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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Took a quick look. In ragdool test scene, you are using bullet. Use expert settings in project setting tab (bullet) and increase iterations
  2. Rectangle random subdivision ( unoptimized and dirty but it works 🙂 ) Use the range node to subdivide Viewport Graph Subgraph 199_Rectangle_division.c4d
  3. Graph to spline 🙂 This one takes the shape of graph UI and makes a spline in viewport Viewport 102_Graph_To_Spline.c4d
  4. If you are willing to nvest time, make a post and explain in short and meaningful way why it is wrong, however, this could lead to reaction and suck you into discussion so make sure you are willing to do that too 🙂
  5. Some random text to speciofic word 67_Random_text_to_word(MG).c4d
  6. That is really nice rig and qulaity modelling!
  7. @HappyPolygon Here is bouncing bay prototype - works 🙂
  8. Bouncing ray is doable but it can only detect objects that are children of the capsule, it can't detect objects on scene level. Same goes for surface ray. Both of these are not easy task 🙂
  9. So, you want to shoot a ray into a mesh, detect a hit an shoot out a deflected ray at some angle? Not sure what you mean by surface traversing capsule, some screenshots or doodle would help 🙂
  10. Screw lunchbreak 🙂 Here is a quick and dirty one for vertical. Relatively simple setup, it will get you going segments.c4d
  11. That is very difficult task on any mesh which is not topologically mixed orhas multiple island. For primitive shapes, or topologically simple (quads only) it can be done. Probably the best bet is to check edge angles agains major axis with threshold. Alternatively, you can start with any point, find closest points and select the ones with smallest angle, rinse and repeat. Will try to patch up this over weekend 🙂
  12. So, you want to remove either vertical or horizontal loops? What would be the condition for deletion? You want a slider for horizontal/vertical?
  13. Hrvoje


    Great work and wonderful softness to whole scene 🙂
  14. I guess it depends on your connection and server circumstances? Here it is quite performant
  15. pm request, weave like pattern (non optimized) Folks, don't be shy about questions but please use this or another topic isntead of pm... 141_Weave.c4d
  16. I am not a old timer 👴 Nice to see you back!
  17. MAXON has a May sale special! https://www.maxon.net/en/article/may2023special
  18. hHere is no " chest_ik_retarget" in your scene? Can you state what exactly you are trying to achieve, there may be much easier solutions 🙂
  19. Hard to say without scene file, maybe you can strip down the scene to bare minimum where issue is present?
  20. Some cmotion stuff 58_Scorpion(CA+CMotion).c4d
  21. I think those tool are not comaptible with curren versions. Can't try, I don;t have them
  22. RMB on Input and you can add nested ports
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