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Everything posted by jed

  1. You could have 2 identical objects and hide/reveal on collision using visibility, enable etc. tele.c4d
  2. The reason why != worked is that visible input port is 0 = on 1 = off 2 = default in this file I used == and a condition node to switch 0/1 - a bit more logical. Also I divided the frame to adjust the speed. lego-man.zip
  3. @Mike A here's 2 scenes for you. The car on a sphere is just an XPresso controller for steering, but it's fun to play with car on sphere.c4d the loop the loop uses a pointing null in the car to get direction to follow a target on a spline. There's a monoflop timer to spin the platforms and turn off the motors when the car is flipping looper.c4d
  4. Yes, but that just makes stuff float around - so I also gave each car a gravity object as a child, with a box fall-off so the cars' gravity don't affect each other. The gravity field moves with the car. The car always tries to move in its own negative Y direction until it finds a collider. When it's upside down, it moves up etc.
  5. I like to play with dynamic cars and recently came up with a method where they could drive upside down without falling off. See if you can work out what's going on - answer tomorrow 😀
  6. Hue slider hue slider.c4d
  7. jed

    Gear Thing

    Prime numbers - Looney gears is a plastic toy where the red 13T has a handle and the game is to guess how many times you need to turn it until all the gears line up again.
  8. jed

    Gear Thing

    Here's a more general scene where the ring also rotates - just set ring rotation to 0 to see how my rig works planetary.c4d If Tr, Tp, Ts are the number of ring, planet, sun teeth - the carrier (star shape) is the driver and the planets turn with local rotation of carrier angle * Tr/Tp. The sun turns using that value * Tp/Ts, but you must add the carrier rotation. This gives the overall gear ratio as ratio = 1 + Tr/Ts so the planet size doesn't play a part - they are just idlers, but for everything to fit Tr = Ts + 2 * Tp (imagine sun + 2 planets in a straight line) In my video I used 36T 12T 12T which gives a ratio of ratio = 1 + 36/12 = 4 Note that to align the teeth, you use orientation under the teeth tab (not XPresso math). You can make the ring spline by increasing the size of the center hole so it's larger than the cog. I thought people would be asking how I got the chain to sync 😀
  9. jed

    Gear Thing

    I was playing around with gears and came up with this. Has a 4:1 epicyclic set.
  10. jed

    Text generators

    Here's a simple typewriter using formula effector id to reveal text typewriter.c4d IIRC in the original post there's a method to swap out new blocks of text. Two versions - xp_writer.c4d tripewriter.c4d
  11. I was working recently on some code to join every clone in a cloner to every other clone with a spline - no dupes allowed 😀 In this clip the clones are on a circle. orange splines.c4d
  12. Here's some ideas for you - 11 nodes 😀 lights.c4d iteration is designed to do the same math on any number of objects.
  13. I had another look at your interesting problem of connecting all clones to all clones with splines. In this file I made a python data list to link spline points 0, 1 to sphere clone positions (only works for 6 spheres) joiner_manual.c4d in this file the data list is generated in code, so works for any cloner size (but gets a bit crazy with larger cloners eg 3 * 3 * 3) joiner_auto.c4d
  14. In your scene you have the same number of splines as spheres. Ignoring the distance condition for now, if every clone connects to every other clone, you're gonna need more splines. If you just had 4 clones, clone 1 would make 3 connections, clone 2 makes 2 connections and clone 3 makes 1 (no duplications). So number of splines needed is 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 For N clones, the number of splines needed is the sum of integers up to (N - 1). It can be shown that the sum of all integers up to N is sum = ( N * (N + 1) ) / 2 so 20 clones needs (19 * 20) / 2 = 190 splines to make all the connections. TLDR - you're gonna need more splines > Mr Pedantic 😀
  15. I have a method for dynamic cars where the car follows a target. You can stop/start the target, and the wheels steer etc. car stop.c4d for more detailed cars, you can have a same size primitive dynamic car with the hi poly stuff as children. Works well off-road 😀
  16. I made this a while ago, so it uses the old sound effector (still works in R21). The python sums previous (adjustable) frames and averages them import c4d def main(): global list1, average_level # outputs must be global, list1 must persist to next frame frame = doc.GetTime().GetFrame(doc.GetFps()) # get current frame if frame == 0: list1 = [] # make empty list list1.append(level_in) # add input to end of list every frame while len(list1) > stack_size: # delete 1st item when list reaches limit (stack size) del list1[0] b = sum(list1) # add all items in list1 average_level = b / stack_size # divide total for average, len() = length # --------------------------------------- cafe.zip
  17. 3D models with face masks 😀
  18. I saw this wacky lift idea on the brit TV show QI so I had a go at making it using dynamics + Python here's the math car_lift.c4d
  19. I've been experimenting with juggling - here's my 1st attempt here's the math - uses memory nodes so doesn't settle down until > 100F juggle.c4d
  20. jed

    Egg Timer

    @DasFrodo Here's the balance table scene. The table points at a target. The target's x, z are the negatives of the rolling sphere. There's some turbulence, and range mapped damping to stop the sphere falling off 😀 . balance table.c4d
  21. jed

    Egg Timer

    Like this ? ditto with bounce
  22. jed

    Egg Timer

    Egg timer for a 5 second egg 😀 similar gravity driven thing
  23. xp_door.c4d I prefer the dynamics method 😀
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