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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. You are seriously over estiamting my capabilities 😄
  2. We are getting into serious stuff here - physically based bouncing ball. Memory node serves as solver and result it is art directable. From controls, it has gravity, bounciness and of course initial transforms can be set. Pure math stuff, not expensive to calculate 🙂 Note: no rotations yet, that is quite tricky 111_Bouncing_Ball.c4d
  3. Maxon support is your best bet, send them the capture files also
  4. This should work. Is use animation enabled in Alembic? Given the file size, maybe use some upload service so we can check?
  5. Cool, thanks for sharing, this is quite valuable info 🙂
  6. Here is how to blend a parameter in nodes 41_Cloner_Blend.c4d
  7. Maybe I misunderstood but you can do what you want, check the scene morphs.c4d
  8. You can have instance like setup but there is a limitation. Nodes currently can't process complex input hierarchies, they can work with immediate chldren objects. There is also an option to use symmetry node as well. Here is an example that mimics instance Quad Mirror Start_0001.c4d
  9. Depends on what you want to do. I presume here you are looking to read out the value. That can be done by using a nodes mesh (pr spline), do your calculation in graph and pass it to name of a tag (say weight tag). That way you have a tag in OM with name which is the actual value and can be accessed
  10. Took a quick look. Was a long time ago when I was into animation but I believe your issue is due to pivot object. You can go around it by setting a key on Z for bot null (your retargeted character), but your keyframe has to be in step mode to compensate for the change your are making with pivot on or source character. Could be that this won't be desirable for you and that are other solutions, hope this helps 🙂
  11. Looks like the file noted in error mesage is missing or is corrputed? Check the folder
  12. @Zyere Harris Download link has restricted access, hard to help if scene file isn't available...
  13. Try holding esc key. Does this happen in specific scene or all cases for you? Heavy scene?
  14. Outline spline node works wonders here. Use it in nodes modifier and you get a capsule that can be used in object manager.
  15. @Smolak Can you attach the scene file please?
  16. Currently there is no such option on capsule itself, but you can use any object in the graph and create a switch to change the output mesh?
  17. Have you checked this topic? https://www.core4d.com/ipb/forums/topic/117430-boat-wake-in-c4d/#comment-752951
  18. Someone asked how to get particle data into nodes graph, here is how 228_Neutron_Particle_Import.c4d
  19. Yes, you can use rope dynamics with fixed points, however, usually dynamics are not used with these types of rigs, depending on the shot need. Handbag straps are quite rigid and for them to be fully art directable dynamics are often an overkill.
  20. This is very interesting, thanks a lot for sharing. Would love to see an update for this topic
  21. Yes, it seems it exports in that particular format. Not sure if this is requirement of the format itself and if it can be in fact changed.
  22. @Joe W Using a spline and spline wrap would be way easier than IK
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