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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. No special reason, just easier given presented data 🙂 Points are local so in order to get their transformed position one needs to multiply it with parent object matrix
  2. eer, not sure I follow, the setup shows point indices in viewport...?
  3. Sure, you need object group for that so it acts like a generator. Here is an example text_out.c4d Note that this can get slow quickly since spline is drawn for each point for multiple objects which is not ideal. This would be better done on viewport level by drawing in openGL so that it is much faster 🙂
  4. Not sure what went wrong with the file but follow this procedure: - Create object group by dragging it into object manager - Double click on it's icon to open node editor - Copy and paste all the nodes you have in your scene - Connect Geometry op to output - Extend children input of children op and add a new input - RMB in empty space in graph and open resource editor - Enable object mode for port - Disable variadic - Close resource editor (save database if asked, ignore errors if any) - Click in empty space in graph - Convert to asset and name as you wish Now you should have a saved capsule that works.
  5. Welcome Rafael, nice portfolio 🙂
  6. Hrvoje


    Not as trivial if you don't want to use keys as @Cairyn already wrote. I suspect there is some fancy math to make this awesome 🙂 There are few problems here if I assume correctly what you are after: 1. No keyframes 2. Object has to eventually stop it's motion which is driven parametrically (by time). That assumes that after some duration movement should stop and time value which is a "driver" has to be preserved otherwise the time will simply keep moving the object 3. Gradual slowdown. This can be done by remapping duration to output multiplier I attached a scene that does this, hope this is what you are after, couldn't think of anything better. In memory node you set duration. For more complex decaying with more options you can use spline mapper for multiplier but this involves more work or maybe different approach decay.c4d
  7. I presume you want smooth movement across surface. Here is an example which uses ray collision and interpolation node (which prevents abrupt changes) This would be equivalent to clamp constraint, hope it helps 🙂 106_Clamp_Constraint.c4d
  8. Hrvoje


    Seems that effectively you are looking to "decay" a value?
  9. Please share a scene file and update your profile please 🙂 Did you set the type in geometry property set mode to normal?
  10. Meanwhile why not ask questions, we will be happy to help 🙂
  11. Data type is set automatically with incoming array, there is no need for user intervention
  12. Folks, this can also be done with nodes 🙂 boundary_cloning.c4d
  13. You can use edge to line node
  14. Please attach the scene and texture 🙂
  15. In your screenshot it is visible that you are connecting container to data type. Distribution should go to container and the setup can be simplified 🙂 Here is the scene extrude and follow_0001.c4d
  16. Ah, should have made a screenshot, sorry 🙂 Select the node and run the command. Outline of node will change
  17. Hrvoje

    Core4D shop

    There is a backend issue which prevents us, it is being worked on
  18. Just reconnect, automatic iterate collection node will be made
  19. By using material parametrization one gains access to parameters of the single material node in the scene nodes. For texture you have to designate the node in material nodes as "start" node then update the parameters of parametrization node. This will then give you parameters of that node
  20. Are you opening in R25? You should get this Try hovering over viewport and pressing "A" to trigger refresh, works here...
  21. Sure, here it is 🙂 There is a small refresh issue when you move your null which will require you to press "A" on your keyboard. If you move the cube itself it is ok. Basically points of any geometry are in local space, meaning you get local point positions from geometry ports. To make points global you have to multiply with the matrix (transform all points with matrix of object which carries the points). Effector_node_0001.c4d
  22. Use material parametrization node. It will allow you to access parameters of node from node material which you designated as start node. Here is a simple scene mat_param.c4d
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