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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. more :) 140_Spline_segment_Effector(MG).c4d 138_Roll_that_cube(XP).c4d 139_VecArrayDelay(XP).c4d
  2. Check our youtube channel, all content is now free :)
  3. folks, let's keep this topic civilized, it would be really bad if we had to lock it since we want everyone to express their opinion. Rest assured that this topic is being read . Now, if I was still a freelancer, or a new user, I would be happy. Why? Because when I was buying a license I had to fork out full price, plus distributor fee, plus full month of waiting for box to arrive so from my personal perspective, I would embrace subscription since I could start using the software and making money right of the bat for smaller price. Everyone is leaving most valuable asset from calculation and that is time. If I am saving for perpetual license I am simply not earning with software during that saving time. Sure, my perspective is not universal and is not applicable to others but isn't it as valid? Subscription is simply a business model of today. But there are still perpetual and educational licenses Now, comparisons are drawn between Adobe and MAXON. There is simply no connection there. David worked for Adobe at one point. So what? What if he worked for Microsoft, Oracle, Apple, whoever - would that make a difference? :) There are many reasons to look forward to future. First of all, C4D eco system is simply cheaper to enter now, that is a fact. All logistical changes that are made with making single version, online help system, downloadable product, same buying conditions throughout the world etc will simply speed up development and free resources for more frequent release cycle. With that being said, I fully understand the concerns and specifics which people voiced here, however painting all of us that work for MAXON as bad guys is a bit too much...
  4. I am sure that whatever we post will be awarded with bashing, however, both Igor and me simply don't make MAXON's business decisions, we are part of development team. In that regard we can tell you that even if superficially R21 looks on thinner side, simply try using timeline now and you will notice it has major performance boost. Nobody even mentioned Fields additions with new subfield and mask workflow. Caps and Bevels are much more than name suggests, again, once demo is there check it out... We leave this thread open for anyone to voice their opinion and we certainly didn't censor any of the posts, but it feels quite bad to be Cafe owner now. We did a major overhaul of Cafe and it is completely overshadowed by this topic. There is a lot to look forward to since development gets much more breathing space and can accelerate to a point where all of us want to be, feature and performance wise
  5. Hope you reconsider this decision, I would hate to see such a valuable plugin set to parish...
  6. Here are some new ones :) 137_Lepesa_rig(XP).c4d 135_Polymer_rig(MG).c4d 136_Python_distance(XP).c4d 134_Real_per_step(XP+MG).c4d
  7. Then why it is still MAXON owned? How come after years of same disinformation Adobe didn't buy C4D? It is either not for sale or Adobe is not interested...
  8. MS is US company, MAXON isn't and is subject to German and EU laws
  9. I recall people saying that Adobe is buying MAXON from 2008 onwards "really soon" or "next year" :) Simply not happening. Even from purely business perspective it would be to costly for Adobe and they would certainly opt to do their own development
  10. Afaik, the problem with shipping updates to perpetual license is not allowed by law if it contains new features, except bugfixes (maybe I am mistaken), therefore it requires version increase and some sort of payment/fee. For subscription this limitation doesn't exist. For example, that means you could get more than one version update in a year by being a subscriber but not as perpetual license owner due to legal implications. Rest assured that MAXON is looking not to cause damage to it's customers, therefore the choice of words there in that part of faq simply reflects that until the solution which will be satisfactory to all is found
  11. Seems that there are mixed opinions about the upcoming change. I don't know much about the intricate details regarding how MSA customers or perpetual license owners will benefit from this change, however, I would advise that we all wait for proper detailed information before starting bashing :) Now, there are couple of things to be aware of: 1. Now you are able to buy C4D easily from anywhere. That was not the case before and is something that didn't affect people in the West much, but it sure did elsewhere. I recall that buying through my local distributor was a nightmare, with much larger price and long waiting period. That is gone now 2. Subscription will obviously provide the opportunity for much more people that are interested in C4D to actually use it on shorter term basis if needed. 3. The cost of C4D is much lower now, isn't it? 4. Bundling all editions into one version is huge benefit. This coupled with online shop, online help, online delivery simply leads to more development time for features 5. Perpetual license is still here and you still have the option to own it? 6. Redshift bundle is really good offer 7. I am bit tired of it, and answered it in topics and many private messages - Adobe is not buying C4D
  12. As far as I am aware, there is a plan for every existing customer so that it benefits from a change. Please wait for details...
  13. From folks that don't know or haven't had the chance to meet MAXON guys, from left to right, Rick, Dave and Paul :)
  14. Too grainy to see, but I am quite sure it is not Dave :)
  15. Won't happen, take my word for it :)
  16. It is easier if you add userdata to python effector. Simply add the userdata and then use this in code instead of "old" block variable block = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,1] 1 stands for userdata id
  17. Some more :P 131_Glue_Source_Falloffs(MG).c4d 132_Python_block_gap_effector(XP).c4d 133_Point_center(XP).c4d
  18. @natevplas Thanks Typewriter is single letter only in that scene, I have a multi string capable one but that is former client file. It shouldn't be difficult to expand :) For fracturing inheritance it is simply inheriting animation from null object
  19. new ones :P 126_Spray_clones(MG).c4d 127_Keystroke_typewritter(MG+XP).c4d 128_Fracturing_inheritance(MG).c4d 129_Webbing(MG).c4d 130_Fracture_Bevel(MG+XP).c4d
  20. Few more :) 121_Coil_wrap(MG+XP).c4d 122_L_system_rig(XP+MG).c4d 123_Colored_bounce(MG+XP).c4d 124_Linear_Fracturing(MG).c4d 125_Color_from_mass(MG+XP).c4d
  21. @BLSmith Check out our latest Youtube video ;)
  22. That looks really good and powerful!
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