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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. You need to define dynamics on cloner level, not the object itself. Mixing diferrent dynamics is often troublesome...
  2. This can be done with character object, here is an older example I have VP_Roadtest.c4d You need to save the top null as character builder template, then load character object and use template from there (hit buttons to add road sections) Another way would be to use nodes but haven't tried that yet
  3. You can use an y point object as input for field. Load a spline into field list 🙂
  4. Make sure you attach the scene file, otherwise it is difficult for members to hel you out 🙂
  5. @Smolak I believe this is what you are after Cloner_0001.c4d
  6. @Smolak Take a look inside atom array asset, it shows how to handle this
  7. err. Not sure what you mean? 🙂
  8. Here is nice setup, analytical foam, originally done by Entagma in Houdini roughly ported to nodes. It is doable with nodes, quite performant. There are room for improvements but that would require even more complexity. 193_Analytical_Foam.c4d
  9. Keep in mind that only static values can be used with assert (for now)
  10. @LuBaphomet You have a couple of options here. One is using IK, constraints and parenting (haven't tried) or doing a math based rig. Here is a stab at it. It is all apcked in single mesh, you can check the graph for details. There are two sliders which do what you have been describing. Hope you can adapt it or transfer to your specifics. slide_fun.c4d
  11. @LuBaphomet Do you need this to be "classic" C4D setups with all the objects being separate entities, or a single mesh? How realistic this needs to be? I aks because this looks like something for nodes : )
  12. You can use glue with falloff. This will glue the pieces but break in middle will be preserved. Any other way dictates that you have multiple pieces which can't be rotated from arbitrary location via effector. Try the attached scene, could be what you are after Candy bar Break_glue_falloff.c4d
  13. Took a quick look. The issue is that you are breaking into to many pieces where you are aiming for just two? If you break in just two pieces you can rotate as intended. Simple scene attached Candy_break_quick.c4d
  14. Vertex map to define clone density on surface 231_Clone_map_density.c4d
  15. Love it! Could also be cheddar Bob : )
  16. Known issue - time dependent in import node : )
  17. @zeden Works here. What seems to be broken for you?
  18. Is this what you are after? Effector with modify clone and some changes to your setup are needed Radial Wipe_0001.c4d
  19. For that you will need to use inheritance effector, meaning, your clones have to have a source from which it will draw point positions and moprph the motion object. Usually this is another cloner with meshes in states which you want to morph too.
  20. Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System 🙂 Love the Freeman character, reminds me of being young and playinmg my favorite game
  21. Took a quick look. Maybe you just want to adjust your filed tolerance and remapping? 🙂
  22. Here is a free node which interprets particle data. This means you can import particle attributes into Neutron graph by particle group and do what you want with it : ) 228_Neutron_Particle_Import.c4d
  23. Maybe @Havealot can help answering this one since he is an simulation expert : )
  24. @Smolak Have you tried edge to line node as starting point?
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