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Everything posted by Vozzz

  1. remote work i think its cool. im 100% remote. important thing is project management. You want to use stuff like trello to manage and give feedback so you're not buried in emails. also come up with a definitive list of things you need done. you'll get better results if you post what you want and how much you can pay for it, rather than asking around for prices. artists generally hate negotiating. if you sponsor for a visa, im sure you could find someone who would relocate, plenty of people want to move to the states. I could point you to at least one :)
  2. What options do we have for hair in cinema4d? i remember there was something called Fast and fur vaguely ( cant find it now, looks like maybe it got bought by vray). And i think a member here was developing a plugin to convert polygons into hair, which was similar to a maya plugin called GMH2 http://www.thundercloud-studio.com/shops/gmh2/ so is there anything else out there?
  3. this looks very promising, keep up the great work!
  4. filled with elements generated by other software is a great indicator of how well cinema4D plays with other software and how much choice you have when creating stuff. Which is really important to studios and professionals... also no competition? modo, houdini, clarisse etc.. I agree i really dislike autodesk for just buying up everything... but thats not really a MAXON problem... If you feel cheated, you are free to use anything you want. Just as a person who has been working professionally with c4d for a long time, im saying that all the bitching and winging here is largely unwarranted.. Cinema4D has never been as popular as it is now. also having things dynamic is not just a mograph thing. I do stage design for tv shows, and all kinds of stuff which needs rapid adjustments. re: what it lacks. There is software that fills those cracks without too much effort. And honestly if you work proffesionally the price of this package should really not be an issue. yeah others are cheaper, but its still all rather low anyway. If you work professionally and charge less than $300/day you should raise your rates and stop undercutting your fellow artists. at $300/day, thats slightly over 2 days for MSA and just over 11days of work for the whole package. Comapre that to any other profession and its equipment cost.. And then compare the complexity of a package like cinema4D to fishing rods.. For hobbyists it defintly sucks, i see that. I do believe MAXON should introduce an indie version like houdini has. But its up to them, its their product its up to them to manage it how they see fit.
  5. has anyone here used maya's mash? i was talking to a guy who uses maya, he says it crashes relentlessly on anything even modestly complex. people seem to forget that all these "announced features" that other software have are only their "highlights" you go on their forums and you see people bitching about stuff just as much if not more. And some features that they are are plain mind blowing that they didn't have before. For example dynamic text objects? ones that don't bake down into geometry once you make them? maya and modo only got them recently. I saw maya demonstrating that you can put text on a spline now.. Now just imagine all the other stuff that we take for granted not being present there. I have not found any software which lets me build stuff that is this easy to modify with client feedback. Houdini comes close, but the actual building stage takes waay longer than in c4d. This whole drag and drop thing they have in the OM is unparalleled. This is what maya's obect manager looks like... good luck setting up your mograph..
  6. yeah.. it really is just a very vocal minority. For people working professionally cinema4d has just been getting better and better. The r17 release that everyone complains about here in this thead was a game changer with tokens and takes. It reduced busy work by a huge fraction. integration with houdini engine is also great. And general tweaks to defualt project and what not are all very welcome.
  7. attachments can be hosted on a multitude of free websits. line yandex disk, dropbox, wetransfer, one drive... etc.. imgur for images. maybe this should be a sticky or something. no point in wasting server bandwidth on things that can be hosted for free.
  8. This looks like a great update. really liking the new interface too. the defualt dark theme looks really nice!
  9. Saw the dancing snapchat hotdog, and just had to recreate it, such a fun character. Then got my apprentice Maria to practice rigging on it. And now you guys get a free rigged character to play with. win win win ) Go check out her art station account at: https://www.artstation.com/artist/jersy Get the rigged model here: http://ace5studios.com/hotdog/
  10. seeing that concept video, reminded me of a plugin for c4d that did that it was called fusion thing, but all traces of it seem to have dissapeared, just screenshots here and there. it was very poorly marketed, would've never thought of using it like polystein.
