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  1. zeden's post in Redshift post processing effects as a separate pass? was marked as the answer   
    1) Render both "Main" and "Beauty" AOV. Use "subtract" layer mode to control strength of PostFX

    2) The backplate colors being off is an issue I'd like to find a solution as well. Haven't so far. Would do it in Post
  2. zeden's post in Multiple Effector OP on single object? was marked as the answer   
    Works beautifully! Not really intuitive but it's working. Thx!
  3. zeden's post in Where is the "curvature" field ? was marked as the answer   
    Like this? First Tag uses the Object field. Second Tag smoothes the first tag using average modeSmooth_Curvature_Field.c4d
  4. zeden's post in Problem adding a my Mixamo Character to a MIXAMO RIG was marked as the answer   
    You are in the Mixamo.com Take with locked Overrides. Unlock it and it works...but there seem to be a few coordinates issues. It is a bit of an annyoing workflow that C4D puts the Mixamo stuff in a subtake. You always need to chage that first. Maybe create a new scene from the Take in the Take Manager
  5. zeden's post in Redshift VDB Object resize tip/tutorial was marked as the answer   
    Hi Hyyde,
    alternatively you simply go into Object mode? 🙂

  6. zeden's post in Smooth vertices breaks symmetry? was marked as the answer   
    Answer from Blender forum in any case it helps others:
    Symmetry can be lost and so the symmetry mode fails. in that case use "symmetrize" command to reestablish symmetry
  7. zeden's post in Assistance with Collision Deformer -- footprints in snow was marked as the answer   
    real nice animals there. Mocap data right? Where do you get these if I may ask?
    Does something like that help:
  8. zeden's post in Problem transfering keyframed animation between 2 mixamo control rigs. was marked as the answer   
    in the Target Character go to the Character Solver Tag and switch to Controllers instead of Joints. That works? Here it does...
  9. zeden's post in Any idea how this was made? was marked as the answer   
    Ask him? 🙂
  10. zeden's post in C4D : Choose precise size of a UV map was marked as the answer   
    you can make it square and add the ratio as percent values in the cooridnates tab in the uv menue. Manually you can also use the uv transform tools which shows percent scaling as well.
    - Make automatic uv with "packed"
    - If islands are connected select the polys of the outer side and right click -> unstitch uv
    - Hit automatic uv again
    - Right click -> Resize Commads -> Fit Uv to canvas to make it square
    - Go to coordinates tab and insert ratio as percent values (in your case 50%)
    I used the inside wall but the same apllies to outsidec of course

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