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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. New Node based system is completely new development, 100% done by MAXON and in terms of technical capabilities (not the context) is superior to Fabric. There are similarities but that is simply the case with all node systems. I presume Fabric, or at least part of it, was or will be used in company that hired the team or part of the team. Of course that is only pure speculation from my part https://www.awn.com/news/mpc-adds-paul-doyle-global-head-rd
  2. Hi Please update your profile, the scene you attached is made with R17. I must admit I don't understand what you are exactly after, but that probably falls into specifics of the Redshift? Can you state what exactly you need which is purely native C4D and doesn't involve plugins? If simple chaser lights setup is what you are after here is a quickie :) Chaser.c4d
  3. Hi and to the Cafe Thanks for taking the time to review and post - much appreciated! Re Houdini: I am familiar with Houdini but not as proficient in it as in C4D, and sorry to disappoint you, I don't plan any Houdini tutorials... Regarding admin pm, there is min post count that has to be reached to allow this (due to spam) - I manually enabled this for you so you can do it now :)
  4. Thanks folks, I guess this settles it then :)
  5. That will happen too :)
  6. Hi folks Please vote which training should be made available first - thanks!
  7. @bezo Thanks for summary :)
  8. You spoiled the surprise. Yes, I plan to do that so there is an extra value for customers just as we had it in VP days :)
  9. I agree, they are amazing :)
  10. Glad too see you picked up fields and that you see tremendous changes they bring :)
  11. :O Luckily my daughter doesn't understand English and she finds videos funny :) Must say I didn't expect this - that is one free minded sheep...
  12. Hrvoje


    cool :) Plan to "rig the pig"?
  13. Since there were some inquiries about ability to purchase without being a member - the answer is yes, it is possible, simply follow the paypal link in the store. Download link will be sent ONLY to e-mail associated with purchase. In case you don't receive it simply contact us on Cafe or paypal mail :)
  14. I think I will cover OpenVDB first :)
  15. Thanks Mash :) We were changing something so that link is displayed instead of previewed content which doesn't look good in post itself
  16. Hi folks :) We are proudly announcing our first R20 training - MoGraph fields. Dive into new fantastic field system from scratch and gain massive advantage in your production capability and workflows. We start from basics, explaining field parameters and usage, cover multi instances and build upwards to subfields, openVDB and advanced projects where fields are utilized in all areas of CINEMA 4D. We explore fields in MoGraph, deformers, tags, CA environment, Xpresso, particle and OpenVDB context. Every aspect of CINEMA 4D gains from fields and as such they will be vital part of the production. Lessons are faster paced, packed with tips and tricks along with advanced and unusual application of fields. Lesson outline: 01_What_how_why 02_Basics 03_Remapping 04_Field_types 05_Slope 06_MIN 07_MoGraph_context 08_Deformer_context 09_Tag_context 10_Xpresso_context 11_Particle_forces_context 12_OpenVDB_context 13_Subfields 14_Folders 15_Effector_weighting 16_Random_to_Word 17_Radar 18_Fish_school 19_Boat_wake 20_Box_rig 21_Icecream 22_Flamingo 23_Lava_Lamp Duration: 3 hours Training is download only and can be purchased directly via Cafe store here: https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/store/product/17-r20-mograph-fields/ Here is one complete lesson for preview purpose (Right click and download to disk if you don't want to view in browser) 22_Flamingo_lesson Hope you enjoy this one, a lot of work went into it :)
  17. I just ran Broadcast R20 and it's there :)
  18. Very good but also quite disturbing at same time. There is something spooky in that character :)
  19. That particular issue is resolved..
  20. Kent, I believe that this is what plugin devs are mostly interested about. Framework is very robust and I am sure they see how easily they could improve their integration. This will happen and was planned...
  21. C4D is obviously not just MoGraph. Fields, although their initial idea is conceived around MoGraph, are valid and applicable throughout pretty much everything in R20 @3D-Pangel I think I can safely assume that all of us on Cafe that do have certain insight into development would love to see a change in policy, and I really hope this will change. Until then, we are simply bound by NDA and will of course respect it. With that being said, I am trying to place myself in position of someone who is not acquainted with future and am trying to assess R20 from that standpoint. I would say it is not that difficult to extrapolate the roadmap, plus there were hints here and on cgtalk....
  22. Here is a qucik gif with target effector and field direction.
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