Thanks for the effort, that is very detailed feedback!
Here are some setups with Nodes that are quite difficult to achieve without them in current MoGraph or other context. Sure, the setup is more complex due to it being nodes, however I haven't took the effort to pack the functionality in single asset with simple front end controls, so what you are looking at can in fact be a single node with inputs and outputs
Clone Blending
Radius Aware cloning
Road building
Poly Unfold effect
I already have built a library of roughly 100 Nodes scenes and in fact have 3 more volumes of training recorded (intermediate, advanced, master - have to find time to edit them) where I will show some really nice stuff with them. As extreme example, with nodes you can build very complex things like ray collision node:
So yes, it is early days but system is incredibly capable at this point and I am very excited about the future since it will only get better. Much better 🙂