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Everything posted by Vozzz

  1. would be awesome if they made it opensource, so the community could build on it.. And i don't think foundry have any competition in their suite. ( unlike autodesk, which would be shooting itself in the foot if they made xsi opensource).
  2. you should check out chris schmidts video on the particle release, pretty sure it goes over this. I think the "hack" is you need to change the scale of the particles, the pushapart and flock will respect the differences in size. unlike with radius. but don't quote me on that 🙂
  3. That looks awesome! web version i guess will be useful to people outside c4d 🙂 good call!
  4. Vozzz

    Mash 2024 work

    Im looking to buy a chair.. that video is pretty convincing :)) Great work man!
  5. so you want 3 nulls, and you want a circle going through all of them?
  6. Great interview! Always interesting to read about the history of this software that so fundamentally changed my life :)) @PerAnders Thanks for all you have done and created. When i started with c4d, the mograph module just was such a joy to use and learn!
  7. if you have iphone or ipad, c4d has built in face mocap solution. its called "maxon moves" or something. That might work for you
  8. Sometimes it all feels like all this a.i. is trageted at game developers. So that game dev can create infinite worlds, with infinite stories, with infinite characters, interactions etc.. I guess it's time to get into game dev.. 😄
  9. dunno about the rig, but you can switch your interaction method to maya, which is basically the c4d one 🙂
  10. you got to pay attention to generators ( the green ones ). Symmetry, subdiv, cloth etc. since they basically delete the objects below and create new ones ( behind the scenes). So they often override stuff that is solo'd.
  11. i still have an active sub, but they seem to be having some server issues. lots of their stuff is missing images.
  12. I already reported all these issues ( got some responses, they are in the comment under that video) some are fixed, some are limitations.
  13. man, scary accurate. also recently someone pointed out that Ai is very bad at generating hands, clocks and text. Which are the exact things that are always fuzzy if you lucid dream and try to look at any of them!
  14. soory not lines, but Lanes.
  15. looks very cool! can we change the width of the lanes. right now they feel a bit wide.. I dunno if you've played it, but i would check out city skylines and their road mods, the devs and community have put A LOT of thought into building roads 🙂
  16. Insydium has also started their 50% off sale! not sure if i want to stay on maintenance or update now, but at least i got time to think 🙂
  17. Literally just made the page : ) https://ace5studios.com/bf2023/ 50% off all my cinema 4D rigs, no bundles this year. Just make your own bundles : )
  18. wow thanks for making this summary! This looks like perfect material for a cg newsletter 🙂
  19. Nope, it's just manual. 🙂 I just keep having to open a calculator and multiply frame render time by number of frames, and then divide by 60. And i got tired of doing that, so i just made a little null, where i can plug in the numbers and it calculates 🙂
  20. I got tired of using the calculator each time so i made this 🙂 It's super manual. I guess i could add some python code to the xpresso to pull frame range from the scene settings. But I don't know how, so for now this is better than constantly opening a calculator to do it 🙂 https://ace5.gumroad.com/l/rendercalc
  21. Oops, delayed reply, yes they do work with character definitions and mixamo. Except the kids and granny. they don't work well with character definitions, because their proportions differ from standard mocap.
  22. I'd bet my money on Mash's theory. I think it was mostly done offline. not live. the audience got to see a low quality live version. then for broadcast they made the nice rendered version. I think thats what they told simon there in the video anyway.
  23. Hello Everyone! Do you want to animate characters? But hate rigging? I'd like to present Ace5 Studio's various characters. https://shop.ace5studios.com/ Just recently released Melissa, but i don't think i posted my other recent packs here either, so enjoy. You can use MELISSA25 to get 25% off Melissa 🙂 Cheers, Aleksey
  24. i would be very cautious about using cloud storage with your primary email provider. my friend was using icloud and apples email as his primary. And then his card for rejected, or stolen or something, anyway the renewal failed. and he was in hospital or something. so couldn't adress the issue straight away. What happened is the storage got reduced back to the free tier. which results in his email being full. and all new emails bouncing. This made it difficult/impossible to login/recover passwords to many services. bit of a cluster fuck.. gmail i think has the same issue where the storage is shared between email and gdrive.
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