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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Used to it, trained professionally for years by my better half :)
  2. Very nice to see this going live, will be fun to see new stuff in there :)
  3. MoSpline is essentially an L system. Default angle is propagated and can be considered as global. If you need varying angles you will have to specify per branch. Check the documentation for details. Cheers
  4. Almost all deformers have falloff, but this is useful Xpresso setup where you can create your own and limit the deformer. Good for learning purposes. Unfortunately bevel can't be limited nor does it have a falloff. Second file is cheating, first thing that popped to my mind. Could be there are simpler solutions... Hope this helps :) deformer_falloff.c4d Fracture_Bevel.c4d
  5. It would be much easier to help with actual scene file :) Some ideas pop to mind, however, it could be that one that is most practical is cheating. Use another setup with bevel version and use inheritance to "swap" the ones that are affected. Cheers
  6. Probably number of ways to do it. One would be to use freeze node. With it, you can "hold" or "freeze" any given value when switch is on. For example, you could freeze the value based on distance (there is distance node). Simply compare two distances such as that when they are both the same (compare node) you enable the switch in freeze thus holding the value for rangemapper. Cheers
  7. Are you sure? I highly doubt this. I believe MAXON is larger then both of them, in terms of dev manpower and manpower total. If you can provide some numbers I can tell for sure :)
  8. Your choice will be revolving around graphics card if rendering with Octane is primary purpose. Nvidia 1080 looks like good choice. Cheers
  9. @jwiede Have no clue about Mac specifics since I am Win user, but MAXON certainly won't impose any limitations or disable something, however it can't do anything if other vendor decides something that will prevent users using specific hardware and OS combination...
  10. Hi there, try this :) import c4d def main(): if op is None or not op.CheckType(c4d.Ospline): print "Please select a spline" return if op.GetPointCount() == 0: print "The spline has no points" return doc.SetMode(c4d.Mpoints) bsSelected = op.GetPointS() bsSelected.DeselectAll() bsSelected.Select(0) c4d.EventAdd() if __name__=='__main__': main() Cheers
  11. Better post this at MAXON official plugincafe forum http://www.plugincafe.com/forum/default.asp
  12. Hrvoje


    For some reason I thought she will take her clothes off and jump into water :)
  13. Hm, maybe I don't understand you, but nVidia cards will work too, no reason for them not to. There is nothing that nVidia has to allow, enable or provide for it to work :)
  14. There is nothing for NVidia to enable here? GPU OpenCL will be used :)
  15. Every GPU renderer works that way since it simply has to receive data from CPU, but I believe your question revolves around "hybrid" rendering, utilizing GPU and CPU as same resource type to do parallel rendering. The answer is - I don't know yet but it is probably technically possible :) Sure there is in practical sense of the word, it is just a matter of stopping the process on request. You can set Physical renderer to caclulate to "infinity". From Physics point of view, there is no real "unbiased" real light simulator since that would require infinite processing power. No. The speed will be equal to OpenCL performance of any given GPU.
  16. Folks, here we are talking about OpenCL unbiased path tracing renderer. That means it has GPU and CPU support. In reality, that means it is an hybrid renderer and it can run on either GPU or CPU. The benefits here are that it will be fully integrated, seamless, and it won't care about your hardware. I am sure more information about this will be provided :)
  17. As far as I can say at this moment, all Windows+ AMD or NVidia, and OSX+ AMD are fully supported. First efforts are concentrated on creating an easy-to-use integration of ProRender that will provide a smooth transition for existing customers, but ProRender does offer a platform on which to deliver physically-based shading and node-based materials in the future. Unfortunately I don't have this information yet, but it is certainly possible. The aim is to have tight integration where the ProRender is seamless part of Cinema Cheers
  18. https://www.maxon.net/en/news/maxon-blog/article/the-future-of-rendering/ Fun times ahead :)
  19. This is much easier to do with MoGraph unless you really need it to be XPresso based? Delay.c4d
  20. Interesting. I would even predict higher growth :)
  21. At first glance at topic title I really hoped that someone was playing a rude joke and it will just result in another ban but I was wrong :( My condolences to his family and loved ones. Dan was truly decent, well measured, polite, helpful, respectful, modest.... Even with very difficult health issues he never complained, imposed or made a fuss about it. I knew he enjoyed riding in the wild and it was always stunning to see how well he balanced his private life and work. I just hope he found peace and happiness out there in big blue prairie, and all of us can just say thank you, thank you for all the contribution for C4D community, first as a gentleman then second as plugin developer. Rest in peace
  22. Hrvoje

    African Boy

    Very nice and stylish, I like the mood and "feel" of it :)
  23. Hrvoje

    TFD on rigged objects

    I suggest that you post a scene file because then users with the plugin can take a look. Given they don't know how your scene is constructed, they can only guess...
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