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Everything posted by cendrick

  1. @HappyPolygon @Cerbera Quick question on this if I could. When I take the original plane that is a mess, how did you go from that to a plane with one n-gon. I'm trying to follow but am lost there. Then from there I suppose you can then create the 'edge to spline' path which is then used to regenerate a new surface. Thank You on clarifying that first step a bit more.
  2. @HappyPolygonThank you for taking a look at this as well. I'll dive into your solutions here shortly:)
  3. Sadly, I don't have the original rhino file. The Architect gave me the .step file from that program. I'm trying to use forester to place grass and trees around and the topo creates so many headaches as you can imagine. I've never seen it this bad before. Nice:) Thank you for these tips.
  4. @FritzThank You Fritz. The remesh tool did seem to help me in this case to some extent. It's not a perfect mesh but may work for me hopefully. I was hoping there was a way to take an object imported into C4D and somehow magically remesh it so it not only holds its shape but uniformly as well.
  5. Hello everyone, I have some imported geo from Rhino and some of the planes are triangulated badly. I need a more uniform piece of geo for my landscaping with octane scatter. Here is what I'm looking at right now. I thought that using voronoi fracture would do the trick, and it looks like it should work but the triangulated splines seem to follow. Any ideas on something that seems so simple at first glance:( grass-front-03.c4d
  6. @martijnPGenius!!! Thank you for taking time to create this solution for this puzzle:)
  7. Hello, I believe I found a solution. Check out the new scene. I removed some objects to make it smaller but it will show you the solution. Only animate the offset to keep the size of the geo intact:) electrodeincochlea4.c4d
  8. @mdouglasI really appreciate you taking a stab at this. Does anyone else know of an idea? I think moving them manually will be too labor intensive being the layout may change often and more importantly trying to maintain the visual of them wrapping around a sphere from a flat plane is crucial. I may have to dole out some cash for a solid solution😉
  9. I'm working on a project where I'm placing several objects, spheres for now, that I want to move into a spherical shape over time. My idea was to use the wrap deformer to create the spherical shape over time. When you do this though, the new position of the spheres is not updated. I've also tried using another object constrained to one of the spheres thinking when the deformer was applied it may update its position to the new position but that does not work either. Is there another technique to create an animation which takes objects aligned on the same plane and then over time moves them into an organized spherical pattern while maintaining the original layout appearance? I want to take the c4d file into After Effects and I need to be able to translate the position data. I've attached a scene file to give you an idea of what I'm trying to do. Thank you for any thoughts you may have. Rick Chart-10.c4d
  10. Update! I've created a scene that is very close. I'm seeing a weird glitch or two as it plays. It may be coming from the formula effector that I added. The formula effector gives the animation a bit more interest with a rotation applied. If anyone has any ideas how to improve upon this to get it closer to the example in the original post I would love to see what you come up with. Regards. Example Animation waves_0012-StandardRenderer.c4d
  11. @HappyPolygonThat looks really close to the link. I'll take a look at your build to see how you came up with it:)
  12. I gave it the old college try with very little luck. See my scene attached. Boards-10.zip
  13. I appreciate you taking a few moments to ponder this:)
  14. Hello, I came across this animation and am wondering how you would create something like this. Any ideas? https://www.pexels.com/video/wood-art-wave-curve-8303104/
  15. @MODODOThat is spot on...wow! I'm trying to duplicate what you did but not having any luck. Would you share your setup for a tip:)
  16. I've so far created a cloner with 7 extrude objects all with various colors that I need to change if necessary. I've applied them to the c1 cap which seems to work well. The issue now is being able to control how the cloner arranges the clones as it's not even close to the image original image I posted. I did try the shader effector with noise but I again could not figure out how to arrange the colors in a specific defined way. the colors will not change. They will stay locked to the each clone as it moves up and down.
  17. Hello Everyone, I'm trying to create a MoGraph animation where the hexagons move in 'Z' space. I have all that sorted out but now I'm trying to color the clones to match the image below. Any idea how to achieve this without losing my procedural MoGraph setup? Notice how some of the clones are different colors but also the bevel is the dark grey to match the body of all the clones. Only the face of some of the clones needs to be changed. Any hand-holding you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Rick
  18. Hello, I have another job which is needing me to put in a few models which I have no expertise in creating. I've listed a few links below of what I'm needing built. If you have octane, then octane materials would be a plus. Not necessary however. I would like to at least use them with the physical renderer. Please PM me with time and price to complete all the models listed below. Thanks, Rick Model 1: build this UAV and we want it just as seen in the photo link. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=l5Qn4eIb&id=23AAA920F2A41CC6D80A0758732970828C9BF2AE&thid=OIP.l5Qn4eIbGSSgDfq1PeD-EQHaCM&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.aurora.aero%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2017%2f09%2fXV-24A.jpg&exph=500&expw=1688&q=aurora+flight+sciences&simid=608025062204834608&selectedIndex=23 Here is another link to this aircraft: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aurora_LightningStrike_aircraft_concept.jpg Model 2: I would want this one built pretty close to as seen in this link. https://newatlas.com/boeing-mq-25-stingray/52684/
  19. Hello, I'm looking for a x-particles master out there in c4dcafe land. I have several scenes that are in need of some x-particles scene layouts. I will give you all the specifics in a private message if interested. Here are some generic specs of what I'm looking for: 1- Use x-particles to create some simple water streams over a ground plane with displacement 2- Use x-particles to create particle waves in various patterns using math formulas (ie: sine wave/cosine wave) 3- Use x-particles to create some clouds in the sky All scenes are to be setup using certain parameters that I can give to you regarding size of the scene and detail. Let me know if anyone has interest. If you are using Octane then even better:) Rick
  20. Hello All, So sorry to revive this thread but I'm just now updating my r19 install with the new content libraries. Why is the MAXON server so slow? I can download a 50mb file in one second but this 3 GB file is going to take over 300 hours based upon the speed in which MAXON is delivering. Boo:(
  21. Hello, I'm needing a model of a TWR, (traveling wave reactor) built for use in a cinema 4d scene. I would like to see the inside components like shown with the exterior shell easily being broken up into two parts so we can show the inside and then fade to the enclosed structure. I would also like to see some surrounding supporting equipment like pipes etc. going to some small square buildings. See the attached example. Please message me if you have interest with your estimated cost to complete. The model will need to be photo realistic as it will be going into a live video shot. Thank you.
  22. Well I just got back in...Been a long time. Since R14, So I suppose I should update my profile now :) Glad to be back and I do hope it was worth the investment especially with all the talk of the R20 release upcoming. Rick
  23. curious and curious />

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