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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Happy New Year folks, bring on 2018!
  2. Folks, new lesson is available, this time we did a MoGraph box rig :)
  3. Thanks a lot, I really wanted to do something advanced, glad you like it! New lesson is in works, will be available this week :)
  4. Folks, new lesson available, this time we are looking into unusual worm rig. Sorry for a bit of delay, I had some medical issues to resolve.
  5. Folks, this topic has reached dead end, therefore we are closing it before things start to flame out
  6. Folks, new lesson in works and it will be available this week. We are looking into some interesting rigging techniques :)
  7. @Cutman Judging by your posts I can say that you clearly have no clue about: A. Software development. B. Size and scope of companies and products you are referring too in your post C. Resources needed to write a fully fledged DCC The only thing you seem to be good about is insulting other members and endless spamming. Didn't you jump ship to Houdini?I now received way more messages which ask me to ban you than I would like, so please, act maturely if you are able to otherwise we will have no options since you violated Cafe rules too many times.
  8. I think that I will kindly excuse myself from this thread. Obviously I should close down the Cafe, apply for a job at sideFX or AD since I am in total denial of events that will happen. Or already happened according to the article.
  9. The ones that make such decisions. Not sure what you are trying to achieve. Sure, every company can be bought or sold, but in this case it seems to me you are deliberately trying to unsettle people with this false story of acquisition. It is simply not happening. Can it happen? yes, everything is possible and it is also possible that people will stop spamming on forums :) At the rate MAXON is growing in every aspect and given the Nemetschek success over the years I think it is highly unlikely.
  10. Hm, that is odd, then everyone in the company, including CEO's don't know anything about it for months Let me simplify - whoever posted this simply invented that story, there is no substance to it at all.
  11. Folks, that "news" is debunked already some time ago, Nemetschek denied it back then, not really much to talk about... C4D is growing on every front, business wise it doesn't make any sense also. @Cutman You might consider stating facts in your posts, that is usually much better than some fabricated presumptions based on your personal disposition.
  12. Folks, new lesson is available, this time we do a bit of MoGraph :)
  13. Thanks :) A lot of work goes into lessons, especially complex ones like this. Stay tuned, new lessons in work. Currently we managed to hold the weekly release cycle as promised and are already at 20 classes.
  14. Rubik cube interactive rig part 2 (final) done and uploaded - enjoy!
  15. Rubik cube part 2 is in the works and will be available this week :)
  16. Hrvoje

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    @Cutman Good luck in Houdini-Land!
  17. Folks, new lesson is available, this one is split into two parts. Since the project involved (Rubik cube) is demanding we opted for splitting in order to reduce information overload in single long lesson. This is very advanced lesson even by TDMS standards :)
  18. Folks, new lesson is in works, this time we will build a Xpresso&Python Rubik cube. Since this lesson will be a bit lengthy it will be available in next few days :)
  19. Folks, new lesson is in the works and will be available this weel. This time we will do a python script to create custom selection tool :)
  20. You can use simple python to print iteration results to result node as a string. Not ideal but you can read out values. Here is quickie, simply enable on checkbox in Python node when you need the values otherwise it will accumulate them all the time on any action. Hope that helps :) IterationResult.c4d
  21. Folks, new lesson is in works and will be available this week - this time we will build a nice fish school rig :)
  22. Hi TD folks :) New lesson is in works, this time we will tackle a creation of custom workflow script with Python. Lesson will be available this week. Many of you probably noticed that each week new lesson is released - that is the rate we will try to maintain and even surpass in future.
  23. Deja vu - new lesson in works, will be released this week :) This time we will build a MoGraph&Fracturing rig with some Xpresso and Python
  24. Folks, new lesson is in works and will be available this week :)
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