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Hrvoje last won the day on February 27

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  1. Getting a point selection into node system would be fist thing that pops to mind. Then, one could connect the points based on angle, distance, or check for intersecting segments - haven't tried it though 🙂
  2. @Eudes Fileti Maybe you missed my second scene in above reply? That is projected lines which is independent of topology. As far as topologically based one goes, that would be using mesh points to construct a spline using any available method
  3. @Eudes Fileti Modeling the saddle should not present a problem. First thing that pops to mind is bezier object, here is an example bezier_saddle.c4d Unless you need real, mathematically correct saddle surface? Also doable, but requires some effort. The animated lines solution depends on some details. Are the lines to follow actual topological structure of the mesh or they can just be projected? If they can just be projected then projection deformer with a swept triangle spline (animated sweep end) should do bezier_saddle_0001.c4d Hope it helps 🙂
  4. @Freemorpheme Hide it with MoGraph selection. Select Fracture, use MoGraph selection brush, from MoGraph menu go hide selected, then you can keyframe the newly made effector (strength)
  5. @Leigh Richert Members without subscription are limited and have no access to attachments system or plugins. They can read and write posts though. Community runs strictly on support from members in form of subscriptions and donations
  6. Hrvoje

    Matrix rotation

    That seems to be due to your subscription missing
  7. Hrvoje

    Matrix rotation

    @filip Please share the scene so other members can benefit as well
  8. Yes, unfortunate, but community can't run without some funding and I am happy that I can contribute monthly, it is peanuts really. Most of people are not really into habit of being thankful in any way for assistance, scene, advice, guidance or information that helped them quite a bit. Good thing is that now it is getting less and less restricted with new management, there seems to be just a few restrictions that are present now Rob @Corebot?
  9. @3DKiwi Nice to see you hanging around here, was wondering if you are still somehow in 3D world : ) Still biking?
  10. This shouldn't be problematic, here is a simple example, if I am missing something please attach a simplified scene file so we can see what the issue is rand_target.c4d
  11. Hi and to the forums Can you please post the scene file as attachment here? Users are vary of downloading from elsewhere - thanks Regarding your question, you maybe rather want to use MoSpline with some turbulence and gravity instead of dynamics if you want the appearance of dangling
  12. Lava Lamp with particles, not as good as fluids would do but it good 🙂
  13. Here is a spirit level with bubble that reacts to slope 255_Spirit_Level.c4d
  14. @hyyde Baking seems buggy a bit, however, It seems that if you bake all into keyframes and then clean up the scale keyframes (remove keys and set scale to 1) it is all good?
  15. @Scott Williams There is a full set of boolean logic, conditionals and flow control which Xpresso doesn't have which include LCV, memory node and ranges. It is by far more powerful and versatile.
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