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About docphibs

  • Birthday 02/28/1986

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    New York
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    design, lighting, rendering, animation
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    intel / nvidia 1070s

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  1. @HrvojeI downloaded your file - is there any advantage doing it the way you constructed the matrices back to the text node? I'm purely novice with a lot of this and do not understand what "sqmat" / "SquareMatrix64" means 😅. I get the basic idea of what you're doing with the compose container and transform point node. I guess I just clearly dont know enough about scene nodes in general to think of constructing it this way. Thanks! text_out_2.c4d
  2. that worked beautifully! Thanks for this explanation! This is hopefully going to open up some avenues for me.
  3. THANK YOU going to try this out asap. What is "is variadic" - to the non coder fella like me I'm not sure what this means.
  4. I have been lookin at a scene that can be found in the help manual for r25 under "Asset Capsules". Towards the very bottom it explains how to create a Generator Capsule. I download the example file - and it doesn't seem to work unless I make the Group object node an asset first and then drag that into the object manager and then place above the three cubes. More confusing is the example scene here shows a proper icon for an object group whereas this scene - when first downloaded - shows a cube icon in the object manager. (not super important but... something to note) So to the final point. I tried recreating this same node setup - node for node - reading this help manual on how to set this up. And I cannot get it to work. I uploaded my scene that someone can look at and tell me what im doing wrong here. I included the setup that i converted to an asset that is working - and a object group capsule where I believe I constructed exactly the same setup. Only difference is I renamed the "children" input as it says to do in the help manual to something different. In this case "children_input". Thanks object group test.c4d
  5. i was reading through this post and have been somewhat confused about the same thing - but now slightly more confused because i did this same setup you're showing here in the second image and it doesn't have the same result. This is what it generated for me...
  6. @HrvojeAh that's nice ha. My forum game is obviously way off haha. So this is a resolved issue coming in a r23 update that has yet come out ya mean?
  7. yea sorry i know its a tech demo but this made the most sense to me haha and thanks i looked in the manual just... not well enough i guess! i dont know whats connection is wrong but just chalk it up to needing to learn more or it just simply bein beta
  8. I couldn't quite seem to find what was causing this or where in the help manual this means. But I'm assuming it's BAD haha. Hrjove - if you're reading this - I did your rolling cube tutorial but was trying to use this method with a legacy node. I simply grouped all of your nodes into a group node called Roll on Ground. I'm sourcing a custom mesh (can't show) and sourcing a null to drive the matrices in the viewport. If i try to cache this to alembic it crashes cinema. I assuem it's cause of these red nodes but i've no idea why this wouldn't work 😕 Any help is always appceciated!
  9. I guess I may be alone in this camp... but this release doesn't really excite me much at all. It does for others obviously - but not for myself which is ok. I loved the r18 release so win some lose some. Not here to spew hatred on it. Some nice new additions for sure. Having a modifier key to place everything inside a sweep is awesome - but kinda a 'duh should'a had that years ago' kinda thing. But it's definitely very welcomed. Rather have it than not haha. Most of the other new tools are nice (voronoi fracture and the poly reduction). Curious to find out all the little gems that get tossed in each update that don't get real press. Not interested at all in prorender at this time. And not to hijack into another renderer conversation but ... I love cycles - It's integration I think is still unparalleled compared to any of the other options for rendering in cinema4d. The nodes are amazing and you can get some incredible results. My main gripe is speed however. The machine seems to chug whenever I'm using the IPR which is a bit surprising. I have a pretty good setup too. It's not unbearable but it's certainly not as fast as interacting with Octane, Arnold (yes even on cpu), or Redshift. It also doesn't have good enough multipass either. Object buffers are limited to one sample per pass. So that's a huge issue. No light linking either which is common in gpu renderers (but not redshift). It does bewilder me a bit with how deep you can go with the nodes - which I like but also confusing. I kinda wish that it was THE killer renderer - but it's unfortunately not there yet. Redshift is pretty much where it's at at the moment unless you're doing nothing but X-particles. It's crazy how far it's coming along. Can do all the cheats you need to do if ya need to do it. It's not perfect neither - render quality is kinda poop in my honest opinion. Not that it can't produce equally satisfying images. But it does take dialing a lot of nobs and optimizing. Not really what I love to be doing all day personally. That being said - I'll probably be using that once it releases... ... or if octane gets their shiz together with better multipass / light linking... ... or until Arnold GPU happens... #EndOfMyConstantStateOfInnerRenderConflicts
  10. docphibs

