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Everything posted by Vozzz

  1. ye, arnold should be c4d default render engine. all problems solved. just make mograph work with it and we all gonna be sweet. it has nodes, it renders quickly. it does everything a stock render should.
  2. Chagall - nailed it. cinema 4d is still great, and leaps and bounds ahead of competition in usability. And i think the point is that, MAXON should really stop trying to create new gimmicky stuff that is of little use to most people. ( stuff clearly requested/created by an out of touch marketing department). And for the love of !@$# stop breaking/deleting old useful stuff. Im still going to use R15, its still best 3d package ive found. I just hope R17 is actually usable, i think that's the main gripe here. Is that new versions used to make things better, now they seem to be making things worse...
  3. God yes. and names for those object buffers. and maybe put each channel into its own folder option? All core workflow issues, which any studio should have informed MAXON about. Waaaay before putting a tracker in...
  4. so basically MAXON needs to revise their NDA. And once in a while publish at least an article, which covers what bugs/issues are being worked on.
  5. This is depressing.... Granted kiwis interests and mine don't really align, i dont focus on modelling as much, still really sad. I started here and owe a great lot to him. I love c4d, and will continue using it, like for many, it makes me money and still does what i need it to do. But unless they address the material system in R17 i guess im staying on r15 until my clients start updating. At the moment, nearly a year since release no body i know is using r16 in production. once r17 comes out i guess i'll decide if i will start learning something else, probably modo or maya. most likely modo. I don't like autodesk... anywho I wish 3d kiwi the best of luck with everything! and @MAXON: communicate more... Honesty and openness i always appreciated. Even if you announce something and then tell us that you couldn't get it to work without bugs, so you are holding off on it, it will be appreciated. Maybe release new features as beta plugins first, so more people can try them. Or have a beta channel for your software, which is open to all users. If you tell users that you are improving stability and performance at the cost of new feature development, i think you will be hard pressed to find people complaining.
  6. ye, wow! great work! Really great vfx, loved all the smoke and clouds and flames! but above all really admire your self control to actually finish this. I find it incredibly difficult to bring personal projects to an end.
  7. started website, doesn anyone know of any 101 guides to using twitter to promote websites?

  8. Vozzz


    yeah, damnn! very real!
  9. />

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