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Everything posted by Vozzz

  1. Vozzz

    26 Gandalfs Cutting

    Great work! Love it!
  2. i agree, i like the retro 90's feel of it :D
  3. @SIgor better, but could we make it like double of what it is now. still feels like quote and comment is blending together.
  4. the padding between quote and main body of message seems to have dissapeared in the dark theme. makes it hard to see where message starts.
  5. @Visionnext here is a quick video i made about it and c4d. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4OkFFYDldg
  6. look promising. to fix the 3d coat import thing. always select "auto-mapping" when importing, if you dont have proper uv's on a model. otherwise it crashes. r17 obj export is a bit broken, so using fbx as you did is prefered. ( bug submitted acknowldged). c4d has a function where you fold ctrl+shift and click on stuff, you select the stuff between. ( its very well hidden)
  7. clicking the little star/circle takes me to the end, but just clicking on title takes me to the beginning.
  8. the new activity feed is kinda annoying, because when i click on a thread, it goes to the first page, and then i have to click on the last page and scroll down to see whats new...
  9. skin adjustments for new skin, maybe this helps
  10. yup, new user thing is fixed on my end now! great work igor! still loving the clean black theme :D
  11. shrink your browser window horizontally. the problem happens when the words dont fit into 3 lines.
  12. slgor, whats your browser zoom set to? at 90% i get what you get, at 100% i get what haam gets.
  13. ahh! what happened to the theme! :( it was so pretty! why are all these strokes back, and whats with the dropshadows :(
  14. ok man. also fixed the little notifier number at the top. with this code: .ipsApp .ipsNotificationCount { top: -1px; background: rgb(28, 186, 255); }
  15. No worries man. however you like here is the code i overwrote: .cAuthorPane { border: 0 solid #464646; } .ipsComment_content { border: 0 solid rgb(70, 70, 70); } .ipsLayout_container { max-width: 90%; } blockquote.ipsQuote { margin: 0; border-width: 1; border-color: #5C5C5C; } #ipsLayout_contentArea { border: 0px solid rgb(45, 45, 45); } .ipsOnlineStatus_online { color: #82FF50; } .ipsUserPhoto_large img, img.ipsUserPhoto_large, .ipsUserPhoto_large:after { width: 120px; height: 120px; border-radius: 1px; } here is a link to stylish extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylish/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe?hl=en here is the style, so you can see it in action: https://userstyles.org/styles/120142/c4d-cafe-small-adjust
  16. I decided to play with it too, and using chrome its actually really easy to make a style with the stylish extentsion for chrome. here is what i have at the moment: ( you dont have to implement it, i just made it for myself.) I'll share the stylus link in a bit, just tweaking some things
  17. Yes! looking much better! although i still think if you make the borders the same color as the background color, or maybe get rid of them all together it'll look even better! also they seem to have gotten fatter around the comment boxes.
  18. cool man. good luck got some input from my friend this is what he said: .cAuthorPane { border: 0 solid #464646; } .ipsComment_content { border: 0 solid rgb(70, 70, 70); } In this file: http://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/uploads/css_built_38/62e269ced0fdab7e30e026f1d30ae516_forums.css Or that might be in the database - no idea where - but those 2 need to be overridden
  19. its better, but those strokes are still too much, ( stroke the 1 pixel porbder around all the boxes. they just stand out soo much. I mean something like this.
  20. Hi Igor, You are talking about the ipbForo? its nice. Just the white 1px strokes everywhere are a bit strong i think. if they where darker, or simply removed i think it would look much cleaner. But i do like it. its pretty easy on the eyes. maybe make the edges, the same as the background color? ( as in screenshot here)
  21. ok, nice, now both themes have readable text. =) Yeah, im all for darker themes, but i think its just a matter of colors. The default theme is very well designed and layed out in my opinion. i did some googling and i think this is the nices dark theme i found. https://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7590-gamers-time-40-by-themetree/ obviously change the color to something blue. surprising lack of nice looking themes... I wonder why themeforests doesnt have a category for ips..
  22. I dont really like either of the new themes... but in the last 1 or 2 days, something changed with the "default" theme, which is the one i like most. The text seems to have gotten very grey, and now there is not enough contrast between it and the background. Could someone maybe change that? [edit]: just looked again: ips support (default) works well and looks nice.
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