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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Workflow is 100% compatible. Capsule is simply a template group node. You build whatever you want then place it in the group which corresponds to what you made ( spline primitive, selection, modifier etc), save as asset and you just drag and drop into object manager and it works ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Try this, I used different approach and with nodes - sorry, didn't see it was python specific topic ๐Ÿ™‚ rot_diff.c4d
  3. One tip: Instead of referencing objects from old object manager, you can ctrl+drag any polygon or spline object into nodes graph and "cache" it, so it becomes pure geometry object contained within the graph
  4. You can also use some predefined stuff here - copy&paste from doc re you can enter the name of the selection that you want to read out. Otherwise, the active selection will be used. You can also use special keywords and logical operations here to create a new selection from scratch or a combination of already saved selections. The following keywords and operations can be used: default: If the geometry already has an active selection, it will be used for the output. If no selection is active, all elements of the chosen type will be used. odd: All elements of the chosen type that have an odd index will be selected. even: All elements of the chosen type that have an even index will be selected. all: All elements of the chosen type will be selected. hidden: Hidden elements will get selected. Name of a saved selection: Use the name of a stored selection to make it active. Take care to use quotes with selection names. You can also use a combination of a saved selection and another keyword or selection. Index string: You can use index numbers directly as you would with the โ€œIndex Array from Stringโ€ Node. Using operations: You can use mathematical and logical operations to combine or subtract selections. Using the string odd โ€“ โ€œcenterโ€ for instance selects all odd elements and then subtracts the selection that has been stored by the name โ€œcenterโ€. You can use +, -, & (logical and), | (logical or) as well as a comma to combine multiple selections or index sequences For those built in selections you don't need to use quotes. so use odd instead of "odd" for example. Only names selections use quotes
  5. Tried "Angle Between" node? You can get angle between two vectors. Also, can you post a scene file? Trying to get a sense of what what is the end goal, there might be a different approach. From the last file you posted is looks as though you are simply looking to decay...?
  6. You can do selections by using "select" node and designate the selection you want to use. Check the scene ๐Ÿ™‚ NODE Windows from Polygons_mod.c4d
  7. Hrvoje

    UV to mesh & back?

    Hey Sandi That was an easy on e to make ๐Ÿ™‚ I am afraid you can't write to UV tag but you certainly can import UV's from tag and process them to mesh in Neutron.
  8. Oh, I recall that movie with a kid in spaceship ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. I see you have S24, why not do it within Neutron? ๐Ÿ™‚ So, if I understood you correctly, you want the clones to get some rotation data based on incoming value...?
  10. Hrvoje

    R25 Expectations

    Thanks for the input! Scene nodes have to be more complex by definition. To illustrate the point, you have Objects, MoGraph and Xpresso currently which gives you some separation. In nodes they are all contained within unified environment with scene manager as abstraction of it. I understand the set driver / driven argument but that is solvable with UI change where subchannels become accessible on node. I was wondering if there are any other examples so we can check them out while there is a lot of room for changes and improvement ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Hrvoje

    R25 Expectations

    I understand the general sentiment, but can you be more specific with an example? Please bear in mind that if you want to create an object in Scene nodes you do that in node system and you get that object as a node, where Xpresso acts on object in object manager. Creation of object in object manager, dragging it into xpresso window is also a step user has to take. It seems to me that only tangible concern I managed to read out is about component access in scene nodes...?
  12. Hrvoje

    R25 Expectations

    Can you please provide an example of what Xpresso can do and that you can't do with scene nodes? thanks
  13. Hrvoje

