@bezo re my radians protractor - was intended as a little joke. A lot of C4D users see the XPresso use of radians as an annoying use of a stupid unit. I mean 1 radian = 57.295 degrees ? 6.283 radians in a circle ? How can that even help things ?
The old car wheel rotation calculation crops up here every now and then. I've seen people solve that little problem using pi, 360 degrees etc then converting the answer to stupid radians 'for XPresso'. I'm sure you realize that if you know the definition of a radian, the solution is just
wheel rotation (in radians) = distance car travels / radius of wheel.
engineers, physicists often refer to a right angle as 'pi by 2' .
360 degrees has its uses eg it divides by 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15,18,20,24,30,36,40,45,60,72,90,120,180
from -
print('divisors of 360')
for a in range(2, 360):
if 360 % a == 0:
print(a, end=',')
as we say in the UK 'it's horses for courses'