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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Hrvoje


    Very nice work! I would guess that there is post work on the rendered image which you will also have to do to get that look :)
  2. Hrvoje

    ATP Synthase

    nice work! Would be good to add labels to summarise what is going on? :)
  3. A tad to far for me but (cca 19000km) would love to grab a drink with you again mate...
  4. Hrvoje

    Oh, grate...

    You got to love this Edison bulbs - have them at my home :) Great work. Small suggestion is to maybe add some thickness to holes mesh?
  5. Hi folks Due to some private message inquiries I wanted to clarify bonus lessons for C4DCafe available trainings. Each training, starting from R20 ones (Fields and Nodes so far) will receive 4 bonus lessons periodically after release. Those lessons are free additions to purchased training. Their purpose is mostly to cover topics of interest based on forum feedback and provide additional value to purchased training. Hope this explains it :) Cheers
  6. I post as much as time permits, will keep them coming :)
  7. Here is an interesting one (thanks to pm suggestion) where you can visualise various math functions and what result they produce :) I suck at math so I kindly ask anyone that is good in it to showcase some stuff! Math_stuff.c4d
  8. Hrvoje

    Field Plugin in Python

    hi This is a heavy programming question and I would like to point you to to MAXON official plugin forum here. https://plugincafe.maxon.net
  9. Never attempted to do refraction effect with Nodes. You can currently only stack BSDF layers at the end of the setup, I don't know if that will change...
  10. Srek can even print you a printer which prints printers that print printers :) Here is a another one from book of shaders - Polar shapes. Use the color labeled node to change sides Polar_shape.c4d
  11. Here is a Ngon shader which is quite complex and great example to dissect. This one is translation from book of shaders. To change sides use the colored sides node. https://thebookofshaders.com/07/ Ngon_shader.c4d
  12. This must work. Are you sure your data types are right? Here is a quick example python_string.c4d
  13. Cycles is not Cinema :) So, standard shader creation takes long? What modelling slowdown do you experience exactly...? I don't have any issues at all on OSX Mojave with R19...
  14. Can you be more specific? What issues? Thanks
  15. Hrvoje

    Martian parasite

    Very cool and professional looking. Looks like a movie graphic :)
  16. I already covered nodes quite deeply in my training :) They can be used completely separately. I rarely use set context except override and that is mostly for UV manipulation...
  17. Get context simply provides you with scene/object and other data. I don't understand all the stuff in there thoroughly but have a solid insight. In reality you don't have to understand it all to make cool shaders :) Here is a quick stab at circle shader. I have no clue how excatly circle preset is done, but I suspect it uses pretty much the same concept as I did. This can give you insight how this is relatively simple to do. Circle.c4d
  18. Bevel tool is completely unrelated since it deals with geometry. It is 100% MAXON development. You are right about patents, some are simply, err... silly...
  19. Here is a simple "rose curve" approximation. This can be used to see how shapes/patterns are made. Try to tile it and transform UV's, a lot of interesting patterns can be made :) Rose_Curve.c4d
  20. that is odd. Please attach a scene file...
  21. The functionality is intact and existing COFFEE stuff works, however you can't create anything COFFEE related anymore. I suggest you redo the scripts or whatever you have with Python...
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