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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. That looks really good and powerful!
  2. @everfresh Dorrito file is closes I got some time ago. It offers the core of functionality, meaning controllers follow deformation and mesh deforms by controller. I will actually attempt to build completely new setup once I grab some time. Meanwhile here is a new batch :) 116_Honeycomb_Fracturing(MG).c4d 117_Radial_spread(MG+XP).c4d 118_Gravitational_waves(MG+XP).c4d 120_Carpet_Roll(MG+XP).c4d
  3. New Batch :) 113_Pond_drops(MG).c4d 112_Fractures_on_collision(MG+Dyn).c4d 111_Brick_wall(XP+MG).c4d 114_Molecule_color_change(MG+Dyn).c4d
  4. I am using modulo on scene time. The remainder of division is used as trigger to enable/disable MoText visibility :)
  5. thanks a lot @natevplas Deformer freeze is a simple one. I am passing points from left to right mesh and then simply "freeze" the deformations at that current point in time :)
  6. 108_Sine_Wave_Trace(MG).c4d 109_Winding(XP+MG+CA).c4d 110_Deformer_freeze(XP+MG).c4d
  7. few more 105_Plain_scale_emission(MG+XP).c4d 106_Emit_and_trace(XP+TP+MG).c4d 107_Rubik_Cube (XP+CA+MG).c4d
  8. @kalugin That is very cool!! Can you share the code?
  9. There is also fit effector https://cinemaplugins.com/c4d-plugins/add-effectors-vol-1/
  10. oh, could be that I misunderstood - please post what you have :)
  11. http://www.kvbarnum.com/gap-effector/ Thanks to Kevin for that one, he is a member here @kvb
  12. Here is another batch :) 100_Capper(MG).c4d 101_Per_clone_trace_color(MG).c4d 103_Flexing(CA).c4d 104_Simple_Head_Morph_rig(CA+XP).c4d
  13. Here are some new :) 96_Fly_off_by_3(MG).c4d 97_Fish_school(XP+MG+Dyn).c4d 98_Candles(MG+XP).c4d 99_Radial_colorizer(MG+XP).c4d
  14. Use condition node. Add multiple inputs and define integer values then drive the inputs (index) with with 3 integers
  15. Hrvoje


    Looks like candy - very nice :)
  16. New batch of setups :P 94_Raffale(MG+CA).c4d 93_EKG_rig(MG+XP).c4d 95_Concertina_rig(MG+XP).c4d
  17. Hi Not sure what is flipping for you? Can you be more precise? :)
  18. Not really sure since I am not Xparticles user, but can't those object be hidden be using traffic lights in object manager?
  19. There is an Xpresso python preset in the Xpresso pool with which you can write to selection tag, not sure in which version that was introduced..
  20. Do you have R20? If so it is easy- you just use a poly selection with fields....
  21. Very nice, but too clean :) Add a Cafe label to it :P
  22. Hola Sure - Dorito is a rig where you can control the deformed surface with controller, and transform the controller with same surface. In the example file you can see that mesh is deformed by morph but joints stay attached. Now, if you double click to select the joint and transform it the surface is deformed. Second file is showcase of how to overcome dynamics limitation. Currently transformations made by dynamics are not recognized by effectors, so, for example if you want your clones to change color once they fall into certain area it simply won't work because as far as the cloner is concerned they haven't moved. In that scene I use inheritance effector to pass transformations and thus recognizing transforms Hope this helps :)
  23. some more :) 85_Cone_peel_rig(MG+XP).c4d 88_Time_format_display(XP+MG).c4d 89_Dorito_effect(CA+MG).c4d 91_Collision_color_change(MG+Dyn).c4d
  24. There you go - made by Per Anders Edwards :) import c4d from c4d import gui # Welcome to the world of Python # Recursively executes a function def DoRecursive(obj, function, **args): while obj: function(obj, args) if obj.GetDown() != None: DoRecursive(obj.GetDown(), function, **args) obj = obj.GetNext() def ColorFunction(obj, args): objColor = obj[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_COLOR] if objColor == args["color"] and not obj.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE): doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_BITS, obj) obj.SetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE) def main(): if not op: return doc.StartUndo() searchColor = op[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_COLOR] firstObject = doc.GetFirstObject() DoRecursive(firstObject, ColorFunction, color = searchColor) doc.EndUndo() c4d.EventAdd() # Execute main() if __name__=='__main__': main()
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