Hi folks :)
In this topic I decided to share many of my files for you to examine. All of these were small setups, rigs, contraptions, prototypes and fun projects that I made over the years for clients or for myself. There is a lot of them but I will post them in small groups over time in order to avoid overload :P
Feel free to use techniques and whatever you learn from them to your advantage. Each file will be enumerated and with hint of what is used in the scene in parenthesis. Files will vary from simple to quite advanced setups, in no particular order
Have fun!
Yes, there is a way, but it is limited to smaller radius, especially on complex splines, same as the outline command is. However, for reasonable distances it works quite well, check the file :)
Clone your object, add plain effector, enable scale Y only and set it to 1, enable "Use Alpha/strength" in effector color section, load random field into plain effector and either add invert layer or invert on remapping tab. Is this what you are after?
Initially you can just output " InExcludeData.InsertObject " via Xpresso python node but that leads to repeated population of the list . here is a solution (script is not mine)
That is just a variable name. I simply detect while mouse is active from interaction tag and then store the value. When it isn't active it doesn't store, thus staying at last value before mouse release.