    Cycles for C4D

    I second what Tibbs said. I think it's pretty damn incredible just slightly buggy currently and no render farms support it yet. It's buggier in r18 but seems fine in r17. You HAVE to have a gpu to run it though. I honestly find it to be extremely undervalued right now. And why balk at half off for something that is already DIRTY cheap. I'd buy it just to try it out and learn something new. Why not? Just my two cents on it.
  11. docphibs

    Cycles for C4D

    9mins 32 seconds with 3x980 ti's 1920x1080 it's using volume scatter on the platonics, sss on the blue dude... i was testing how to mix completey different materials on the ... purple... orange... whatever you wanna call that. and i just chucked a guy way in the bg to see how the DOF was working. There's also displacement happening on the ground plane. I hit a snag early on messing with displacement... you have to be mindful of the subdivision rate (pixel) in global settings. It probably maxed out the vram on my cards and it would never render. It was set way too high by default. So I set that to 4. In the live viewer you see it's set by default to 8. (obviously the higher the less detail/faster render time) I've been messing with this file for a bit so I would still say it's not optimized. It could be faster. I just have my settings a little cranked just to make sure I had enough transparency depth levels and ray bounces to play with whatever I needed to play with.
  12. docphibs

    Cycles for C4D

    I'm really not that experienced either! haha there's been links posted in this forum that I watched like this link here - there are a couple other links posted that helped a lot. The global settings really pretty simple to me. You just have to test / optimize per scene. My results have been grainy too. But not toooo bad like the two images you posted. I honestly don't know how good those cards in the trashcans really are for this... 3x980tis are doing pretty well with it. I'll share some of my renders tomorrow and screen cap my render settings.
  13. docphibs

    Cycles for C4D

    Oh yea I totally get that ;) You simply made me aware that I actually contradicted myself where it's actually a good thing that cycles is for more "pro" users. ... see what i did there? (pun intended)
  14. docphibs

    Cycles for C4D

    Even though I say it's not for the casual user... that's not necessarily a bad thing either. I merely wrote that in as a "con" simply for those who aren't the advanced users. I absolutely love how malleable it is and that it is complex. It's a "pro" for me but probably a "con" for some.
  15. docphibs

    Cycles for C4D

    So, I saw that on my imac at home it was user error on my part. It started to work - I simply just had to make the "size" in the live viewer somewhere below 50% otherwise it was extremely slow. It's still pretty slow on the cpu even then. It's strange though - I really do not have any issues with speed when I use cycles in Blender. If I set Blender's viewport to render - it's pretty darn fast. I still haven't delved to deep into that issue though so again - could be user error... Regardless, I started using the demo at the office on a GPU box. And it's WAY faster obviously on the GPU's. 3x980ti's and it's pretty nice. I feel whoever wrote above though that it doesn't seem AS fast as Octane is right. But there are some major plus's on Cycles side. My quick take between pro/cons between octane / cycles Cycles Pros: -Way better node editor - (easily my favorite thing about this.) -More malleable shaders - (again attributes to node graph.) -Attribute node - (can access a LOT from selection tags / vertex tags you name it really.) -Easier to art direct for non-photo real looks. Cycles Cons: -Seemingly not as fast. (I can't be sure about that but I'm pretty sure that's true and it feels true.) -No camera imager like in octane. (I kinda find the camera imager in octane slightly gimmicky, but it does help to have it sometimes.) -Render quality / photo realism isn't as strong as octane. (kinda the bread and butter of octane imo... you can't really cheat it) -Not as artist friendly - (not really for the person who's not an advanced user) - Can't really see what my graphic cards are doing (I love the priority settings in octane and information displayed to see what my cards are really doing - that's a big one for me) There's a lot more to cycles i have yet to learn... still in a bit of a mystery about light path node but that seems like a powerful one. I'm actually really split down the middle with this though. I really enjoy using the nodes in cycles way more. The results are predictable too. But there are some things with Octane I really miss too. I really dunno which I'm going to buy for home / future freelance work.... PROBABLY BOTH. lord help me.
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