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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Hrvoje

    Point add?

    Here is an example. One has to do topology to reconstruct it polytopo.c4d
  2. Hrvoje

    Point add?

    You can't, at least not trivially. To add a point you would have to first create one, insert it into point array then build the proper topology and assemble all back into geometry but yes, this should be added to be easy to do...
  3. Most likely doable with python but am not sure. Maybe a plugin would help here? https://mikeudin.net/product/file-sequence-exporter/
  4. Actually Neutron is far richer and more capable in options regarding array, geometry, distributions than ICE. Where it lacks is simulation though
  5. errr.. Neutron? 🙂 It is visual programming language at the moment
  6. There is still documentation available. Not sure if the app itself is obtainable https://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2014/en_us/index.html?url=files/iceref_nodes.htm,topicNumber=d30e317675
  7. There is no easy way to do this at the moment. Since one can't add points easily this means you would have to deconstruct the whole mesh and topology, add the points (loop) then build a new mesh..
  8. I think Igor could easily translate his knowledge into Scene Nodes and make all types of cutlery if he wanted too 🙂
  9. Hm, rendered here and I don't see anything unusual...?
  10. Can you be more specific and possibly reduce the scene to bare essentials where issue is still shown? At which frame(s) you are encountering jitters?
  11. Hrvoje

    Spider Web Asset

    Hi folks Here is a nice example of Nodes asset - spider web. This is made by a dev and is really good for learning purposes also 🙂 Note that scene requires R25 since asset is in capsule form. 01_Spider_Web.c4d
  12. @StratoArt Please post this question as separate topic
  13. Hrvoje

    Hello from UAE

    Hi Hamad and to the community!
  14. Hrvoje

    Animated Text

    Simple to do with Mograph as Jed shows, but if you want to do it in nodes then there are couple of options. Your graph can be optimized, there is no need to build an array or for matrix op down the stream. Array nodes work with strings directly. Very nice setup btw and commenting is much appreciated 🙂 HelloSceneNodesDF_v003.c4d
  15. From experience I can tell you that making trainings is multi stage process. First you have to envision one and construct the timeline and events for it. It is very easy to fall into a trap of showing user something which requires previous knowledge which simply isn't there or is falsely assumed. Spend your time wisely and do a detailed breakdown of whole training. Write down each lesson, revisit and refine to a point where you have whole training literally on paper. Make absolutely sure that you don't convey not even a shred of incorrect information to viewer and be precise. If you will use an explanation which is not technically correct but you assume your interpretation will help viewer to understand the concept better make sure to point it out. This can take enormous amount of time. Second is to practice narration and vocalization. This is quite demanding and will take time to get comfortable with it. Watch your breathing, pops and crackles. Explaining something and building it at the same time is exponentially more difficult and it gets worse if subject is technically challenging. One more thing to consider in your (and my) case is to ensure what you are conveying is in the spirit of language and topic covered. Third is editing. The better you do the ones above, less time will be spent editing. Depending on how refined you want to go this stage can take most of the production time. Fourth, but not least important is to keep checks and checkpoints. Save often, remember where your cursor was in UI once you paused, recording app can crash, double check your mic every time, mute your cellphone etc. Make a list which you have to go through before recording. Don't hesitate to be detailed regarding scene files to a point such as "Saved_at_5:32_prior_to_when_I_extrude_a_polygon_cursor is over_this_node" style. And good luck mate, you are taking quite a challenge now 🙂
  16. Unfortunately there is no new line support yes, something we will add for sure, however, you can change the UI on value node to multiline string and use that if it helps. Check the attached scene multi_string.c4d
  17. Another example Scene Breakdown: roughly 2,5 million voxel cubes If you open the scene you will notice that very dense mesh is used to generate huge amount of non intersecting voxels which lead to final result. Navigation is smooth and fast. Viewport is already set to fast shading, do not change it! This is not possible with MoGraph voxel.c4d
  18. Hi folks I was asked on pm to show a scene which "proves" major performance increase with scene nodes over MoGraph cloning. Here is a small setup which illustrates how capable node system is: Scene breakdown: 50000 rocks, gazillion polygons, distribution algorithm is preventing overlaps as much as possible If you load the scene as is you will notice that navigating is practically impossible since it is very slow and unresponsive, practically not usable. - Click in the empty space in node graph - Change the viewport to fast shading mode Now you can smoothly navigate the viewport on single mid level consumer graphics card. I would like to stress that system is not yet optimized for playback and full performance Rocks.c4d
  19. Documentation has to be updated. Selection to Indices is get selection node but name was misleading. The node will output index value for any selection that is stored in stream. For example: You can have a selection with some predefined keyword Or you can get a custom selection
  20. I have put cache under quotes for a reason. Think of it as importing mesh or splines into graph itself, so you don't need object in object manager. This means you can for example create generators with custom objects etc
  21. Yes, this is due to performance reasons. Preset system works only for classic stuff - wip 🙂 btw you can ctrl+dag polygon or spline from object manager into nodes graph and have it "cached" there, not sure if you know that
  22. @Sandidolsak In imported object enabled time dependent, that will force evaluation of animated data
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