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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Vertex map to define clone density on surface 231_Clone_map_density.c4d
  2. Love it! Could also be cheddar Bob : )
  3. Known issue - time dependent in import node : )
  4. @zeden Works here. What seems to be broken for you?
  5. Is this what you are after? Effector with modify clone and some changes to your setup are needed Radial Wipe_0001.c4d
  6. For that you will need to use inheritance effector, meaning, your clones have to have a source from which it will draw point positions and moprph the motion object. Usually this is another cloner with meshes in states which you want to morph too.
  7. Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System 🙂 Love the Freeman character, reminds me of being young and playinmg my favorite game
  8. Took a quick look. Maybe you just want to adjust your filed tolerance and remapping? 🙂
  9. Here is a free node which interprets particle data. This means you can import particle attributes into Neutron graph by particle group and do what you want with it : ) 228_Neutron_Particle_Import.c4d
  10. Maybe @Havealot can help answering this one since he is an simulation expert : )
  11. @Smolak Have you tried edge to line node as starting point?
  12. pm question: Here is a simple extrude along spline setup 🙂 142_Extrude_Along_Spline.c4d
  13. Simple target effector, but in nodes 🙂 223_Target_Effector.c4d
  14. Took a quick look and it seems you have to enable fk in controls to get the hips to move the arms. There are some ik/fk switches but I am not sure how functional they are, it would take a lot of time to dissect the rig itself. Make sure you change the display to show full hierarchy in OM, it will be easier to troubleshoot
  15. That is very nice and moody sequence you have there. Like the atmosphere 🙂
  16. At this moment no, particles are OM based
  17. If you need an approximation of boat wake (not a fluid sim) then fields work too 146_Boat_wake(MG).c4d
  18. Not at desk atm, but most likely doable with python node
  19. Here is an example of decay in transformation 205_Decay_thing.c4d
  20. Very nice collection, thanks for this!
  21. Thanks. That is a known issue that can happen on undo or some other actions, will be fixed.
  22. Looks like some refresh issue - can you post a scene file please?
  23. : D You are seriously overestimating my capabilities. I found some pieces of obscure math paper and managed to convert it into nodes.
  24. Here is a nice setup I spent too much time on - Lorenz attractor! There is some fancy math inside and controls are available. If you want more performance turn the capsule into spline one without geometry and vertex color generation 210_Lorenz.c4d
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