 3.5 (and IRL)
3 / 2 = 1 in Python 2.7
this can trip you up if you use current frame (an integer) in a calculation, but can be fixed by using 3.0 etc.
I use the free Pycharm to develop script ideas - you have to install Python first.
def main():
global Output1 # and the rest
if Input1 == 0:
Output1 = True
Output2 = False
Output3 = False
Output4 = False
Output5 = False
Output6 = False
Output7 = False
Output1 = False # etc
note it's case sensitive, indent and colons. Outputs must be global, but can be declared on one line separated with commas
Here's 3 splines of different lengths, using spline wrap. You can measure the spline length to get the same speed on each spline. If you have a zillion arrows + splines, hierarchy iteration would be better.
edit - as per CBR's idea, cloner version
some ideas for you
I had my first play with the R19 sound effector today, and although I'd read about the sound file automatically showing in the timeline dope sheet, I didn't realize the sound was embedded when you save the file. If you look in the file sizes in this screenshot where I've tested using mp3 and wav, it seems mp3s are converted to wavs in Cinema. The R19 sound effector isn't backwards compatible - giving missing plugin error message when R19 file opened in R18 etc.
You can see the actual program code for the screen size site calculation in the html. In Firefox the page code is found in menu, tools, web developer, page source. It's not Python, but might be of some help.
The read-write to user data delay is not the problem IMHO. Since you have 4 variables, you'd have to specify which values were 'held' while the other values are typed in. In this file I have 2 selections choices - enter width + height or enter diagonal length + aspect ratio. It's in Python, but should convey what I'm talking about.
sorry about using script, but I needed a rounding function. There's comments (in green) . . .
You could also use the state output of a one-shot monoflop and a rangemapper to draw your own custom barrel movement curve. State gives a linear 0-1 ramp in time 'duration'.
@HSrdelic - it's not every day you get to use arc tangent in Cinema
I sometimes get a warning when opening an old file (say R14) and re-saving with R19 - 'this file was created with a different version blah blah', although TBH I'm not sure if that's a C4D message or from Windows 10. Either way I ignore it . . .
Thanks for reply.
I always assumed C4D is quite good for forwards/backwards compatibility, so it's something I never think about when posting files. Maybe one of the experts could spell out C4D compatible rules. I'd hate to think I've been linking files that don't open.
I was playing around with camera shader as CCTV, and wondered what would happen if I pointed the camera at the monitor. I sent my python Roll-It droid to investigate . . .
BTW, that's not Photoshop - if you type recursion into Google it actually asks 'did you mean recursion'.
Just a WIP, but might amuse someone.
The modulo xpresso should be a bit like this. Note that the angles are in radians (2 * pi radians = 360 degree). The IK is a bit wonky - not my area.