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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Yes and yes. Nice to see MoGraph getting the recognition that it deserves!
  2. Per Anders receives academy award for MoGraph
  3. And it gets deeper ;) 59_Slinky(MG+XP).c4d 60_Umbrellas(MG).c4d 61_Transparent clones(MG).c4d
  4. We changed it to "Cafe regular", hope that is generic and neutral enough for most people. We got some really good suggestions (Cafe Padawan, Cafe Addicit etc :P )
  5. Hrvoje

    A fairy tale

    Cool, is that your concept work? Also, I wanted to check your website in signature but it seems domain is for sale..?
  6. We did some changes and now it is renamed to "Cafe Frequenter" - hope that is ok.
  7. Hi and to the Cafe Usually X particles questions are more quickly addressed on their support forum, however they do answer here also but you will probably have to wait for a working day... I am not familiar with them, but first thing that pops to mind is to ensure that your csv file is using formal definition as described by their documentation? Do you have a proper header in the file? https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
  8. Folks, we will change that. From English speaker point of view it doesn't have the same tone and meaning as we intended during direct translation. However we have to have (for easier database maintenance and similar) some sort of grouping and we are open to suggestions :)
  9. I don't get this part :) The thing is, you will have trouble offsetting sounds since effector won't work in this situation, thus you will have to use Xpresso. Here is a simple generic setup which can hopefully help you out and steer you in right direction Simple_rack.zip
  10. This should work :) import c4d def main(): selected = doc.GetActiveObjects(c4d.GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS_CHILDREN) for obj in selected: if obj[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_VISIBILITY_EDITOR] == 0 or obj[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_VISIBILITY_EDITOR] == 2: obj[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_VISIBILITY_EDITOR] = 1 else: obj[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_VISIBILITY_EDITOR] = 0 if __name__=='__main__': main() c4d.EventAdd()
  11. If I understood you correctly, you would like to create a wave like effect through your clones, but with each sequence you want next clone to stay up? Do you maybe have an example of the effect? Please add a scene file, at least stripped down version so we can help :)
  12. Hrvoje

    Free C4D trainings

    Folks, we had troubles uploading but that seems to be resolved now. All content will be available in 2 days :)
  13. More stuff :P 54_Tornado(MG).c4d 55_Snake_debris(TP+MG+XP)R20_fields.c4d 56_Spline_hose(XP+MG).c4d 57_Rubber_band(CA).c4d 58_Scorpion(CA+CMotion).c4d
  14. New batch :) 50_Xpresso_Ship(XP).c4d 51_Worm_rig(CA+XP).c4d 52_Stacked_Weighted_and_traced(MG).c4d 53_Unfolding(MG+CA+XP).c4d
  15. Hrvoje

    Free C4D trainings

    @3DKiwi Thanks Nigel, we are trying to get into manhood :P @mbyrne Thanks Matt, pm sent :)
  16. Hrvoje

    Free C4D trainings

    Hi folks :) Here are some important news from us. From this point onward, all trainings from C4DCafe, both existing and future ones are free. Yes, you read that right! Given that we are now fully committed to make Cafe even greater place and universal Cinema user hub, we felt that this is necessary step. Free access to knowledge will have positive effect on the community and whole C4D eco system. All training content is being uploaded to our youtube channel as this post is made. Here is a list of trainings that will be available: 1. Introduction to R18 and modelling (currently on youtube already) 2. Introduction to R19 Fracturing 3. Xpresso volume 1 and volume 2 4. Introduction to R20 MoGraph fields 5. Introduction to R20 Nodes We would like to thank all our former customers and hopefully they won't resent this move, because, after all, this benefits them too for future content we make :) We expect to finish with upload in a week since shear amount of videos will take long time. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_MRjD4IdPtvYLo2dLC-POw Additionally, we also started providing very valuable scene file repositories like this: https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/91711-c4d-cafe-lost-and-new-filesfree-to-use/ https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/104415-node-based-materials-repository/ https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/104962-hrvojes-free-file-pit/ Last but certainly not the least, is our new community based project https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/105210-c4d-cafe-steam-punk-project/ We hope that with these moves Cafe will grow to be even better, help you even more to promote your work and skills, assist you in finding gigs or full time positions, or simply be a happy place for you to hang out. As a part of the staff here I try to help as much as possible and I can see incredible effort from many members to share their time and energy to help out others, which is truly fantastic :) Cafe has grown so much that we have members from all kinds. From students, hobby users, 2d artists, VFX guys, hardcore coders, to talent scouts, managers, CEO's of large companies and various other industry professionals. Have fun and for being a member!
  17. Nope - MAXON is not for sale. Nemetschek is growing and buying too :)
  18. Your best bet are sdk documentation and picking up from examples :)
  19. Here is something that should work import c4d from c4d import gui def main(): selObj = doc.GetActiveObjects(c4d.GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS_CHILDREN) for obj in selObj: obj.DelBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE) if obj.IsInstanceOf(c4d.Oinstance): link = obj[c4d.INSTANCEOBJECT_LINK] link.SetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE) c4d.EventAdd() # Execute main() if __name__=='__main__': main()
  20. You can also double click on the loaded object and it will select it :)
  21. import c4d #Welcome to the world of Python def main(): c4d.CallCommand(70000, 917) # Display Filter c4d.CallCommand(70000, 918) # Display Filter if __name__=='__main__': main() c4d.EventAdd() That should work - simply map a key to it :)
  22. Here is an example for setting just one parameter (for easier reading) def main(): selObj = doc.GetActiveObjects(c4d.GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS_CHILDREN) for obj in selObj: obj[c4d.NULLOBJECT_DISPLAY] = 11 c4d.EventAdd() # Execute main() if __name__=='__main__': main() btw you can embedd code by using </> button in the reply interface (top area) and choose which language to use for formatting :)
  23. Cool! Well done! I learned about Phosphates...
  24. Here are some new ones :) 44_Polyfx(MG).c4d 45_Progress indicator(XP+Cmotion).c4d 46_Rainbow_Road(MG).c4d 47_Turtle_fun(MG)R20_fields.c4d 48_Spider_web(MG).c4d 49_Triangle_globe(MG).c4d
  25. Looking good, would like to see final animation :)
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