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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Hi Al Sorry to hear about this, I made a small donation, hope it helps reach the goal.
  2. There are a lot of speedups which are not really advertised, or the explanation in release doesn't really reflect true benefit for users. For example, in R19 we got media sessions which may not seem like a big deal and most of the people won't notice it. Here is one example with animated material: - Open the scene in R19 and press play -> it flies - Open the scene in R18 - it crawls for first playback until it caches Unfortunately I don't have any scenes which show speedups for standard renderer but simply take few of yours which fit the description of speedup and render them out :) animated_mat.zip
  3. You can use two effectors which would be a simpler solution, or you are looking into creating more complex logic. If complete block + gap is 3 items that is still on simpler side, however, if you require even more than that, that would be quite complex I presume. Haven't tried, but will :)
  4. Folks, new lesson is in the works and will be available this week, this time we will build a nifty Python effector :)
  5. That is potentially good topic, but it would probably be too long for single lesson unless you have specific issue that could be dissected. Folks - new lessons are in works and will be available this week, we opted to skip last week due to R19 release :) Cheers
  6. New lesson in works and will be available this week. We will tackle some MoGraph and Xpresso this time :)
  7. New lesson, Class 10 is available, check it out in TD Master section :)
  8. It is true but it is not MAXON fault, issue is in drivers which is something nVidia or Apple have to address.
  9. Folks, new lesson is in works and will be available this week. This time we will tackle a bit more advanced MoGraph/ Python rig :)
  10. Both :) Multi core is used effectively plus decoders benefit from higher clocks
  11. Unfortunately I can't answer that one, but from logical standpoint that would make sense Unfortunately I can't comment on SDK, I believe this was already answered in some other thread. What I do know is that SDK is constantly refined and improved. If MAXON decides to disclose info on R20, I will be glad to comment or clarify within boundaries of what is publicly known I was passionate advocate even before I joined the team :) My reasoning came from knowing German mindset, work ethics and discipline. My Dad worked in German speaking part of Switzerland for many years. There was simply no way that they were oblivious and indifferent to product state, community that surrounds it and industry developments. There simply had to be long term, carefully developed plan and agenda, which is not something unique to MAXON, rather a part of general German approach.
  12. That is entirely your own decision. My personal standpoint is that, given the release and all info that was mentioned around it is enough of a hint that good things are coming. MAXON is also more open since in the very release there are mentions of "first incarnation", "first iteration".etc. At this point I simply don't know if MAXON will decide to provide some additional information and I can only repeat or clarify what is already known. I am also intriged by this one, I don't see the benefit at the first sight, it seems to be a pure under the hood thing. As said on MAXON website, In R19 you won't notice much from user standpoint, however the first part of new modelling kernel is implemented, and even though it may not seem like it, it is huge undertaking. Later, with following releases you will see real tangible results for tools that you use daily. To create top notch tools, you have to have top quality core "machine" to handle that all. Last thing MAXON wants is to slap new tools and workflows on old tech. As an example, new poly reduction is done around new kernel and you will see it is very fast and modern.
  13. Hair display is same as before
  14. I am glad that finally there are real solid tangible results for all of you that waited for them. Unfortunately, I can't disclose what exactly is in the works, however C4D best days are ahead and benefits of new core will become more and more apparent with following releases. From my personal standpoint, I can imagine a lot of people being very happy in near future - yes, even @Cutman
  15. I have a 6Gb card and it works pretty well here
  16. Yes, if you use Voronoi to break them. For example, if you "fracture" cloner, detailing and all other stuff will work on clones Not yet Hardware Renderer is exact OpenGL viewport and all it's capabilities can be rendered. Viewport doesn't have Motion blur and it can't be added as post effect. But good idea, maybe this can change in future. See above, anything that works in viewport can be rendered. Here is a screenshot of renderer.
  17. Unfortunately some things didn't make it into R19, most importantly SSS, however, I would say it is 90% complete at this point and more than enough for almost all tasks. With that being said, it will mature in future releases, both feature and performance wise.
  18. No special machines or cards, mainstream gpu cards can handle that
  19. Where did you read this? Of course it supports procedural shaders such as noise etc
  20. Performance is the key here, even in the areas where you don't expect it. For example, let's say you load a video file into a material, apply to some geometry. Upon playback, R18 and prior release would struggle and had to do one pass to cache it, now it is all nice, smooth and fast from very start :) Of course, it was designed with having difficult areas in mind :)
  21. Ah, finally I can speak about some stuff :) First, let's resolve the falloff object thing that was seen in video prior to release. It was moved there since Fracturing now supports falloff, it was simply renamed to suit the purpose. Now, many people are excited about ProRender and various other stuff, but for me personally I am very happy that finally we have first tangible results from core tech. Those would be the viewport enhancements and you got to love the eye candy. I want to mention that all the effects run totally smooth on my machine which has mid level gaming graphics card. Second, the introduction of first version of modelling kernel and my favorite of all time, complete new media session core interface. That thing brings massive performance increases when working with images and videos inside whole C4D and is completely independent from OS stuff. For example, if you load high res mp4 video on PV in R18 it will crawl, in R19 it flies. Same with other large image & video data. This is the jewel I am expecting people to "discover" once R19 is available to them.
  22. As far as I recall, the original idea behind labeling releases 0.5 and 1 was not to have big number in version
  23. New lesson (Class 09) is in works and will be available this week :)
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