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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. We are always working to improve - more to come 🙂
  2. First ones in 2020! 159_L_system_growth(MG).c4d 160_Cloner_cache(MG+XP).c4d 161_Hiearchy_to_Link_list(XP).c4d
  3. Some new ones 🙂 156_Roll_it(XP).c4d 157_Knit_it(MG).c4d 158_Curved_folding(MG+XP).c4d
  4. I never said anything about subscription if memory serves me well, but I did constantly repeat about Adobe buyout. In reality MAXON always had subscription in MSA form, right? I don't have a crystal ball to see what future brings but there was never a single sign then and now for that to happen. Nemetschek would be unwise to sell excellent performer in their portofolio, plus recent acquisitions reinforce this 🙂
  5. Won't happen This idea is circulating around for 10+ years and with recent developments I hope it becomes even clearer that it won't happen. Details about this merger will be announced in January, it is a good thing and there is much to look forward too as with Redshift 🙂
  6. New batch 🙂 154_Chaser_lights(MG).c4d 155_Springy_sign(MG+XP).c4d
  7. New ones 🙂 152_Lava_Lamp(MG).c4d 153_Multi_color_bounce(MG+XP).c4d
  8. Hrvoje

    Have a nice day

    lol, awesome
  9. More 🙂 150_HexaMesh(MG).c4d 151_Icecream(MG).c4d
  10. some new 🙂 148_Box_rig(MG).c4d 149_Inflating_balloon(XP).c4d
  11. For a lot of butterfiles you can create couple of them as point level animation then simply clone massive amounts using multi instances
  12. Couple of new ones 146_Boat_wake(MG).c4d 147_Pipe_Mesher(MG).c4d
  13. Here are few more 🙂 143_Footsteps_map(XP).c4d 144_Drill_and_Fall(MG+XP).c4d 145_Impact_propagation(MG+XP).c4d
  14. You would love MoGraph fields then 🙂 CA stands for character animation. It is just a habit of naming the file with that suffix if I used something from CA module. The file 91 is build with help of fields - I attached a pre R20 version Glad you liked the tutorial and that you have good use from files. Cmotion is really cool but I don't think that many people are using it, and they should 91_Collision_color_change(MG+Dyn).c4d
  15. And people say one can't use figure object creatively 🙂 You do seem to put a lot of work on yourself tough...
  16. Here are some new ones 🙂 142_Wheel_rig(XP).c4d 141_Double_Constraint_Rig(XP+MG).c4d
  17. more :) 140_Spline_segment_Effector(MG).c4d 138_Roll_that_cube(XP).c4d 139_VecArrayDelay(XP).c4d
  18. Hope you reconsider this decision, I would hate to see such a valuable plugin set to parish...
  19. Here are some new ones :) 137_Lepesa_rig(XP).c4d 135_Polymer_rig(MG).c4d 136_Python_distance(XP).c4d 134_Real_per_step(XP+MG).c4d
  20. It is easier if you add userdata to python effector. Simply add the userdata and then use this in code instead of "old" block variable block = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,1] 1 stands for userdata id
  21. Some more :P 131_Glue_Source_Falloffs(MG).c4d 132_Python_block_gap_effector(XP).c4d 133_Point_center(XP).c4d
  22. @natevplas Thanks Typewriter is single letter only in that scene, I have a multi string capable one but that is former client file. It shouldn't be difficult to expand :) For fracturing inheritance it is simply inheriting animation from null object
  23. new ones :P 126_Spray_clones(MG).c4d 127_Keystroke_typewritter(MG+XP).c4d 128_Fracturing_inheritance(MG).c4d 129_Webbing(MG).c4d 130_Fracture_Bevel(MG+XP).c4d
  24. Few more :) 121_Coil_wrap(MG+XP).c4d 122_L_system_rig(XP+MG).c4d 123_Colored_bounce(MG+XP).c4d 124_Linear_Fracturing(MG).c4d 125_Color_from_mass(MG+XP).c4d
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