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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Use material parametrization node. It will allow you to access parameters of node from node material which you designated as start node. Here is a simple scene mat_param.c4d
  2. Use connect node. You can use named selections inside nodes plus some keywords such as "active", "all". Here is a scene that can help selections.c4d
  3. Setup works πŸ™‚ The problem is that your cube is transformed and setup acts on non transformed points. You have to get global point positions by multiplying the matrix with each point
  4. aboard! We have few Bjoerns already πŸ˜‰
  5. If you mean using it as a drag and drop into field then no. What are you trying to do? πŸ™‚
  6. Here is a simple example. If you want more than single previous position set the memory node to array and append all values. That way you can access any previous value previous.c4d
  7. Hrvoje

    MAXON is hiring

    Hi folks : ) MAXON is hiring and there quite a few open positions, make sure you check them here https://www.maxon.net/en/about-maxon/careers
  8. Yes, he can use object group but he can't do it in mesh group only (I believe that is the idea). Here is object group example Polygon_numbers_display_0001.c4d I would strongly suggest to use Nodes exclusively, That way you don't have to bother with context, predefined templates, and most importantly it will be much faster and able to display much more data. Many text splines will choke object manager and viewport rather soon.
  9. Since displaying involves text spline I don't think you can't do that in capsules because you can't mix context. You need input mesh and splines, where capsules are more strict in their definition. Good thing is that you can do everything you are after with nodes and not use object manager (you can use scene manager) and suffer from possible performance penalties.
  10. Of course. you just select the appropriate template from asset browser. You have a choice between geometry modifier, selection modifier, Mesh primitive group, Spline Primitive group. I added a simple scene with all 4 in object manager. You can now double click on any of them and do whatever you want with nodes inside πŸ™‚ After you create what you want you can save it as asset and simply drag and drop into object manager as you wish capsule.c4d
  11. Depending on the spline shape you can't expect good topological result from mixed splines? For example, if you use circle and rectangle spline and then chamfer vertical edges that will be a mess quickly πŸ™‚ What you can do instead is use loft. This will allow you to stack splines and create the shape with nice surface characteristics while it will still offer you ways to subdivide and tune the result. After that you can chamfer edge selections you want. Hope that helps
  12. You can't know which pairs to input, unless you check for point indices. Easiest way to do this is as shown in attached scene. Pairs are just indices the form a single edge. It is much easier to transfer (convert) point or polygon selection. I would advise you generate geometry in nodes themselves, there you can also access "newly created" node. maybe you could say what you are exactly after, maybe there are other methods πŸ™‚ cham_0001.c4d
  13. Maybe I am missing something, but if you want to chamfer edges you simply change the mode to edges? Edges are defined as pairs such as 0-1, 0-2 etc. Also, it is often way easier to convert a point selection. Here is an example file cham.c4d I did the pure nodes version but you can use exact same nodes in object manager with same settings
  14. Hrvoje


    You missed particle distributions πŸ™‚ Those effectively give you an option to use standard or even TP particles in Neutron. Simple scene attached with standard particles std_particle.c4d
  15. You can check Wikipedia for list, here is a screenshot Nothing is made exclusively in one application these days πŸ™‚
  16. Ah, unfortunately those are gone and did not survive the hardware incident πŸ™‚ . If any member has them feel free to ask them to share it...
  17. Thanassis is great guy, he is super fun to hang out with πŸ™‚
  18. @jackTheStorm Here is a simplified version of that scene. I cut down number of nodes from 23 to 12 while functionally wise it is the same. Also, I generate geometry within nodes since that is most performant. Hope it helps a bit making you more friendly towards nodes. If you hit a snag with nodes just post in nodes section, there are quite a few people on forum that will be more than happy to take a stab at it πŸ™‚ selection_pattern_holes_0001.c4d
  19. Glad you solved it, that setup can be simplified πŸ™‚ Have you tried the built in modulo geometry node?
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