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Everything posted by kbar

  1. Download it, sign in and see if it works. I believe it will work if you have a subscription. https://www.MAXON.net/en/downloads/c4d-r21-downloads
  2. kbar

    R21 Subscription

    Would be best to ask MAXON this question. https://www.MAXON.net/en/header-meta-navigation/about-MAXON/contact/sales-and-product-inquiries/ You can definitely download R21 from here: https://www.MAXON.net/en/products/support/downloads/
  3. Another developer who recently shut up shop was Curious Animal: https://www.curiousanimal.tv/blog/ You can still download some of their plugins here for free: https://www.curiousanimal.tv/shop/
  4. This really all comes down to marketing. It doesn't matter how great your software is if it never ends up in front of the eyes of someone who might find it useful. Anytime I start to actively do any marketing I see a significant boost in sales every single time. Even though I have been selling plugins for years many people are surprised to see my plugins when they pop up. By marketing I am referring to being active on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, GoogleAds as well as posting up articles and creating new pages on your website so that google picks up the changes (SEO). For me I am only using Twitter now. Marketing takes a lot of time and effort. It actually takes more time and management than it does the actual creation of the plugins. This is why a lot of developers also use resellers like ToolFarm. They can do all the marketing, get the plugins into the hands of some youtube reviewers etc... and handle all the sales etc... I do not use them myself, but they totally earn whatever % they take. Be it 30% or 50%, they earn it. Since 1 sale is better than no sale. But in most cases marketing and development do not have the same level of interest for most people. Lastly customers are not really interested in hearing about how hard it is to make a product. If you have a feature a customer needs right now for a job, it doesn't really matter how much it costs or if it will be supported in 1 years time. They will buy it for the job that they need today and then they may never use it again. Hobbyist users are different, since every cent matters, especially with the subscription costs. So their concerns are valid. Another issue being a developer is spreading yourself too thin. Developing too many products and trying to support them all. Instead developers need to find one product, increase its price to a high enough level to justify its development and just stick with that one thing. But finding that idea/concept that a paying customer would want is the hard part. And like a lot of us developers we do this for fun of it a lot of the time, usually just for ourselves. But sometimes a product may resonate with users and then you have a winner. Patreon is also not a business model. I am using it for those users who don't have much money and I offer a lot of experimental things there also. But customers that use C4D for a living never use my Patreon, they buy the plugins at the full price and they get the support that comes along with it (and most importantly they get an Invoice so they can charge it as a business expense). It is hard. And there are not a lot of C4D developers who have actually made a real business out of it. I can only think of X-Particles, Greyscalegorilla and CinemaPlugins (basically just DemEarth as the main product) that are doing well. Aside from the obvious renderer developers. And X-Particles and Greyscalegorilla invest a tonne of their time in Marketing. And I am also really impressed by Pauls (DemEarth) work as well, one guy doing waaaayyyy too much work.
  5. Python is much easier to update and support. However for R23 Python changed from 2.7 to 3. So now in some cases you might have to have two separate versions of the scripts to support the previous versions. But in general I think most developers will be fine and the scripts will run without too much additional work. But there are a lot of things you simply can not do in Python. Especially anything that is speed critical.
  6. @dast So sad to see you go Daniel, but I can totally understand. I made a bunch of my plugins free (or cheap as chips) for very similar reasons. Back when R20 was released and the changes imposed on developers with the new SDK, it made being a C++ developer much harder. Then with R21 every developer was forced to develop their own licensing system from scratch. And since then it has only gotten more complicated having to manage and update the plugins for every new release, then paying for a subscription and finally the last kick was Catalina requiring its own special notarization pipeline. With all of these issues combined I foresee that we will eventually loose all the small/hobby C++ developers. It is simply too difficult to build, maintain and provide support for. And for any new developer coming on board, it is so much more complicated and harder to even get started now than it was 10 years ago. I don't think people truly realize how hard it is to make these plugins and how much time it takes for developers to learn how to do it and then use those skills to create something. And after all that effort MAXON changes the system making your efforts obsolete as well as your knowledge, since the sdk changed and you can no longer do things the same way forcing you to throw away years of work. So for anyone reading this... please buy Daniels plugins. He spent a tonne of his time building these for you all. Best of luck Daniel. I hope to keep seeing you around here showing off some of your new renders.
  7. I read through Shrikes post, all great points. But people should look at the nodes system as a tech preview. And even though the examples may only be showing cubes and spheres, what it is demonstrating is how they are solving the #1 problem that everyone on every forum or slack channel has been hammering them about for years. And that is being able to interactively move millions of objects around in the scene. I get that people want to see real world examples. But all anyone needs to do is in their minds swap out those million cubes for a million houses, or a million trees, or a million cars in a simulated city or a million space ships flying around. Ignore the models people and look at the number of objects in your scene.
  8. From your description it sounds like you want to pack UVs from multiple objects onto one UV map? You can use a Canvas (from the 4D Paint plugin) to let you view the UVs from multiple objects in one UV space. And if you really want to you can sample the textures to a new material. There is basic editing for scaling and moving the UVs. No rotating though at this stage.
  9. You can also do this using the 4D Paint tools as well (they are all free). Just open the Material View->Tools->Select Edges. When in point mode it selects edge points, edge mode it selects the edges and poly mode it selects all the edge polygons. It is also a command so you can dock it anywhere you want in your layouts. https://www.plugins4d.com/4dpaint https://www.plugins4d.com/material-view-2
  10. Khanh Trieu is not the author of any of these scripts. He has taken them directly from Lasse Lauch, Marc Pearson, Noah Witchell, Andy Runyon, Can Erduman and Andrew Noske and just packaged them up. Here are the links to the original scripts here in this thread if people want to go directly to the developer sites. https://www.lasselauch.com/c4d-script-add-null-to-selection-v2-0/ https://www.lasselauch.com/c4d-script-c4d_renamer-pack/ https://www.thepixellab.net/editoptimize-free-c4d-script http://www.noahwitchell.com/python-scripting-for-artists https://helloluxx.com/tutorials/cinema4d-2/cinema4d-misc/disable-sds-script/ https://andrewnoske.com/wiki/Cinema_4D_-_my_Python_scripts
  11. This was specifically so that my 4D Paint painting and texturing tools work correctly in S22. These have just been released for free for everyone from R20 to S22.118.
  12. kbar

