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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. That is an interesting one. Basically you can set clone directions, or "whey they are pointing too" with fields :) You can now have nice direction distribution etc. For example, you can make fish school way easier now or similar effects Well, node materials is completely new development and in reality, first major thing provided by new core. I don't know the answer to your question, since I don't make decisions, but as far as I know, new core is certainly capable of supporting complete node based system of any kind.
  2. Here is a quickie of fields in action with bevel deformer via selection tags Bevel_fields.mp4
  3. Excellent, thanks for posting this - I am sure people will have better understanding now when they see nuts and bolts of how it is done :)
  4. Here is a quickie dirty chaser lights with fields :) Fields_lights.mp4 One of the best things is Xpresso field node as shown in following screencapture. You can access all values of resulting field setup you have and drive any other parameter. Again, I am sure once people get fields into their hands that we will see some great stuff. In my mind they represent MoGraph 2.0 and more Fields_lights_xp.mp4
  5. You can control lights with fields. For chaser lights you would simply clone the light, apply an effector and a field with desired effect and color.Additionally, you can use Xpresso field node to pass any data to any parameter :)
  6. Nodes api will certainly be available for plugin developers. They get early access to it in beta. I don't know when but certainly when it is ready and I doubt this will take long time
  7. Here is a quick screencapture of fields in modelling context 1. Here formula field is changing polygons in polygon selection parametrically Field_based_selection.mp4 2. Here time field is influencing bend parameter - no keyframes Time_field_bend.mp4 3. Displacer with spline field Displacer_spline_field.mp4 Hope this gives some ideas about fields and modelling :)
  8. @3D-Pangel Fields can be used in deformers and all point based tags (along with anywhere else where is falloff). So, yes, if you create point/edge/poly selection you can influence just that with all fields since the field interface is present in the tag itself so you can influence individual selections too. When used with deformers you can use all fields and have even parametric deformation without keyframes since there is time field.
  9. That issue is resolved in R20
  10. Here is a taste of what can be done with Fields + VDB. Obviously not replacement for fluids but you can fake stuff now :) Lavalamp.mp4
  11. That is not entirely true. Joints, muscle and cluster can use fields now. For example, that means you can create weights with fields.
  12. Of course, but it will take time :)
  13. Your wish is granted - I am actually wrapping up fields training as we type :) Fields are awesome
  14. Folks, hope you don't miss some impressive R20 work from Joe here and here
  15. Impressive work. @QuasarJoe please be kind and post a screenshot of nodes network if you can?
  16. Superb work, fantastic - thanks for sharing this Joe :)
  17. Since I am heavily involved in this I can just state that you are way wrong. Sure you can do stuff from R19 easier, but that is just a bonus. Fields are number one feature for me in R20 and once people get hold off it you will see why that is the case
  18. I will have to ask around since I am not sure, but afaik, API exists but I am not sure if it will be available to plugin devs immediately...
  19. Oh I totally forgot about Multi instances. You can now have crowd simulations :) Here is a quick screencapture from viewport Min.mp4
  20. Here is field interface of all fields. These babies are amazing, can't wait for people to get their hands on them and show you what can be done :) Literally anything that was reserved for MoGraph before is now available for deformers, tags and anything else that has falloff + more. For example you can now easily share any data between vertex maps, MoGraph weights and selections, point/edge/polygon selections, weights. You can use real objects as fields, including tags, particles etc
  21. Well, if you are MoGraph user fields alone are worth upgrading. Trust me, Intro videos don't serve them justice. Fields can be used in effectors, deformers, tags , Xpresso, OpenVDB. As far as the rest of your post is concerned, I understand that your interest lies mostly in modelling side. New kernel features are listed for several reasons. First is the improvement in quality and performance of the tools. Second is that with new kernel, old limitations, precision issues and many sorts of unwanted results are resolved. Modelling is quite improved in last few releases, and now you have volume modeling in R20. You can't satisfy everyone and squeeze everything in single release...
  22. btw it is a bit hidden in the list, but in R20 we have openVDB which also work with fields
  23. I am not that involved into nodal materials so I can't say if something is in context or not, but what I do know is that Nodal materials use new core and tech which was previously not possible.
  24. Have you checked fields? That is literally next level MoGraph and rest of Cinema is now interconnected - check it out, I find fields to be more impressive than node materials :)
  25. There is a lot of nodes and possibilities are endless. Check out the node pool :)
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