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Everything posted by Vozzz

  1. unless you start doing scenes with multiple complex characters you will not FOMO maya :)) I mean maybe its gotten better recently. but geez.... it's not fun going to maya after using cinema 4d .. šŸ˜ž
  2. hm.. when was this? i read lots of reviews like that too. but i just yesterday tried a 1gb file with the free version, and it seemed to do ok. what dropbox seems to be unique with is that it can sync across LAN between your computers. which is VERY handy.
  3. I still mostly use dropbox, but its really lagging my system. folders take forever to create and rename. Especially if i haven't been rebooting my computer... And just hating all the bloat they are adding to my right click menu. I started using yandex disk a while a go, which was great.. but now for obvious reasons isn't really an option anymore. One Drive actually seems pretty decent. both price and UI wise. ( especially family plan for 6 users) ( 1tb is more than enough for me) also l been looking into pcloud. I love that they are not updating their interface. its just basic. it works, looks a bit retro, but at least they aren't updating stuff every year and making me figure out where all the buttons are like some companies.. again.. cough.. maxon.. cough.. What experience do you have?
  4. yup! was just using r15 for a client. and OMG i miss the S key in object manager! === tool people don't use as much as they should? "naming tool"
  5. ahaha, some of these are very lovely!
  6. i think this guy should publish a printable version.. maybe he can be co-erced into uploading it to amazon print on demand.. oh he already has it: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1987728610
  7. These guys also did a pretty impressive demo of how AI can really help in movie making.
  8. damn, it got busy with work and covid, and then work and food poisoning. but as god as my witness im back! well i'll try to be back šŸ™‚ Happy i sparked such nostalgia. I think i started on version 9, and before that i was using rhino 3d, making tanks for Total annihilation. So not quite as old as some people here, but im catching up. Just realized there are people of legal drinking ago, who never knew a world without youtube.. crazy.
  9. Im sure i can spam my own feed though, right?Ā 

    Check out my rigged character pack :DĀ 5k!Ā 





  10. I'm not sure, about how effective this move will be with the new sub. but i subscribed for old times sake šŸ™‚ I generally never really like the ad supported nature of the internet, always thought it'd be better if people paid for things they liked. ( personally loving ad free youtube experience, just wish their algorithm also changed away from ad generating content). I see the younger generation no longer really wants to search for answers, they just want to ask on discord/slack/chatgpt and get an instant personalized answer. But i'm looking forward to see what can be built here, i'll try be more active. What are the rules about spamming my c4d related products? :))
  11. cool! would love to see the upstream variation options. How much it maintains functionality.
  12. ah it made a copy after baking. you should untick "make copy" and then after the bake is finished disable the vibrate tag
  13. Welcome back! šŸ™‚
  14. i think the easiest way to explain this: You know how some software is more geared towards arch viz, and some towards mograph, and some towards character animations. They each put a different emphasis on various things and tools. Arch viz software probably won't bother too much with developing hair tools, just enough for grass and carpets. Mograph software isn't that concerned with character animation, just enough for a guy pointing/holding a product, maybe some 10 second animations.. Character animation software doesn't really care that much about cloning objects or interactive text objects. But all these things are still pretty close to each other and overlap. Since they all focus on offline rendering. So the interactivity takes priority during creation. Unreal is a game engine, the end product ABSOLUTELY must be interactive that is the highest priority. So they sacrifice interactivity during production. And the tools they develop are largely geared towards creating games, not movies/animations. They are objeviously moving towards making movies, and are being used on projects, but at least with unreal 4, you still feel at every moment who this tool was created for. It's kinda like using a sledge hammer to hammer in nails. It works, and if you line up a whole bunch of nails, you might be able to nail them all in at the same time, but it's still very awkward :)) Or boiling a 10 liter pot of water instead of using an electric kettle. It does boil a lot of water at once, but then it's kinda awkward to pour it into small cups, and it doesn't shut off automatically etc.. it's just lots of small little things which add up during your usage experience.
  15. it's funny i always also didn't like those prices, but recently realized we've all been so conditioned to seeing them, that when you put a price that is round, straight away it feels dodgy or suspicious for some reason :)) had to change it on my site..
  16. Vozzz

    Jet Fluids

    those are looking GREAT! got to find some time to give this another try!
  17. i always though MAXON should make an instagram version of c4d, which outputs only square renders 1080x1080 šŸ™‚ Then people could use it to learn and make a portfolio, would make money to buy a full license. and it would pretty effectively prevent any professionals from using it for most projects.
  18. man i feel your pain. every now and then i hear about amazing things about some new software, so i decide to learn it. and just come crawling back to cinema :)) and some of the things are just so unexpected. like the FOV thing in max. In maya they only recently got a text tool.. Blender doesn't have groups for objects.. like you can't group a bunch of objects into a null and then copy that null somewhere else.. love my cinema :))
  19. I think the first step is building trust. So a real name and website šŸ™‚ Otherwise you will only be able to work with the people desperate for work.. If i trust a client, i usually charge them at the end of a project. new clients are charged 50% upfront usually. some clients are charged 100% up front, but honestly that's reserved for those that can't keep to the scope of the project, and i don't really take their projects anymore. But yeah, easiest way is to post on job boards. Art station also has some great artist filtering options which help to find freelancers.
  20. Vozzz

    Terraform4D released!

    awesome! I think the resources needs a menu item though: It's not obvious that you can click on just the title. so that page is kinda hidden. ( i should do that on my site too šŸ™‚ )
  21. Vozzz

    Terraform4D released!

    i made a quick video review of your plugin. hope it drives some more sales your way šŸ™‚
  22. Vozzz

    Terraform4D released!

    Reason i bring up baking, is because octane keeps choking on it if i make it too high res to get the detail. Thought it might work better with normal maps and lower res terrain. so low res plane, displaced, and then high res normal map. Especially if you are doing fly overs and stuff i think would be great for production. Like if there was a button: convert to low res. and Bam, a nice and light asset.
  23. Vozzz

    Terraform4D released!

    awesome. Also, would it be hard to export an image map of the whole terrain map? like a displacement map? Displacement + normal would probably be even more useful. So you could use a lower res mesh. Just thinking out loud šŸ™‚ will look into that export mode!
  24. Vozzz

    Terraform4D released!

    Thats awesome! I remember you had some train rig plugin that a studio i was working for used on a GE project.. damn that was a long time ago.. Yeah i can tell it's a very different tool. I'm trying to achieve the effect you had in your old tool and wondering if we can do that here. The one at 3.05 where you can place the spline and the terrain always matches it's height. seems very useful. Is it possible with your new tool? would also be cool if we could generate vertex maps for use in other renderer, which are based on the various operators.
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