    Disable plugin, not remove

    If you have added the plugin folder to your Edit-Preferences-Plugins search path then you can simply uncheck it in the list and the plugin will no longer get loaded when you next start C4D. The plugins search paths was added to R20 I think.
  13. I own my own personal perpetual copies of C4D from R17 to R21. When R22 comes out I will buy a perpetual license to that as well. I still haven't decided if I will move to subscription after that or not. But I personally don't see any big deal with any of this stuff going on in these threads. For me I happily throw $1000 at MAXON every year for my perpetual. It is the tool I use earn a living. I have to stay updated with the latest version (and keep all older versions) to do my job, it's just an expense, just like making sure I have good tires on my car. I spend way more money on computer equipment than I ever have on my C4D licenses. If you are a hobbyist it seems even better now since you don't have to pay $7000 to get into C4D. If you are a long time loyal customer are you not happy that your favourite company is doing well and won't go under or have to sell out to someone else? It's strange since it feels like it's only me who looks at MAXON and just says "good job guys, keep it up".
  14. kbar

    Python or Script HELP

    I think @Cairyn has this sorted. My only other thoughts were if these are IGES assembly files, then I was wondering if this could be done at the import stage. So it only imports just the parts and assemblies that you require, that you specify in a document. Rather than importing the entire model and then hiding the parts. These assemblies can get HUGE with thousands of small parts. But I haven't tried importing these into C4D myself so I am not sure how powerful the importer is and if that is even possible. If I was writing my own NURBS importer I would have added this in 🙂
  15. Please feel free to add all your suggestions and ideas to your own thread here... https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/forum/284-plugins-requests/ Us plugin developers can then look over everything and see if there is some way to help out with a separate plugin. This is something I regularly do for people. Would be great to see all your ideas in one place. For what you wrote above it might motivate someone (even myself) to create a specialised version of the timeline that suits your needs.
  16. First of all I do agree that a "thank you for your suggestions" email should at least be sent, even if it is an automated one. But you need to consider time frames for this type of thing. If you make a suggestion today then it goes into the pool of ideas. These are then looked at over a period of probably a year to decide what to do next. Then development would start. So lets say development started today on a feature for you. You would not see it until September 2023. Since if it starts being developed now then it will not be out for R22. And even if it is started now it might not be finished by the end of this year, which would be the cutoff date for R23 features, to allow documentation and beta testing on it. Which means it won't make it into C4D until R24. But with this subscription change you never know. It may be able to come out somewhere between the traditional R23 and R24 release. Either way, they have an entire team of UX people and product people all working out the next moves. Which is now compounded by the addition of RedShift and RedGiant. And they would also have a backlog of features they already have planned to add that is most likely 3-5 years long before they even get to looking at new things.
  17. Looks like it is a C.O.F.F.E.E script made in 2005. COFFEE was removed in R20. So I don’t think you will see an update for this. They would need to rewrite it completely in Python or C++ tastudios are definitely the ones who created it. https://forums.cgsociety.org/t/steadycampro-the-camera-animation-tool/904071
  18. kbar

    Jet Fluids

    A few updates have been done to Jet Fluids. Its now up to version 0.06. Here are the update videos... Some test scenes to highlight the velocity of moving emitters. I also tried to replicate that FumeFX demo. This screen shot shows the VDB data being meshed. I will do a nice smoke rendering in RedShift next year sometime. This took a couple of minutes to simulate on my 10 core i7. And viscosity test made for a user on twitter. Happy holidays everyone! Cheers, Kent
  19. I think this is the preferred way.
  20. From the Cinema 4D Help menu select Support. It will then take you here... https://support.MAXON.net/ I would suggest opening a new ticket to let them know that they need to add the Support link to their main page 🙂
  21. kbar

    Jet Fluids

    Hi everyone, I am working on a fluid simulation system called Jet Fluids. It is based on the open source Jet Framework by Doyub Kim. This is a very early Alpha plugin and I work on it every now and then to add new features and workflows. But it will keep changing and being updated. It is available for R20, R21, S22, R23 and S24 for both OSX and Windows. If you use it and create anything cool, or find any bugs then just post it up here and let me know. You can also visit: https://www.plugins4d.com/jet-fluids for more information.
  22. I had to go through the signup process again to find it. Here is the link for those interested. https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/terms/
  23. How can we read it again? I can't find any link to it anywhere on the website.
  24. Recently when logging in I was presented with a Terms and Conditions agreement that I had to accept. Could you please add this to the bottom of the website. It should be accessible at all times. Also you should probably add a Privacy Policy as well. Thanks, Kent
  25. I think 3D-Kiwi lives quite a few hours away so I wouldn't expect him to make the trip for the first meet. Maybe next year if we have a few people and I can run some presentations. I am mainly curious to see if I can build a little community for people near Wellington. But I think the number of C4D users in NZ is very small. They all use Maya around here (WetaFX).
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