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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. You could reference one node capsule in another, that works
  2. @DALII Ah, I see what you mean. You will need two objects, that is due to requirement of making a cutout and then placing the window rig in it. Nodes can't define what will be inaccessible to generators. You can help yourself by automatically creating correct cutout size box from window mesh (in another capsule) and bounding box node : ) That will be way cleaner than what you are doing now
  3. @DALII That is why change in perspective is needed if you want to have single mesh. Then the objects become polygon islands in single mesh. For example, glass and frame can be separate islands and exposed as selections. Of course, maybe I misunderstood, can you post your scene?
  4. @DALII Ah, I see what you mean. Nodes mesh outputs a single geometry at the end, but it can be split into island, selections etc. What you are looking for is connect object. It joins all geometry and the you pass it out. Here is a screenshot: Also notice that there is an if node (switch node also works here) that controls if window is enabled or not. This is just to illustrate you can have endless control. Nodes became very mature but still have stigma of being "techy" and difficult from their early incarnations. That ceratinly is true for some compelx stuff but for needs similar to yours they are surprisingly simple. Tip: Drop wire directly on connect node parent port, that will automatically create new connected child port. Happy to help, this also helps other members as well 🙂 window.c4d
  5. @DALII Not really sure what you mean, are you asking if you can import result of the boole or generators? If that is the case, then no, you can import only raw geometry. You can reference a classic object, but then it is not living in the graph, it is a reference to object sitting in object manager. If you are asking how to stop something in the graph as equivalent to stopping a generator in hierarchy with stop tag, that just requires mindset change. You simply don't apply it at first place - nodes give you multidimensional possibilities which exceed object manager. One other aspect that you will discover later which is very handy is that you can save your assets and utilize the versioning system which is builtin 🙂 As far as questions are concerned, no worries, fire away!
  6. @DALII You can create everything you need in single nodes mesh capsule, either from scratch or by importing some base geometry into graph permanently. By this, I mean ctrl+drag your initial geometry into graph. That geometry will then be present as value node inside the graph and you can delete the source. From there, you can buld up whatever you need and propagate controls to out, create selections etc. Here is a quick example where I imported a frame which is now a geometry value node inside the capsule and made some generic functionality. Hope this helps 🙂 Nodes are very good for this. Naturally, it takes some effort to create an asset but once you save a lot of work down the road. window.c4d
  7. @DALII If you have an asset in object manager, you can modify it with geometry modifier, import into graph as a node or import it as an object into nodes mesh/spline as a child or link. What can be modifed is matrix, geometry and geometry properties, but you can't change the parameters of the object sitting in object manager. They have to be built inside the nodes. Can you post an example of what you are after, just to make sure that we are talking about same issue? 🙂
  8. Sample the mesh color with mesh interpolate node from closest point on surface (there is an ode for that) and assign to your object
  9. Very nice, thanks for sharing!
  10. pm request -> pulsating heart Quite simple setup, can be done with MoGraph as well but it shows how you can quickly create a nice asset with nodes 🙂 p.s. Folks, don't be shy, it is best to ask for help in the forum instead of pm, it will be addressed way quicker 164_Heart.c4d
  11. You can drop the node on the wire directly, it will insert itself into connection. This works for any node where ports are of compatible type in any node graph.
  12. Not an expert in that ara but I would say you are out of options here
  13. I am not aware of any viable alternatives at this moment...
  14. Very nice, thanks for sharing!
  15. Time offset works for animated input object of the cloner and offsets individual clones. Any reason why you are not using another filed, such as linear to trigger random field?
  16. Place your material on cloner and project it onto whole clone constellation (try rmb on material tag and fit to region in viewport). Then instruct the shader effector to use the luminance channel of your material, since it contains the texture.
  17. Have you tried surface deformer? You can project clothes to skinned mesh
  18. Happy to see other people posting stuff 🙂
  19. Are you trying to make the camera horizontal to the plane? If so, look through camera, orbit but hold shift key
  20. You need to edit the graph. Use add node between range and radius of circle. THe value you add will eb initial radius.
  21. Double click on capsule in object manager, that will launch the graph editor. You will msot likely have to reconnect the wire that goers to transform geometry Y
  22. Which version are you using? The setup includes nodal capsule with some internals that presumably produce what you want (animated circle which transforms in y)
  23. Is this what you are after? thing.c4d
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