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Everything posted by GazzaMataz

  1. Hi Igor Well Pixel Plow looks a lot cheaper than Rebus so I shall give them a try and report back. They don't look as stream-lined as Rebus but he-ho when you have 40 animation to render…
  2. Hi Igor No issue other that people keep saying to me that Rebus is the most expensive out there. Not tried Pixel Plow yet but I am going to give it a go. I was looking at investing in another GPU based render machine but that would cost me £2k+. If I can find a reasonable render farm then I could put the money towards a new pair of GPUs for my existing computer which would be nice 🙂
  3. Please forgive if this has been answered elsewhere (I did search the forums honest) but apart from Rebus and Pixel Plow can anyone recommend any render farms that support Redshift?
  4. I have an X-Particles 3.5 license and they are doing an offer today for half price upgrade. But I was also looking at Houdini and that seems more powerful :-) So I am in a dither whether to upgrade my X-Particles or go down the Houdini route and have very little time to decide. So I thought I would ask here what seasoned users would go for?
  5. Hi Hrvoje Many thanks for this it is just what i was looking for as a starting block for what I want to do. The other good thing about this is that I actually understand the code - which is a good sign :-)
  6. GazzaMataz

    Reset Script

    I am starting to learn a little Python and one of the first scripts that I want to create would be one that resets all controller handles on a character rig. So this would be like the reset button on the character component rig that is built into C4D. What this does is reset all the controllers to their original rotational, scale and positional coordinates. This is unlike the rest button which will only reset the object that you have selected. Anyone got such a script that I could look at and modify to suit what I am after?
  7. So it is fixed - should have worked in the first place! And now it will cost me a full upgrade to get the fix :-) This may seem like a minor fix but for those of use that use C4D character tools it is a major thing!
  8. Have they still not fixed the PSD morphs in R20? So this was a effectively a beta feature added to R19 that you have to bake all the animation out to get it to work… Sigh! Would like some of the character rigs to have been updated as well since a lot of them have features that don't quite work. Guess I'll have to go into the rig and fix them myself.
  9. Well I don't know much about Blender at all, the info I received was passed to me by someone who doesn't know Blender well (Lightwave user) from one of his freelancers so all a bit second-hand… It certainly does appeal to me considering all those high prices that we pay for licensed software though - might start learning a little :-)
  10. From what I have heard Blender is free but you pay when you need to render, presumably using GPU or CPU… I have also heard quite few 3D artists leaving the likes of Maya and Max to adopt Blender. Being a freelancer I wuldn't like to do this since I get hired for my C4D skills, if I was my own studio that could change :-)
  11. OK I am thinking of getting the MSA before they release R20 sometime in September. If I do this now I should be eligible for a free upgrade from R19 which I currently use to R20 when it is released? I am also looking at some Cineversity tuts that I would really like to view, I have a Plural Sight subscription but it doesn't have the same tuts (it's gone a little bit down hill IMHO). Should I purchase now or wait till next month?
  12. Are you going to rig her with the built in C4D Advanced Biped Rig or your own customised version?
  13. Are you planning to rig and animate this model Vector?
  14. Lovely modelling and texturing Kirpl, although I would tweak the texturing on the hull machine gun myself. Why have you stuck a flower in the end of the barrel in the picture above? Is this a flower power tank and Oddball is driving it :-)
  15. Actually when I mentioned making a model out of parts like a real one would be I actually went out and bought a Tamiya 1/35th scale Panzer IVD to yse as reference since I found working from just photos lacking. This really helped. BTW Tamiya do a nice 1/35 and a 1/48 scale version of the yilly which are very nice reference. I should know I have made the 1/48th scale version :-)
  16. Nice! The texturing on this model really sells it! I must get around to one day UVing my tank and texturing it properly, been meaning to do it for years :-)
  17. Here is my 3D Panzer IV tank. I originally made it back in 2009 but have since updated it. It's OK for game stuff but as for being a photo-realistic model it needs to be UV and properly textured. I might get around to it one day… In any case you can probably see that I modeled bits as separate items… In some places :-) Panzer IVD
  18. King One thing I have noticed that you have been doing is modelling the whole turret from one block - well it looks a bit like that so forgive me if I am wrong! My approach to modelling has changed over the years and now I actually try an construct models like real-world items or in the case of tanks and planes like you would find in a plastic model kit. For instance I would model the commander's copula separately, the gun mantle, the gun mantle plate and the top plate of the turret. This also allows you to add Subdivision Surfaces and edge loops to the models without making meshes too complex. I hope that this makes sense. You model if progressing fine so far I would now just start breaking parts up then you can focus on these parts adding more detail. Keep chiseling away and comparing to what you have done and you will be amazed at the progress you are making.
  19. Actually I now find that NO plugins seem to work with either 64-bit version of C4D R14 or R15 but they do work with R17??? I am stumped... Does this mean having to uninstall the program and then re-installing it again?
  20. OK I spotted another anomally in R14 when in 64-bit mode, not only does HDRI Studio not show up but neither does Reeper and that is a 64-bit plugin. It works in the 32-bit version of the program but not the 64-bit version. Anyone got any ideas other than deleting the preferences or re-installing the app again? I have re-installed all the Microsoft Redistributables but that don't seem to make any difference either...
  21. I have installed the latest version of Greyscale Gorillas HDRI Studio and it doesn't seem to work in R15 or R17… I have spoken to GSG and they cannot seem to fix it either. It does work when installed under R14 when in 32-bit mode. Anyone else had this problem? Or even better a way to fixi it :-)
  22. Nice flick - didn't they make a lot of noise! The Tilly was one of the only tanks in WWII to have served the duration of it. The Aussies used them effectively in the jungle once they became obsolete in Europe.
  23. Snake there are hardly any Matilda IIs left in the world the only one I know of is at Bovington Tank Museum, Dorset UK. I think you should buy yourself a kit and use that. Tamiya do a good 1/48th scale one and a 1/35th scale on but that one is expensive. You could also opt for the Airfix 1/76 scale. Or try these: https://ospreypublishing.com/matilda-infantry-tank-1938-45 https://ospreypublishing.com/modelling-the-matilda-infantry-tank HTH
  24. Snake Getting there couple of thing I noticed straight off are your mud shoots on the side plate armour - they look too deep/big. Also the small road wheels are bogey pairs i.e. they have a little brace around each pair. I could comment on the turret but as you said it is only rough at the minute. Although I would ditch the muzzle brake and supporting brace, the Tillys I have seen don't have these just a smooth 2pdr gun.
  25. You are doing exactly what I did a few years ago when I decided to model a Panzer IVD. The reference images I had where OK but I ended up going out and buying a Tamiya model and using that as my reference - it really helps, especially the orthographic painting scheme plans. The latest version of my effort is below. Regarding your turret I would probably use a few splines and loft between them as a starting point then make the result editable and then start refining that to get that cast turret look. You'll have a bit of a nightmare trying to create that Caunter camo scheme BTW :-)
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