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Everything posted by Vozzz

  1. Vozzz

    Terraform4D released!

    are you by any chance related to c4djack? he also made a terrain plugin many many years ago 🙂
  2. Vozzz

    Terraform4D released!

    Just playing with this! really liking it! So intuitive and convenient. Only thing i find missing is displacement which isn't restricted in the y-axis. For example i want displacement on the edge of a steep hill ( like rocks ) but they all only displace up vertically. also when you make a curved terrain with a small radius, the edge get all scrunched up. https://yadi.sk/i/5zh2G663OGD-tA
  3. Vozzz

    4. controllers.jpg

    From the album: Mia

  4. Vozzz


    A character i've been working on
  5. Vozzz

    poses long.jpg

    From the album: Mia

  6. Vozzz


    From the album: Mia

  7. From the album: Mia

  8. Vozzz

    blue hair mia.jpg

    From the album: Mia

  9. Vozzz

    metro render02.jpg

    From the album: Mia

  10. Octane works fine with r23. maybe download a newer version?
  11. octaneX works on macs. people seem to be quite happy with it. no real news about redshift, but im guessing they are focusing on getting it working on macs.. [edit]: looks it is available, check gavins comment below
  12. I have up to 50% off bundles for C4D rigged characters 🙂 https://ace5.cc/blackfriday
  13. This officially took too long, but it's done now: https://ace5studios.com/mia Rigged stylized character for Cinema 4D Let me know if there is any weirdness with the page. my brain is dead from putting this all together..
  14. great stuff! Love the drawing! been doing more of that recently. Definitly helps! Keep on keeping on, i want to see more!
  15. i think you should watch my cloth sim tutorial :) https://ace5studios.com/cloth-sim/
  16. you have some modelling skills, but its hard to just sell them, since there are so many stock model sites and if you just offer modelling, it's not a very well paying job. It's good that you have animation skills, but you need to work on making your stuff look more modern. Check out instagram, look for the #cinema4d tag here: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/cinema4d/ also checkout this guy, does some really nice stuff. https://www.instagram.com/yambostudio/ And as others said, that website really needs an refresh. that front page will be the last page anyone looks at. That kind of menu has a very dated feel to it. Since you have the time i reccomend figuring out wordpress and a theme like enfold. I've actually been thinking of starting a tutorial series of helping people make nicer looking renders. If you are interested, send me a pm and we can talk. also your website doesn't have your contact information.
  17. yeah, my us number rings a couple of times a week with bullshit like this.. some of them i answered a couple, some are clearly identity theft operations offering free medical treatment and asking for your personal details.
  18. Cinema 4D’s cloth sim system isn’t the most advanced in the world, but i did find a way to simulate a nice top with it. So here is a tutorial about it. https://ace5studios.com/cloth-sim/
  19. 11.11 sale #SinglesDay Enjoy 20% off with the coupon 1111 on all my stuff! One Day only! https://https://ace5studios.com/products
  20. Vozzz


    My Botanical Experiments
  21. Vozzz

    White Flower

    From the album: Botanics

  22. Vozzz

    From the album: Botanics

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