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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Yes, that is why I mentioned that indexing will be important, so that close spline checkbox closes on desired place. Use structure manager and spline tools to manipulate sequences. Another way to go would be to use PolyFX with plain effector with scale set to -1. Then, using effectors source falloff one could animate spline "revealing". Will try something when I am on my desktop machine...
  2. @zeden What other forums apart from cgtalk, if any?
  3. Ah, I see, you posted the screenshot but it didn't load on my cellphone before. Anyway, you can do effects like this with MoSpline. Here is a simple example. The thing you will have to be careful about is how you made your segments and point ordering (use spline tools in C4 to your advantage), since that defines how MoSpline start/end will look like. MoSpline_simple.c4d
  4. Maybe this can be done without resorting to complex stuff. I sense this can be done with tracer&MoSpline. Do you have a link to similar effect just to be sure what kind of thing you are after? Not sure if you want to "write" complete letter as it is represented (spline) or use centers to write a single stroke?
  5. love the style :) How are you dong the wool?
  6. Interestingly there seems to be general consensus among many people that R20 is the release where they stay or jump ship. I am sure nobody will want to leave C4D land after seeing R20 and what it brings. Looking forward to answering questions here once it's out since there will be many. I also feel that general concerns and questions about which direction C4D is heading too will be answered with R20 and that we will have less of these Release XY speculation threads, which may become redundant :)
  7. Can't say anything about the release, but here at Cafe we are preparing for large increase in memberships;)
  8. Bjorn was also super busy and booked 100% during that long period since his expertise was very needed. Hope he will now find more time to participate in Cafe topics :)
  9. Well, they started it together and probably opted to step off together. They were on top for 30+ years - that can get you tired :)
  10. That is Windows and nVidia cards only - quite limited :)
  11. Ah, that is a good deal. I have Camtasia already and I use it exclusively for creating trainings :)
  12. Don't you think Adobe would have bought MAXON years ago if it wanted too? It was certainly valued less then. Sure, everything is possible, and any company can buy some other, but what is realistic is what matters. At current time MAXON is simply not for sale and I doubt it will be in future.
  13. Let me reinforce what was already said. MAXON is not for sale. Nemetschek, as a parent company is certainly not stupid to sell something that is growing on yearly basis, it is simply not good business. If you have the time, do some research and you can find all the numbers since it is all publicly available information. Adobe is big company and if they want to build an DCC 3D app they can do it on their own :)
  14. Hrvoje

    Anatomy model

    I have no personal experience but those models look quite detailed and professional :)
  15. Unfortunately we lost but Silver medal is great result - I watched the game too although I am not really a football fan :) If Nigel opts to do a R20 review he is always welcome to do so. Siggraph is getting closer, not sure if some official info will be released, but I hope so!
  16. There were already hints in blog post and on forums (including Cafe) that R20 will be very interesting release. Release is not far away and Siggraph is closing in. Personally, I am very excited :)
  17. Hrvoje


    Thanks, it is quite useful :)
  18. I am pretty sure that most of people will have less and less to ask for ;) Let's first wait for R20 and for him to settle in. Taking over whole company is surely extremely challenging by itself, so it will take David some time to join the talks here but he expressed the wish to do so and is not a stranger to forums. I am also highly confident that Cafe members will appreciate a "direct line" to CEO because this is quite rare practice for high ranking officials (in any company) and that we will stay polite and respectful as always. Good times ahead!
  19. I would certainly do a longer post if I weren't on cellphone, but in short :) - MAXON is not for sale - C4D will not be subscription only @3D-Pangel You have put good effort in your post, trust me, MAXON is very careful, strategic and considerate. There will be absolutely no hasty decisions.
  20. btw David (new CEO) just told me that he is more than willing to participate on Cafe, however given that he has to settle into his new position that will probably happen with some delay :) I would also like to remind members that a lot off MAXON staff are members on Cafe, but they tend to keep low profile due to current company policy.
  21. There are no changes to MAXON business model that I am aware off. I think it is safe to assume that company will keep it's competitive strengths in that regard. As far as R20 is concerned, I am simply excited since release date is getting closer and a lot of hard work went into it :)
  22. this is simply a good thing :) After so many years, which is practically a persons lifetime, current people in charge simply understood that there is time for them to step down. New CEO is very capable individual with long experience in industry. As far as the Adobe software comment goes, I am simply not qualified enough to judge it so I will refrain from commenting. One thing that is sure is that MAXON is smaller company which can certainly move faster than Adobe in it's realm. Btw to all folks that dropped me pm: Adobe did NOT buy MAXON. New ceo left Adobe. Also, Nemetschek was always largest stakeholdwer in MAXON Good times ahead, brace yourself for R20 ;)
  23. That is certainly true and it plays even greater role today ;)
  24. Easier with some Xpresso, here is a quickie Of course, you can do it with Python and takes but I never tried it... Render_quick.c4d
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