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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Please share a scene file and update your profile please πŸ™‚ Did you set the type in geometry property set mode to normal?
  2. Meanwhile why not ask questions, we will be happy to help πŸ™‚
  3. Data type is set automatically with incoming array, there is no need for user intervention
  4. Folks, this can also be done with nodes πŸ™‚ boundary_cloning.c4d
  5. You can use edge to line node
  6. Please attach the scene and texture πŸ™‚
  7. In your screenshot it is visible that you are connecting container to data type. Distribution should go to container and the setup can be simplified πŸ™‚ Here is the scene extrude and follow_0001.c4d
  8. Ah, should have made a screenshot, sorry πŸ™‚ Select the node and run the command. Outline of node will change
  9. Hrvoje

    Core4D shop

    There is a backend issue which prevents us, it is being worked on
  10. Just reconnect, automatic iterate collection node will be made
  11. By using material parametrization one gains access to parameters of the single material node in the scene nodes. For texture you have to designate the node in material nodes as "start" node then update the parameters of parametrization node. This will then give you parameters of that node
  12. Are you opening in R25? You should get this Try hovering over viewport and pressing "A" to trigger refresh, works here...
  13. Sure, here it is πŸ™‚ There is a small refresh issue when you move your null which will require you to press "A" on your keyboard. If you move the cube itself it is ok. Basically points of any geometry are in local space, meaning you get local point positions from geometry ports. To make points global you have to multiply with the matrix (transform all points with matrix of object which carries the points). Effector_node_0001.c4d
  14. Use material parametrization node. It will allow you to access parameters of node from node material which you designated as start node. Here is a simple scene mat_param.c4d
  15. Use connect node. You can use named selections inside nodes plus some keywords such as "active", "all". Here is a scene that can help selections.c4d
  16. Setup works πŸ™‚ The problem is that your cube is transformed and setup acts on non transformed points. You have to get global point positions by multiplying the matrix with each point
  17. aboard! We have few Bjoerns already πŸ˜‰
  18. If you mean using it as a drag and drop into field then no. What are you trying to do? πŸ™‚
  19. Here is a simple example. If you want more than single previous position set the memory node to array and append all values. That way you can access any previous value previous.c4d
  20. Hrvoje

    MAXON is hiring

    Hi folks : ) MAXON is hiring and there quite a few open positions, make sure you check them here https://www.maxon.net/en/about-maxon/careers
  21. Yes, he can use object group but he can't do it in mesh group only (I believe that is the idea). Here is object group example Polygon_numbers_display_0001.c4d I would strongly suggest to use Nodes exclusively, That way you don't have to bother with context, predefined templates, and most importantly it will be much faster and able to display much more data. Many text splines will choke object manager and viewport rather soon.
  22. Since displaying involves text spline I don't think you can't do that in capsules because you can't mix context. You need input mesh and splines, where capsules are more strict in their definition. Good thing is that you can do everything you are after with nodes and not use object manager (you can use scene manager) and suffer from possible performance penalties.
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