    R25 Expectations

    Within nodal context it would be really difficult and complicated for user to distinguish some "Xpresso" or expression layer derived from nodes when nodes are in fact the scene itself. Looking at same data and same UI but abstracting that those are two different things is not something I would be in favour off... @hikarubr Xpresso requires objects or parameters to work. It needs geometry or some sort of data to act upon. Scene nodes are the scene elements themselves, you can generate objects or components with it. Regarding set driver / set driven - sure, a command for something that is commonly used. Xpresso uses two nodes and is accessing vector components directly from node, where in nodes separate nodes are used. We could think in direction of making that the same in nodes, that is just a UI change @mrittman Nodes are not used that much yet simply because they are new. It takes time for people to get access to them given that not everyone jumped immediately on 24, training material is scarce, and in general such changes need time to get traction. Same with MoGraph for example, it simply took time for people to explore it and start producing content I would really like to see more questions about scene nodes if you guys are hitting roadblocks with them. It is scary big system with a lot of nodes, but so was MoGraph or ICE for example when they came out
  14. Hrvoje

    R25 Expectations

    I must say I am surprised with that line of thought. Xpresso is old, single threaded, slow, can't generate objects, limited in a lot of aspects, doesn't even meet the basic requirements for modern node system and as such it simply can't be updated. Scene nodes on the other hand are not a simple node system slapped onto object as an expression, they are in fact new core development where nodes are integral building blocks. As far as learning part goes, all the concepts from Xpresso easily transfer to Scene nodes. When you say "complete" I am not sure what you mean. As of right now you can literally build objects, generators, deformers, effectors, fields, rigs, setups of any kind in Scene nodes, something which Xpresso can't nor was ever designed to do so. In Scene nodes. you can import any object from rest of Cinema into it such as particles, splines, meshes. Anything that is built with nodes can be exported also. Of course, there is always resistance to new stuff, but give nodes a try, they are vastly superior, simply incomparable to Xpresso. Nodes can "spin" millions of objects which was number one request not to mention that you ca achieve things with them which previously required python or plugins. Sure, it is still labeled as a tech demo and has limitations but what it can do greatly surpasses what it can't do right now. @hikarubr Xpresso or Scene Nodes (in fact all node systems do) use pretty much the same principle. You have nodes, connect wires, use data types and blocks of functionality - that is it! To someone who has experience with Xpresso, Scene nodes won't be a problem since there is no paradigm shift from user point of view. Also,I highly doubt MAXON will abandon modern, fast, highly flexible architecture anytime soon ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. Hrvoje

    R25 Expectations

    Neutron or Scene nodes, are vastly superior to Xpresso in all aspects as of right now. If you use Xpresso a lot in your projects, then you will love the scene nodes and will never look back once you realize how powerful they are : )
  16. Maybe out of scope for this conversation, but in Scene nodes you have MandelBrot and Mandelbulb distributions by default as Vanilla nodes : )
  17. Hi Folks Here is something resembling a production asset - Tracer. It is completely node based and offers following functionality: Trace objects -- In this mode Tracer generates trailing lines from objects centers Trace Points -- Generates trailing lines from objects points Connect Objects -- Connects centers of objects with lines Connect Vertices -- Connects points of all objects Limit (Trace objects and points) From End -- Limits the length of tracing line from end to specified value From Start -- Limits the length of tracing line from start to specified value Limit Amount -- Limit value in frames Trace Scale (Connect Objects and Points) -- Scale the generated lines from midpoint Obviously the setup is inspired by MoGraph but with some additional functionality. Limitations: Not as performant as one would want (some things under the hood have to change also) Use at your own risk, this is experimental asset provided "as is" and as learning resource Have fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Tracer_Hrvoje.c4d
  18. Would be easier if you attached a scene file...
  19. Welcome to the Core forums Haruko! You are not aging, there are some of us here which used floppy discs and remember the time before internet. Your work is really good, glad to see you on board ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. Congrats on the release!
  21. In Neutron you can't retrieve that info from Op stream. We are thinking about changing this since it popped up few times as a topic already. In meantime you can, and I am sure you already did consider using value node to set the fillet and use it to read out the state down stream. Yes, it adds one more node to graph but it is easy to read
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