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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Here is a nice one - Hilbert curve! Use the range node to grow or shrink the setup. Result will always be contained within fixed size since each new matrix set is halved. This is pure nodes setup Main graph Subgraph 86_Hilbert_Curve.c4d
  2. Here is a curl effect. Trickery but it is good enough 🙂 132_Curl.c4d
  3. You are having data type errors in your scene as you can see in the console. Array nodes only work on arrays. Looking at the mesh in video it looks like a simple extruded and subdivided cube...? Am I missing something 🙂 ?
  4. Here is a simple cube roll prototype : ) 12_Roll_Cube.c4d
  5. Xpresso is very limited and in this case it can replicate nodes setup since it is math mostly. That is common ground for all node syste ms. Nodes are immeasurably more capable and powerful than Xpresso 🙂
  6. Here is an elaborate setup - Tracer. It is a reduced version of MoGraph tracer but setup can be expanded to include more features Some basic control are available Graph is complex but groups and subgroups are commented to good extent to explain what is going on 01_Tracer.c4d
  7. Here is an example of orb eating up other orbs. I recall seeing this somewhere but cant recall anymore where. It is interesting effect and requires more complex graph. Graph itself Graph is commented, hope it helps uncover some tricks and help further understanding how capable nodes are 🙂 119_Munching_Orb.c4d
  8. Pure node example! A beacon, radar or radio station, whatever you want to call it 🙂 Graph is not complex at all 109_Beacon.c4d
  9. Here is an interesting one - random text to text🙂 AM controls You can choose the text, random seed, amount of randomness plus some extras such as removal of curly braces, commas and specific characters Graph 167_Random_Letters.c4d
  10. Not sure why there is a belief that nodes are not being developed anymore? 🙂
  11. Sure you can but it won't work for the camera itself. You can, for example generate a matrix on your distribution object that is output from nodes.
  12. That won't work. Object is imported into graph and new object is output from it.
  13. Looking forward to next release 🙂
  14. Here is a fun one - pendulum 🙂. This is pure nodes setup with imported geometry Top Graph Subgraph magic part There are some convenient controls 30_Pendulum.c4d
  15. Here is a bit more elaborate setup - splinewrap prototype. Generator takes a mesh as input and in link deforming spline can be loaded. Some basic controls are present Graph The setup can be expanded to reflect current splinewrap deformer and expand on it 67_Splinewrap.c4d
  16. Here is an example of hot make a fish school, or flocking effect. This is pure nodes setup. Control the effect through controls on grid and random node 57_Fisch_School.c4d
  17. I see. Check the geometry property set node, it generates points (or other geo attributes) by using incoming iteration or array. You can use point data from spline itself or any custom data as input.
  18. When you say attribute you are referring to some Houdini construct which I am not acquainted with. In nodes, you can generate lines by using index and topological nodes. Check line topology get/set nodes too. I presume this is what you are after? connect.c4d
  19. Yes, you would need to create a custom array of points based on any condition you want then use those points to create spline segments. There is spline assembler and other spline related nodes that can help you with that
  20. Hrvoje

    Hide Clones Effector

    Use filter op. Here is the simplest case where there is no falloff involved
  21. Here is a aim constraint prototype. Simple but can be turned into full blown setup following the same principle 🙂 Target is loaded in Generator Graph is simple 21_Aim_Constraint.c4d
  22. Here is a pure nodes "trailing" setup. Clones will trail (as with MoInstance) the animated value and one can change the count. Magic happens inside memory node On the main level things are quite simple This setup can be expanded to completely make MoInstance parity plus some more! 75_Trailing.c4d
  23. Here is a bit more elaborate setup, in this case purely nodes based. Essentially it is an inheritance effector where clones reach transformation of target object with temporal offset. Sounds complicated but effect is quite known. Following controls are provided You can choose what is active (what transforms), duration and gap. The main part of the setup is located in inheritance group To use, simply set final transformation with null object Press play and clones will transform from original state defined by distribution to new transformed state. You can easily swap the distribution. The challenge would be to make this a capsule 🙂 112_Inheritance.c4d
  24. Here is an example on geometry modifier usage. Here we build a simple smoothing deformer 🙂 Setup uses looping in form of loop carried value node which accumulates results 10x10x10 segment cube smoothed Modifier has iterations and strength parameters It is used as any other modifier in OM Main graph is quite simple. Important part is range node which drives the looping Loop carried value internals are heart of the setup This setup can be expanded and improved. You can build your own deformers! 79_Smooth_Points_Deformer.c4d
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