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Everything posted by jed

  1. When the ball rolls, the table tilts. There's no hidden rim to keep the sphere from falling off - just math πŸ˜€ scene file https://www.dropbox.com/s/5bmrfpg19q058oq/balance.c4d?dl=1
  2. Is the viewer watching the animation in C4D or a video player ? If in C4D, it's possible using Python but bear in mind that most keys are already assigned in C4D. Just about the only free ones are the modifiers shift, Ctrl, alt and F11, F12.
  3. I think my XPresso was the same as yours. We really could do with more storage allocation at the Cafe - I find myself deleting stuff just so I can reply to a new post.
  4. jed

    Simple Xpresso Not Working

    I know that the usual advice to get a level out of sound effector + sample is to add a field, but I came across another method without a field on CV forums. Dr Sassi said to use weight out and crank weight transform up to 100% I tried it and it does work, although when I looked up weight transform in help, it made my brain hurt 😬
  5. You could just click through a few frames until the random assignment of objects looked OK, then disable the XPresso. Any other XP would go in a different tag.
  6. jed

    Simple Xpresso Not Working

    srek has a picture in his attic....
  7. jed

    Quantum Uncertainty

    Naked Scientists forum is a good place for discussions on double slits and the like.
  8. Since you're watching Python for Dummies > the reason I said it's still WIP is because I got in a bit of a tangle with ranges. Like modulo, counting starts at 0 and the end value of a range is never reached. So the count of your points is 50, but the last one has an index of 49. The smoothing range of points needs an extra 1 on the top value (this number is never reached). Because the smoothing range is +/- a number of points, this could exceed the outer range, so needed clamping to 0 and (count -1) for the above reasons. TLDR - I kept getting 'index out of range' error, so I inserted some 1's until it worked, then tried to figure out why. https://xkcd.com/1695/
  9. This file might do what you want - has adjustable point range. It's a nested iteration, outer iterates all the points, inner just in the 'smooth range'. Still WIP, so test it to destruction - error messages are in extensions - console πŸ˜€ smooth3.c4d
  10. Not sure what this means, but averaging over a defined number of points is possible in Python. What do you envisage happens at the ends ? Although writing code is fun, I've often found myself reinventing the wheel. If I had a quid for every time I've heard 'there's a field that does that'... BTW member Cairyn has a Python course sample - it's free/paid. Course is oriented to C4D i.e. manipulating objects as opposed to regular number crunching Python
  11. True story about randomness - I used to have a mate who liked to gamble, and one day he claimed to be feeling lucky so he went down the casino. He walked in and put Β£50 on red. It came up, so he said 'leave it on'. Came up again - 'leave it on'. This continued until he had Β£3200 sitting on red and a crowd round him. People were saying 'it can't possibly come up again', but the wheel doesn't remember previous results - it's still 50-50. My mate, being a gambler, thought he was on a roll - magical thinking. Next spin was black. The stick man in this video steers his bike randomly, but I had to do quite a lot of runs before I got the kind of random I had in mind. Steering L L L L L L R L L might be random, but not in my mind πŸ˜€
  12. Funny XKCD about Physics v maths. re averages - the guy on the TV news the other day said 'in the UK, the median wage is ...' and it got me thinking - mean, median or mode ? I couldn't decide. It's a bit like random. People have various ideas on what a random sequence should look like.
  13. I did Physics at Uni, but it was in the 60's so not much studying was done. In those days tuition fees were paid, you got a grant - and you could sign on in the vacations. No 'graduate with a Β£50K overdraft' nonsense.
  14. @MikeA in the 1st file I just guessed a value for the average to move the points towards, so I had a go at actually calculating the point average Y. This file uses Python, but I put comments in the code. smoothish 2.c4d of course, mathematicians would say there's 3 different types of average... πŸ˜€
  15. When controlling spline points in XPresso, if you don't specify all positions you often find some points move to default (0, 0, 0). For this reason, I usually disable the XPresso tag whilst I'm connecting the wires otherwise the scene can easily get messed up. Once I've got the XP set up, I enable the tag again.
  16. As they say on kids' TV, here's one I made earlier. Make sure you have dynamic velocity threshold set to 0 (in the tag), else dynamics turns off after 2 seconds ie won't restart after stopping πŸ˜€ yellow car.c4d
  17. In this file if mod 2 = 0, use same point position. If mod 2 = 1, use null position. splines 2.c4d
  18. I'm not sure what sort of smoothing you are going for. Turn linear points into soft points, or just move the linear points towards a baseline to flatten things out. In this file I've iterated the points, then made the vector positions into XYZ and moved each point by a % towards a baseline in Y. Might get you started. smoothish.c4d
  19. @paulselhi if you're a Breaking Bad fan - it's the music playing as Walt drives away after blowing up Tuco's den.
  20. Marble machine loosely based on Spaghetti Junction (Gravelly Hill Interchange) πŸ˜€ The helix ball lift idea was nicked from another Cafe member...
  21. We are 2 weeks into self-isolation and it's very upsetting for me to witness my wife standing at the living room window staring aimlessly into space with tears running down her cheeks. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I've thought very hard of how I can cheer her up. I've even considered letting her in. But rules are rules.
  22. I found out who's got all the bog roll now we just need to find out who's got all the pasta
  23. I started using Python as v3 in Pycharm, and when I did my 1st C4D Python project using v2.7 I found some of my math was broken. After considerable hair pulling I found out why - integer division is different in the 2 versions. My project used frame numbers in the math which are integers - in v2.7, int division gives int result > 5 / 2 = 2 in v3, int division gives real > 5 / 2 = 2.5 I had to use a lot of float commands, and add unnecessary zeroes e.g. write 99 as 99.0 to make it run correctly son of a diddly, as Ned Flanders would say
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