  11. i dont really participate in these circle shirks, but this is just plain crazy. C4d doesn't always deliver what i want, but as you've noticed r10 and other old version still work great and do enough stuff, this just goes to show how great it is, that you are still using a piece of software that is nearly 10 years old. viewport performance has consistently improved from version to version. r15 was a massive jump. R17, while might've lacked "fun" features, had tokes and takes. Those 2 features have easily saved me $700 worth of time and then some. I loved r17! r18 for example i still haven't really completely covered because, most of the new features are kinda project specific. so my point is: while for hobbyists is might suck with the price tag, and it would be nice if they had an indie version. For professionals it is always more than worth the price. re:sidegrades: you can rent to own with cinema4D. and it actually turns out cheaper than buying and then paying MSA. so i don't get what people are complaining about. No one application can do everything. Other apps may have useful features, but none are as easy for sceen set up and proceduralism as cinema4D. houdinis nodes can do amazing stuff, but the object managers drag and drop and childer and parent thing is just amazing. Try using maya's outliner for organizing a scene with many objects.. god.. its torture.
  12. Love all of these!!
  13. great collection! very generous of you! Thankyou!
  14. http://ace5studios.com/hardware
  15. They renamed the tool and rolled it into their pdf publishing thing. not sure if they released it yet, but i remember getting and email about their intentions. confusing marketing move, but there it is.. https://www.4dpublish.com/paint-brush-tutorials
  16. This conversation seems to going in circles.. Yes, c4d has some shortcomings in content creation. But those are easily overcome by external tools in most cases. What it does amazingly is: It lets you set up dynamic easily adjustable scenes with very little effort. Houdini is the only one that comes close, but its node based system is still waay more complex than dragging stuff under each other in the object manager.
  17. im not going win10, coz it apparantly keeps forcing updates, even when everything is blocked/switched off. i went from win7 to 8.1 and i got to say, 8.1 for me is noticable faster and smoother than win7. and boy do i love, that deleting files doesnt bring up a dialogue box, they just go straight to recycle bin :)) i think thats my favorite feature. and it boots waay faster than win7.
  18. well thats another reason for the entry fee. It cuts out people who re-sell models pretty solidly. I think something like $20 for the minimum tire is fine. I mean, worst case, you support the cafe :) Also reviewing the submitted models will take time. People reviewing them should get some compensation, right? They are taking time out of their day. Also, maybe an option to split profits between members of the cafe? Might be too hard. But if one person models and the other rigs? Or is someone wants to sell their models, but can't pay the entry fee. Another member could for example sponsor them, in exchange for 20% of profits? i dunno. That might be too hard to code.
  19. i think a seller badge definitly makes sense. one that links to the persons shop. also i like the idea of charging an entry fee to sell. It will prevent the shop from being flooded with substandard goods. But maybe 60 euro is to steep for new sellers. I thinking have cheaper options with higher fees is a good idea.
  20. what render engine are you using? c4d natively does not have any gpu rendering.
  21. Vozzz

    Xfrog for C4D 5.5

    arent they always on like 50%-70% discount? i dont remember them not having a sale.
  22. it was an example. I don't know what you can charge, only person that does is you and the producer.. we aren't selling potatoes.. there isn't a fixed price or anything.
  23. in this position you just got to pull numbers out of your backside.. you're not getting paid for being good at c4d. You're being paid for something that people like, want and cant make themselves. music industry people ussually try to get stuff very cheap, but they are friends, just talk to them . Or talk to your guy. and tell him you'll do his for $500, but tell him to tell his friends its 1k/ video :D then its win win. Ask him how much he thinks his friends would pay for it. Charge him half. He's getting you clients. Really hourly rate is irrelevant for what you are doing.
  24. thats great news! i actually bought edge shade. very useful, stil cant believe its not a standard feature in c4d render..
  25. 980ti's work as far as i know. they need to be flashed or something first though. sorry, meant new openCL version. I don't know the technical details, but i do know that often to get stuff working you need recent drivers. But maybe you'll be lucky. as i said, wait and see :)
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