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Everything posted by Hrvoje

  1. Are you getting any result? Which version? Also, are there any orphan nodes in the graph for you?
  2. Polyfolding stuff. Not that much itneresting in temrs of effect but shows how to sort indexes, disconnect faces and change pivots 210_Polyfolding.c4d
  3. Droplets, quick and dirty πŸ™‚ 212_Droplets.c4d
  4. Here is some chain stuff - use distribution controls to control the chain πŸ™‚ 218_Chain.c4d
  5. What a great insight in history and wealth of information in this topic - fantastic!
  6. As someone who joined later when MoGraph bedrock was already done I felt privileged to be mentioned, it was quite a bit of work to test and help build MoGraph all around. Annoying others in the team, that comes effort free for me
  7. Switcheroo setup πŸ™‚ 213_Switcheroo.c4d
  8. No, member wanted to extract vertical lines from from cylinder on the fly - nothing fancy : )
  9. pm request - create splines from primitive mesh edges, vertical only (crude) 200_Vertical_Lines.c4d
  10. Nodes are your friend, is this what you are after? comma_counter.c4d
  11. Sorry, diidn't have time to optimize the scene. You are aware that there is a stairs asset available which you can use? : )
  12. Phylotaxis proto πŸ™‚ 02_phyllotaxis.c4d
  13. @LuiNogueira I haven't checked your setup in detail, but here it seems to work, check the scene stair generator_new_select_facing.c4d
  14. Select facing is the issue. Luckily it is an asset which you can convert to group from asset menu. Inside there is a "Proposed build Selection". Propagate the scope from append node and replace iterate indexes with iterate collection as shown
  15. Circle to circle intersection πŸ™‚ (pm request) The setup finds the midpoint 209_circle2circle_intersection.c4d
  16. For recursion use loop carried value and memory nodes. They both have access to previous value
  17. Some circle packing πŸ™‚ 183_Circle_Packing.c4d
  18. Quite a big file to grab πŸ™‚ I can't answer your questions specifically, but in general advice only. Simualtions are simply expensive. As far as best practices go you are on the right track. There is space to improve and the first thing would be to see if you can do the simulation without fillets on the cube (proxy setup) and use that as a driver for high poly setup. Try some margin and explore possibility of turning of self collisions. Additionally, using project setting tab to reduce the calculation if possible is always good idea. Hope this helps
  19. Some fun with Fracturing πŸ™‚ 147_Pipe_Mesher(MG).c4d
  20. Chladni patterns! 202_Chladni_Plate.c4d
  21. Drag the ports from column into graph : ) Floating port is like a shortcut to actual input port
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