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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Hrvoje

    Corner Selection

    Maybe this would be better approach. You locate a corner point and select a polygon face from it. Works on 2d planes. If you will use 3d mesh (such as cube) you will need to change comparison in the setup to accommodate for that. Hope it helps πŸ™‚ Corner Selection_0001.c4d
  2. Here is a simple parametric Lego primitive! It appears as a generator in object manager With some controls in Attribute manager Graph is not complex at all and revolves around creating a single piece which is "cloned". There are probably more efficient ways to make this but it is late πŸ™‚ 148_Lego_Primitive.c4d
  3. Hrvoje

    Vertical divisons

    Without checking your scene file I can say this is not that easy. There is no simple "add point" function yet. Firstly you will have to add point(s) to existing array of points and build corresponding topology with topology get/set nodes. Will try once I grab time πŸ™‚
  4. Point being a matrix has benefits. In example of spline it can serve nicely for orientation. Good example of point being a matrix is in distributions. Clones assigned to points will assume position, scale and orientation of the point : )
  5. Hrvoje

    limit selection

    Here is a quickie with simple area calculation. If all your polygons are quadrilaterals it will work πŸ™‚ poly_area_selection.c4d
  6. Booleans are not available in nodes. What seems as most reasonable route is to create your plank mesh and import it into graph by ctrl+drag into the graph. Then the mesh is stored in graph. That coupled with distributions can give you a lot of control. For learning content you can also try this free training which touches nodes : Hope this helps
  7. Hrvoje

    limit selection

    This looks like different setup? Can you state what exactly you are after? Presumably you want to have vertical surfaces as selection...?
  8. Hrvoje

    limit selection

    So, you want to delete ones with area smaller than? πŸ™‚
  9. Here is basic setup. All the magic happens in surface blue scaled noise node πŸ™‚ It will prevent intersections and you can mix output sizes of clone Surface_scaled_blue.c4d
  10. Here is an interesting one. In a nutshell, a linear cloner which respects boundaries of input objects. Generator takes any number of input objects and arranges them on selected axis There are controls for axis, count and spacing Here is a graph The "magic" happens in LCV subgraph 47_Boundary_Clones.c4d
  11. I presume you want to clone on surface without objects intersecting? If you have scene nodes you can use blue noise distribution...
  12. Here is an interesting recursion setup. Doing this outside nodes is quite tricky. Generator takes input object and for each new generation places a scaled copy on the points of previous one Depth and scaling factor controls Here a cube with a depth of two Graph The core of the setup happens inside loop carried value node This is a nice example of using LCV node. Try expanding the setup to show different color for each generation! 40_Recursion.c4d
  13. Here is geometry modifier capsule example. This, well, deformer is generating wave like motion of various type through any mesh (or spline). Has multiple controls for defining wave type, frequency, speed and amplitude Here is the main graph (double click the icon of modifier in object manager) But all the "magic" happens in Wave deformer group so here is the subgraph This setup can be expanded quite a lot, hope it gives you nice insight on how to build your own modifiers/deformers 32_Wave_Deformer.c4d
  14. Here is an capsule generator which sorts input objects based on their size (bounding box) and spreads them in linear fashion. It can sort in ascending and descending manner. This example shows how to work with multiple input objects. Here is the main graph There is an "algorithm" for sorting which is separate group, here is the graph 105_Sort_Objects_By_Size.c4d
  15. Asset browser / Nodes tab / Asset construction / Object group Drop into OM, double click on icon to enter graph - have fun πŸ™‚
  16. Here is an example how to rebuild align to spline as a capsule. Generator has link slot to load a target spline and child object is aligned Available controls Nodes that make it work Result in viewport As one can see, just a handful of nodes can actually make nifty functionality. Feel free to expand on this setup! 20_Align_To_Spline_capsule.c4d
  17. I understand your concerns but regarding bug fixes there are few notions to keep in mind. First is, realistically how critical certain issue really is and is it really concerning vast majority of users? Second is the ability to fix an issue in stable manner and not cause issues elsewhere. Then there is also a potential of not being able to find a viable solution or maybe the feature is being replaced short term etc. There are multiple factors here. Cinema is huge and complex software and things are never simple as they may appear πŸ™‚ Regarding beta forum, all I can say it is lively and I haven't witnessed anything of which you describe in past few years but have to admit I can't keep track of all the topics there Now, I know Fritz in person and I could hardly imagine him accusing you of anything and am sure he is genuinely interested in feedback, that is why he is on the forum. Must say that is quite rare to have a dev directly responding in public forum, and devs are shy beasts. Let's not scare them away!
  18. @thanulee Ever thought of applying for beta at Maxon? I must admit I fail to see why things turned a bit iffy in this topic, I presume there is some communication outside the forum which contributes to this...? I am not on social media πŸ™‚ My suggestion would be for all of us to be constructive, everything else is just waste of everyone's time...
  19. There are new offices in US and Germany. German one is one I have been too and it is really nice . Top floor, nice view, lots of space and Bad Homburg is nice place. As a bonus, really good coffee place nearby but that is just me πŸ˜›
  20. For our first post here is a small helper generator which will show point indices of objects we put under the capsule (generator). Capsule has control for size and color of generated visuals in viewport Capsule is used as any other generator in Cinema Here is a graph view so one can replicate in older versions even though I would suggest using R25 Hopefully comments describe what is going on. Possible expansion of this setup would include orienting the resulting index according to given point or change size depending on camera distance (try it!) 160_Index_display_capsule.c4d
  21. Hi folks This topic will be used to frequently showcase examples of capsules/nodes setups. Primary intent is to use them for learning purposes. You can also think of them in terms of examples, snippets and prototypes. All scenes will be commented to reasonable extent to describe what is going on in particular setup. Please do not reply in this topic! If you have a question regarding particular setup please post separately. Hope it will help you get familiar with nodes and start making your own stuff πŸ™‚
  22. Hi folks! Please find multiple open positions for all products in MAXON here. https://www.maxon.net/en/about-maxon/careers In case you feel that you have a set of skills that we could use, don't be shy in dropping me a pm Regards
  23. You can right click on the column and use resource editor to organise your entries.
  24. There is currently no way to do a while loop and break out in loop carried value node. May I ask what are you trying to achieve, maybe there is another approach? πŸ™‚
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