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Everything posted by jed

  1. jed

    Pinball bumper

    I'd have the bumper hidden, so the increase in size isn't apparent. This file uses a condition node with 2 radii, 0 or 1 passes the value on the input ports. bumper2.c4d here's one I made a few years ago - don't ask how it works, I've forgotten even though I left myself notes 😀 The sounds should be embedded and (on Windows) CTRL and ALT work the flippers - pinball.c4d needs a fairly fast pc + decent gfx, but turning off shadows might help in that respect.
  2. Because it just iterates through the list, you can add or remove objects without having to re-write the XPresso.
  3. @Jops you can just use 1 memory node + iteration position_delay 2.c4d has sliders 😀
  4. Thanks for the comment @IgorI'll have a think about videos. BTW I used this delay effector idea from Tim at HelloLuxx to make the platform/spring go boing I added a condition so it only went boing at the top 😀
  5. More toy cars adventures. This one has a spring....
  6. It's quite easy - I've made quite a few scenes with detailed dynamic cars + trucks. My method for real cars is to have a proxy dynamic car made from primitives and make the real wheels children of the cylinders (same size and location), the body just has to be a cube of approx size. The real car parts just come along for the ride, just use the traffic lights for hide reveal. If you apply dynamic tags to hi poly stuff it runs very slow in the viewport, so is hard to setup. A proxy car runs fast, and you can re-use the rig. Here's a dynamic Mini with manual XPresso steering - has a switch to see the hidden proxy car. https://www.dropbox.com/s/uf22aqwe11gkzxz/redmini.zip?dl=1 The toy car follows a target on a spline, and has a null pointing at the target to get steering. Distance to target controls the motors. The speed of the target is done by addition and varies for different parts of the scene, so there's a python lookup table - loop the loop needs to go fast etc. one car.c4d the toy car crashes sometimes, but that's part of the fun. I had several attempts at baking 3 toy cars before I got a scene with no crashes. Creative Commons Mini in DropBox file from http://www.oyonale.com/accueil.php?lang=en
  7. Dynamic cars is my fav part of C4D.
  8. jed

    Constant Random Number

    @Havealot neat use of seed to stop the value changing every frame.
  9. jed

    Constant Random Number

    Is this happening during animation ? If so, you could use a memory node to compare current value to value on previous frame and unfreeze the random number if different. the data change should be step freeze2.c4d
  10. Sounds like iteration - which is basically going through a list of objects and applying similar math to each sequentially. Since your objects are under a null, you can use a hierarchy node and point it at the parent null. The hierarchy null outputs each object once per frame and you use a specimen object and connect its object port. The specimen object 'becomes' each object in turn. In this file I used noise and the object's index to give a different noise seed to each sphere. I'm not sure what exact rotation you want, but the principle's the same. xp turn.c4d There's probably a better mograph or fields method, but you asked for XPresso 😀
  11. Looping is quite hard in XPresso - need to use python. In this file I calculated the gap and positioned each text word at previous position + previous height + gap words align gap.c4d time to read up on Python lists 😀
  12. I usually drag the field onto the node
  13. You'd think the code to drive these two would be 0 = off, 1 = on but it's actually 0 = on 1 = off, 2 = default
  14. You could use memory node to get previous position, and compare it to show/hide 2 arrows. piston.c4d
  15. I got the idea of using a sine wave as a ball lift from a YouTube video by Prof Lathwaite
  16. jed

    xpress sound doesn't work

    Add a field to the sound effector - I think any field will do. Also I changed the sound effector to sample higher frequencies https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwuc5pkwj7e60zc/soundlight.c4d?dl=1
  17. Mode free gives a different random number every time the anim runs - including on the same frame with same seed (when frame is used as a seed). This is why the output changes when you clock. Mode time gives the same random number on a given frame when given the same seed, so is the same on any frame (even when frame is used as a seed) - with no click problems. The concept of a predictable set of random numbers sounds like an oxymoron, but obviously has its uses in C4D. If the random node was generating lottery numbers, you could predict next weeks winning line when set to time, but not when set to free.
  18. Files > recent files should show the path to recently used files. I have several hard drives and c4d files going back years, so I often lose stuff. I use the free UltraSearch to find files. You can look for folders or files (or both) by name or partial name. If I'm really stuck I search for *.c4d (with all drives checked). This finds all C4D files, then I click to sort by date to find the most recent. https://www.jam-software.com/ultrasearch BTW - this is for Windows.
  19. BB8 Roll-It I made it a bit jerky so the head would wobble 😀
  20. FYI Roll-It works in S22, as does that other favorite Drop2Floor.
  21. Works in R21. I find for best results, set the Roll-It radius manually. Use a parent null and animate that - not the sphere itself.
  22. You don't need to swap back and forth with the degree node, you can use radians for the math throughout - with some caveats about whole numbers of degrees. I'm sure you know 360 deg = 2 * pi radian 180 deg = pi radian 90 deg = pi / 2 (pronounced 'pi by 2' by physicists etc - you don't usually say radian 😀 ) but since pi is an irrational number, you can't just use the decimal equivalent for 90 deg as 1.571 because this is not accurate enough, and your objects might drift in alignment (and not show up as whole degrees in AM). Instead you can type pi/2 in the math field and although this will show as 1.571 in the viewport, C4D will be using the 'long' accurate value. There is also presets in the constant node you can use shows as ditto shows as once you start typing pi in the fields, your XPresso will be less cluttered.
  23. @DasFrodo I've tried this balance thing in the past with the tilt proportional to the distance from the center, but that method is too extreme at the edges - tends to eject the sphere. The way this system works is that there's a target sphere above the balance table. The target has opposite co-ords to the rolling sphere so if sphere x, z = (150, 100) target x, z = (-150, -100) like a mirror image. I added some multiplication to tweak it The table has aim constraint pointing at the target, the tilt effect being less at the edge - sort of arc tangent like the red curve here so when the ball moves, the table tilts, which drives the upper universal joints, which in turn drive the lower UJs.
  24. When the ball rolls, the table tilts. There's no hidden rim to keep the sphere from falling off - just math 😀 scene file https://www.dropbox.com/s/5bmrfpg19q058oq/balance.c4d?dl=1
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