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Hrvoje last won the day on December 19

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  1. Sure it's possible πŸ™‚ vmap_selection.c4d
  2. Time to revive this thread, here is a fun one πŸ™‚ 12_Butterfly.c4d
  3. @BlastercastG Not a rendering guy myself, but maybe post a simple scene file? That makes it easier for members to help out
  4. Tried Tracing with tracer? Looks doable if you trace a cloned spline or extract edge loops from deformed mesh
  5. Here is how to calculate smooth tangents in nodes. Setup is interesting because it shows some previous/next iteration techniques which are widely applicable πŸ™‚ 237_Calc_smooth_tangents.c4d
  6. @Smolak Update to latest 2025.1 In case some of you didn't know, Donovan is very capable with nodes, given his position he couldn't avoid it πŸ™‚
  7. Sent a bugreport to Maxon? Drivers up to date?
  8. @zeden Is this in scene nodes or it can be in capsule? Both are possible but with new object inputs it is really easy, here is a quick example multi_obj_delete_components.c4d
  9. @kkamin Two options here πŸ™‚ Either disable rotation in delay effector (seems scaling from zero is causing skewing) or use delay field instead
  10. @kkamin Please attach a scene file...
  11. Depends what you do. If you are rendering a lot then gpu performance is more important. Regarding motherboards, it is pretty much all the same except for people that are enthusiastic about that - same factory, different brand logo πŸ™‚. If you are into silent environment then check aftermarket cooling, such as Noctua. Also, this can help https://dropandrender.com/cinebench-benchmarks/
  12. All nodes capsules, both nodes mesh and spline, selection and geometry modifiers can now easily ingest input objects. Objects can be ingested into graph as a child or link. object. Additionaly, whole linear hierarchies can be imported via object children and object links. For example, you can now subordinate some objects under nodes mesh and use them as input in robust way. The principle is the same as you would put a mesh under subdivision generator, spline under sweep or some objects under volume generator, child objects are simply available for processing. In case of a link, think link slot which cloner has when set to object mode, target for constrains or similar. In case of links, think list of effectors or fields. Here is how you add them to Capsuies Once the capsule is processing the input it will change color to generator color to indicate that In case of link or links it is the same as in rest of C4D This eases up referencing and ingesting objects to great extent, absolutely love it πŸ™‚
  13. Here is a setup which showos how to do particle to particle collision. Although there is no real collisions available at this moment, some modifiers can be adjusted to do a very convincing job πŸ™‚ Bubbles.c4d
  14. Love Noseman, he is even more fun in person πŸ™‚ Personally, I am the happiest with proper object inputs for capsules, that is a big feature for me
  15. Known issue, unfortunately that is the way collision deformer was created back then. You could fake it by creating 6 hidden collision cubes around the sphere to get the collisions you are after, or take a look at this nodes rig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR3h6msfiyQ&t=668s
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