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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. @RLaskey There are no character rigs or skinning system in Neutron so that can't be measured, but it is v 1.0 after all. With Nodes you can replicate most of current Cinema functionality, but there are no CA tools yet. Once they appear, given that this is new core and everything will be built on top of it then that performance boost will be comparable to what you see now in "MoGraph" like setups for any other feature
  2. It would take some time to write them all down, here is a screenshot though 🙂 EDIT: Here is couple of screenshots, forum software is automatically compressing them.
  3. Neutron spinning 10 million clones in viewport, nice and smooth 😛 10_mil_clones.mp4
  4. Here is quick live video of Scene Nodes/Neutron generating a grass field of individually randomized 100000 objects, each 2500 polygons nice and smooth in viewport 🙂 Grass_field.mp4
  5. Neutron is very advanced in it's current state and can do way more than you think, don't let the tech demo label fool you. It is the new core displayed in most visible fashion. At this moment it has roughly 250 nodes and for v 1.0 is mighty impressive. Sure, there are things missing but being able to make your own effector, field, deformer, constraint, generator, rig and whatnot is way beyond tech demo capabilities - try it once it is available for you!
  6. Scene Nodes or Neutron is labeled as advanced tech demo even though in my mind is way more. Don't let that label put you off, Nodes are fantastic! I don't think people actually understand what they represent and what can be done with it 🙂 Check the short Intro here to get a feel for what is doable https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/store/product/24-scene-nodes/
  7. Of course it is there 🙂 For me Nodes are the best thing ever and I waited long time to have that power in C4D. Speed and feature set this early is simply amazing!
  8. Folks, Cafe is sponsored by MAXON. Without that it would be really difficult to offer all the services we have and even exist. Maybe it goes unnoticed but Cafe is rarely offline, spam free (although this is daily struggle), full of valuable answers, scenes, people eager to help and most importantly still very positive place. Still, there is room for improvement and we will make some new announcements in September after most people are returned from vacation. There are few logistical issues left but we plan to run challenges again among other things 🙂
  9. Hrvoje


    Skeletons are always fun 🙂
  10. more 🙂 198_Decay_subframes(MG).c4d 201_Vertex_Colors(MG).c4d
  11. Now wait for second picture with "wanted" and bounty prize 😛 @3D-Pangel Interesting link, thanks for that
  12. Cafe never had more members than now. Also the amount of daily traffic and unique visitors was never higher than now. As to why more and more people keep in shadows as oppose to being more vocal on forums that is something I don't have an answer too. If I had to guess on off the factors, most of people are simply looking for a solution for a problem they encountered and there are in fact a lot of available solutions on Cafe - so maybe they don't have to ask that much. Aside to that, some members which were very frequent posters went a bit silent in last period. Things will certainly become a lot more busy in September
  13. Summer in Northern hemisphere, Covid and other factors. You will see the activity pick up a lot in September as usual
  14. Some new stuff 185_Spline_morphing(MG).c4d 186_Fields_node(XP+MG).c4d 187_Xpresso_decayed_keyframe(XP).c4d
  15. You will be quite surprised how capable the system is, however I don't think anyone is realistically expecting it to be completely "done" at this point, it is simply a first iteration. On your other point that terms which are used are "programming stuff" that is certainly true due to nature of such systems, but the beauty of it is all that can be hidden from user as Rick showed. For example, at this point you simply don't care about how bend deformer in Cinema works internally, how it is coded and what is going on behind the scene and you shouldn't. It should simply work, be discoverable and easy to use, with simple set of controls for anyone to understand. Same principle is applied here. Advantage here is that in following period, more advanced users will be able to create pretty much anything that pops to mind and deliver it in any form they want. Also, as already mentioned, new managers that augment, complement, replace and work seamlessly with nodes will be delivered, so no, nodes are not enforced at all. Why not have best from both worlds? 🙂
  16. Nobody is forcing you to learn anything new. As said in demo, you will have your usual manager workflow. There is absolutely no "scripting" for you involved if you don't want to dive into nodes 🙂
  17. You are missing the point Rick made... You have nodes and there will be object manager which is abstraction of nodes. For example, as shown in demo video you could have a node setup which creates a fish school but that all can be packed into single "fish school effector" let's say and shown in node graph or manager. The point is to enable nodal workflow, not enforce it by any means. Just want to stress that Neutron is awesome and I personally can't wait for release to show what can be done with it 🙂
  18. Neutron is designed so that pretty much everything is possible. It is simply a new core in it's first truly visible form to users. It is designed to handle large data sets. For example, even at this relatively early point it can work smoothly in viewport with literally millions of clones. It has extensive node library and dedicated modelling nodes. Unfortunatley I can't draw comparisons between Unreal Engine simply because I have no clue about it 🙂
  19. And the taste of the beast was shown to the public. Folks, as said, for R23 it will come in a form of advanced tech demo but don't let that steer you away from using it - it is super fast and powerful with endless possibilities. You can spin millions of objects easily on single consumer gpu. First nodes only, but later high level workflow. This is what the community was waiting for years. With it you can create pretty much anything that pops to your mind such as own constraint, deformer, effector, field, do parametric modelling etc. I had the privilege to work on it and managed to get intimate with it - fun times ahead 🙂
  20. Looking forward to show very much 🙂
  21. Sorry, no time to dive into script itself but seems your matrix is skewed. If you are looking to create rolling object you can find such setup in my file pit https://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/104962-hrvojes-free-file-pit/?do=findComment&comment=699553
  22. Some new setups 🙂 183_Block_face_rig(MG+XP).c4d 184_Field_selections(MG).c4d
  23. New setups 🙂 182_Formula_rig(XP).c4d 181_Swing(MG+XP).c4d
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