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Everything posted by Vozzz

  1. Vozzz

    From the album: Botanics

  2. Vozzz

    From the album: Botanics

  3. these are absolutely great! keep em coming!
  4. re: instance nodes: you can make assets which you can use not only across the your file, but across multiple files. which means you can also update them across your entire project, which is handy dandy :)
  5. Vozzz

    Rigging Test

    Looking good, i'd recommend using geometry for controllers, they lag viewport less and are easier to click on :)
  6. WOAH WOAH! that is some epic monsteriness! do you have a portfolio somewhere? I'd like to see more of your work :)))
  7. you need to put the volume builder into a volume mesher :)
  8. if you have any specific questions, just ask me, I'll make a video or 2. here is nodes like you were five :) ( someone asked to explain on a forum, i think here)
  9. ah, sorry i missed the remainder of the beta, got carried away with other stuff. Waiting for the release :))
  10. I personally use: https://mirillis.com/en/products/action.html After camtasia failed to record my mouse one too many times, i figured it was time to find something new. This one is great for many reasons. Mainly that that is uses the gpu to encode the files so they are not as huge and you can load them straight into your video editing package of choice where you can edit everything in a much more comfortable environment. It does not come with its own editing software, but personally i prefer it this way. But $20 still a good deal :))
  11. oh wow, i expected to see robot renders :))) But instead i see robots being artists. crazy stuff! thanks for posting
  12. I have 2 suggestions, to what otherwise is an awesome tool. 1) shortcut key that brings it up, should also hide it upon a second press 2) sticky key functionality. ie, if i hold my key, "Caps lock" for example, it'll pop up while im holding the key, i hover over the tool i need, let go of caps lock and that tool gets selected. ooh and a bonus function 3) have a copy of the plugin, which just displays recent tools from this menu : this shouldn't be part of the core plugin, since i'd want this on a different shortcut. Otherwise awesome plugin!
  13. Ok and here is the final animation: https://imgur.com/gallery/tsKUjAH embedding animation on the internet is a lot harder than i expected, most platforms absolutely destroy the video quality :(
  14. Thanks! glad you like the tip. Here is me nearly done with the traffic :)) https://i.imgur.com/gj7bBv2.mp4
  15. a little update: made some trains adjusted some proportions, added traffic and stuff.
  16. Ran into this problem while working, made a little quicktip gif: hit ctrl+d to get to project settings and adjust
  17. damn.. now that's a roundabout! I think i'll just do it with mograph, or maybe keyframe it... Might look into using xparticles, but i think that might be over kill. probably will end up with a combination of mograph and keyframed stuff
  18. Want to do something i don't usually do, so working on this little piece for myself. eventually the traffic will be animated, still working on the composition. will probably also try a couple of different color themes. Feel free to critique to hearts content :))
  19. ahahah this is just wonderful!
  20. as far as a i know, otoy doesn't like people selling their software. so buyer beware. also isn't octane going to be free soon for 2gpu's? Basically buyer beware, and do your research.
  21. Wooh i made a character animation reel! it's not quite pixar yet, but small steps :)) Gonna get there :))
  22. how come this product seems to be missing from the store?
  23. that sphere video looks awesome! the whole thing looks great!
  24. This is looking fantastic! does work just as well on spheres?
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